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🗣Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti va O‘zbekiston Badiiy Akademiyasi hamkorligida yoshlar o‘rtasida milliy va umuminsoniliylik qadriyatlarni shakllantirish, yoshlar o‘rtasida o‘zbek xalqining boy madaniy me‘rosini asrab avaylashni targ‘ib qilish maqsadida o‘tkazilayotgan "Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida "Amaliy san'at namunalari", "Milliy liboslar podiumi" ko‘rgazmasi hamda Milliy navolardan iborat madaniy-ma'rifiy tadbir bo‘lib o‘tdi.

🔹Tadbir O‘zbekiston davlat Filarmoniyasi G‘anijon Toshmatov nomidagi Dutorchilar ansambli ijrosidagi go‘zal kuy-qo‘shiqlar bilan boshlandi. Tadbir davomida Respublika ixtisoslashtirilgan Dizayn maktabi ijodkor yoshlari tomonidan "Osiyo milliy liboslar ko‘rgazmasi" namoyishi o‘tkazildi.

Madaniy-ma'rifiy tadbir universitetda tashkil etilgan Musiqa klubi a'zosi, 1-bosqich talabasi Shosaidov Javohir ijrosidagi milliy mumtoz ashula bilan yakunlandi.

As part of the "National Values Week", organized in collaboration between Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the Art of Academy of Uzbekistan, a cultural-educational event was held featuring exhibitions of "Samples of Applied Arts" and "National Costume Runway", as well as performances of traditional melodies.

🔺The event began with beautiful musical performances by the instrumentalists and vocalