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Xalqaro astronavtika federatsiyasi “IAF Emerging Space Leaders” grant dasturini eʼlon qildi!

🤔 2025-yilda Avstraliyaning Sidney shahrida boʻlib oʻtadigan Xalqaro astronavtika federatsiyasining 76-kongressida 100 dan ortiq davlatdan kompaniyalar va 10 mingdan ziyod ekspertlar ishtirok etadi. Ushbu kongressda oʻzbek talabalari va mutaxassislari “IAF Emerging Space Leaders” granti orqali bepul qatnashish imkoniga ega boʻlishlari mumkin.

🗓 Shoshiling, arizalarni qabul qilish 2025-yilning 14-fevral kuniga qadar davom etadi!


The International Astronautical Federation has announced the "IAF Emerging Space Leaders" grant program!

🤔 In 2025, the 76th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation will be held in Sydney, Australia, bringing together companies from over 100 countries and more than 10,000 experts. Uzbek students and specialists will have the opportunity to participate in this congress for free through the "IAF Emerging Space Leaders" grant.

🗓 Hurry up, applications are open until February 14, 2025!

🔸More details

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Aziz yurtdoshlar, qadrli hamkasblar va talaba yoshlar!

Sizlarni kirib kelayotgan 2025-yil bilan samimiy muborakbod etaman!

Yangi yil barchangizga sihat-salomatlik, Davlatimiz ravnaqi yo'lida olib borayotgan mehnatingizga kuch-g‘ayrat va ezgu maqsadlar sari dadil odimlashga ilhom baxsh etib, oilalarimizga tinchlik-xotirjamlik, hayotimizga esa fayz-baraka olib kelsin.

2025-yil qutlug' kelib, har tomonlama omadli va sermahsul yillardan bo'lishini tilab qolaman.

Hurmat bilan, Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti rektori Olimjon To'ychiyev.

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💠 TTPUda xalqaro aloqalarni rivojlantirish sohasida amalga oshirilgan ishlar infografikasi.

💠 Infographic on the work carried out in developing international relations at TTPU.

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🎉 December TTPU Rector's Olympiad o'z nihoyasiga yetdi!

Toshkent shahridagi Turin Politexnika Universiteti tomonidan o‘tkazilgan "December TTPU Rector's Olympiad" yakuniga yetdi! Matematika va Ingliz tili fanlaridan bo'lib o‘tgan onlayn olimpiadada ishtirokchilar o‘z mahoratini namoyish etdi va natijada quyidagi g‘oliblar aniqlandi:

📚 Matematika fani bo‘yicha:
🥇 1-o‘rin: Zeboxon Farhodova (500,000 UZS)
🥈 2-o‘rin: Tohirjon Farhodov (300,000 UZS)
🥉 3-o‘rin: Javohir Oydinov (200,000 UZS)

📖 Ingliz tili fani bo‘yicha:
🥇 1-o‘rin: Jahongir Shaxobov (500,000 UZS)
🥈 2-o‘rin: Munisa Sobirova (300,000 UZS)
🥉 3-o‘rin: Abdulloh Omonov (200,000 UZS)

Olimpiada davomida barcha ishtirokchilar platformasida onlayn tarzda bilimlarini sinovdan o‘tkazishdi. Ushbu bellashuv nafaqat o‘quvchilarning intellektual salohiyatini oshirishga, balki ularga o‘z kuchlariga bo‘lgan ishonchni mustahkamlashga yordam berdi.

👏 G‘oliblarni samimiy tabriklaymiz!
Barcha ishtirokchilar va ularning ustozlariga minnatdorchilik bildiramiz.

Kelgusida ham shu kabi onlayn olimpiadalar davom etadi. Bizni kuzatishda davom eting. bilan bilimingizni oshiring va siz ham g‘olib bo‘lish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

The December TTPU Rector's Olympiad has concluded!

The December TTPU Rector's Olympiad, organized by Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, has concluded! Participants demonstrated their skills in Mathematics and English during the online competition, and the following winners have been announced:

📚 Mathematics:
🥇 1st place: Zeboxon Farhodova (500,000 UZS)
🥈 2nd place: Tohirjon Farhodov (300,000 UZS)
🥉 3rd place: Javohir Oydinov (200,000 UZS)

📖 English:
🥇 1st place: Jahongir Shaxobov (500,000 UZS)
🥈 2nd place: Munisa Sobirova (300,000 UZS)
🥉 3rd place: Abdulloh Omonov (200,000 UZS)

All participants tested their knowledge online via the platform during the Olympiad. This competition not only helped enhance students' intellectual potential but also boosted their confidence in their abilities.

👏 We sincerely congratulate the winners! We also extend our gratitude to all participants and their mentors.

Similar online Olympiads will continue in the future. Stay tuned, improve your knowledge with, and don’t miss your chance to become a winner!

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▶️Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti “Mashinasozlik texnologiyasi va aviakosmik muhandisligi” kafedrasi o'qituvchisi va doktoranti Abdivakhidova Nodira "Dunyo bo'ylab" telekanali "Поколение Next" ko'rsatuvi nigohida.⬇️

▶️Nodira Abdivakhidova, teacher and PhD student of the "Mechanical Engineering Technology and Aerospace Engineering" department at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is in the spotlight of the "Поколение NEXT" program on the "Dunyo bo'ylab" TV channel.⬇️

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🔺Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida Universitetning kengaytirilgan kengash yig'ilishi bo'lib o'tdi


🔺A meeting of the extended University Council was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent

More info

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🔺Joriy yilning 20-25-dekabr kunlari davomida Turkiya davlatining Istanbul shahrida “O‘zbek ayollarining huquqlarini himoya qilish jamiyati” tomonidan “Yil ayoli-2024” tanlovining taqdirlash marosimi bo‘lib o‘tdi.

Mazkur tadbirda, tanlovda g'olib bo'lgan oliy taʼlim muassasalarining 8 nafar Xotin-qizlar maslahat kengashi raislari, xususan, Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti Xotin-qizlar maslahat kengashi raisi Fariza Nabixanova ham Ilm-fan bo‘yicha eng faol YIL AYOLI deb topilib, maxsus statuetka va diplom bilan taqdirlandi.

Fariza Nabixanovani ushbu yutuqlari bilan qutlab, kelgusi faoliyatlarida omad va zafarlar tilab qolamiz!

During December 20-25 of this year, the awarding ceremony of the "Woman of the Year-2024" selection was held by the "Society for the Protection of Uzbek Women's Rights" in Istanbul, Turkey.

🔺In the event, the chairwomen of the Women's Advisory Councils from 8 higher education institutions, who were winners of the competition, were honored. Notably, Fariza Nabikhanova, the Chairwoman of the Women's Advisory Council at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, was recognized as the most active WOMAN OF THE YEAR in the field of science and was awarded a special statuette and diploma.

We congratulate Fariza Nabikhanova on this achievement and wish her continued success and triumphs in her future endeavors!

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🔺Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida talabalar orasida sog‘lom turmush tarzini targ‘ib qilish va jamoaviy ruhni mustahkamlash maqsadida “Armrestling” sport turi bo'yicha musobaqasi o‘tkazildi.

Unda 60, 65, 75, 85 kg vazn toifalari bo'yicha 50 dan ziyod talaba yoshlar ishtirok etib, o'zlarining kuch, iroda va mahoratlarini namoyon etdilar.

➡️Musobaqa natijasini ko'rish

🔺At Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, an arm wrestling competition was held to promote a healthy lifestyle among students and strengthen team spirit.

More than 50 students participated, showcasing their strength, determination, and skills in the 60, 65, 75 and 85 kilogram weight categories.

➡️View competition results

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🔺TTPU talabalari uchun Qishloq xo'jaligi texnikasi va texnologiyalarini sertifikatlash va sinash markaziga ekskursiya tashkil etildi

Joriy yilning 23-dekabr kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti "Mashinasozlik muhandisligi" yo'nalishi 4-kurs talabalari dotsent Po‘latov T.R. rahbarligida “Testing Agricultural Techniques and Technologies” fani doirasida Qishloq xo‘jalik texnikasi va texnologiyalarini sertifikatsiyalash va sinash markaziga tashrif buyurdi.

Mazkur ekskursiya davomida talabalar mahalliy va xorijiy agrotexnika vositalarini texnik sinovdan o‘tkazish va sertifikatlash jarayonlari hamda markazning faoliyati bilan yaqindan tanishdilar. Shuningdek, soha mutaxassislaridan o'zlarining qiziqtirgan savollariga batafsil javob olib, dars jarayonida olingan bilimlarini mustahkamlash imkoniyatiga ega bo'ldilar.

🔺A Field Trip was organized for Students of TTPU to the Center for certification and testing of agricultural machinery and technologies

On December 23 of this year, fourth-year students of the "Mechanical Engineering" program at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, led by Associate Professor T.R. Pulatov, visited the Center for certification and testing of agricultural machinery and technologies as part of the course “Testing Agricultural Techniques and Technologies”.

During this excursion, the students became familiar with the processes of technical testing and certification of local and foreign agricultural machinery and the activities of the center. Additionally, they had the opportunity to receive detailed answers to their questions from industry specialists, thereby reinforcing the knowledge gained during their studies.

#MAE #MAEkafedrasi #DIMEAS #TTPU

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🔺TTPU talabalari diqqatiga!

Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti "December TTPU Rector's Olympiad" olimpiadasini e'lon qiladi.

Musobaqa 27-29-dekabr kunlari Matematika va Ingliz tili fanlaridan quyidagi bosqichlarda o'tkaziladi:
🔘Onlayn test sinovlari (50 minut)
🔘Eng yaxshi ishtirokchilar uchun final (50 minut)

Olimpiada platformasida to'liq onlayn formatda bo'lib o'tadi.

💰Matematika fanidan TOP 3 ishtirokchilariga mukofot:
1-o'rin: 500,000 UZS
2-o'rin: 300,000 UZS
3-o'rin: 200,000 UZS

💰Ingliz tili fanidan TOP 3 ishtirokchilariga mukofot:
1-o'rin: 500,000 UZS
2-o'rin: 300,000 UZS
3-o'rin: 200,000 UZS

🗓 Ro'yxatdan o'tish so'nggi muddati: 2024-yil 27-dekabr, 12:00

Imkoniyatni qo‘ldan boy bermang – o‘z mahoratingizni namoyish qiling va ajoyib mukofotlarni qo‘lga kiriting! 🎯

🔺Attention TTPU Students!

Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent is excited to announce the "December TTPU Rector's Olympiad".

The competition will take place from December 27 to 29 in Mathematics and English through the following stages:
🔘Online test exams (50 minutes)
🔘Final round for top participants (50 minutes)

The Olympiad will be conducted entirely online via the platform.

💰 Prizes for the TOP 3 participants in Mathematics:
1st place: 500,000 UZS
2nd place: 300,000 UZS
3rd place: 200,000 UZS

💰 Prizes for the TOP 3 participants in English:
1st place: 500,000 UZS
2nd place: 300,000 UZS
3rd place: 200,000 UZS

🗓 Registration deadline: December 27, 2024, 12:00 PM

Don’t miss out – showcase your skills and win amazing prizes! 🎯

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🔺Endilikda "Vinder School" o'quv markazida TTPU va uning qo'shma IT fakulteti-AKITAga kirish imtihonini topshirishingiz mumkin

✔️ "O'zbekiston o'quv markazlari forumi" doirasida Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti va Namangan viloyatidagi "Vinder School" o'quv markazi o'rtasida o'zaro hamkorlik memorandumi imzolandi. Unga ko'ra Namanganlik yoshlar o'zlarining hududlarini tark etmay, Universitet va AKITA kirish imtihonlarini uchbu o'quv markazida topshirib, TTPU va AKITA talabalari qatorida bo'lishlari mumkin.

Mazkur hamkorlik ikki tomonlama taraqqiyot va ta'lim sifati rivoji yoʻlidagi yana bir qadamdir.

🔺Now you can take the entrance exams for TTPU and its joint IT faculty-AKITA, at "Vinder School" education center

✔️As part of the "Uzbekistan Educational Centers Forum", a Memorandum of Cooperation was signed between the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the Vinder School education center in the Namangan region. According to the memorandum, young people from Namangan can take the University and AKITA entrance exams at this educational center without leaving their region and become students of TTPU and AKITA.

This cooperation is another step towards bilateral development and the development of the quality of education.

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13 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.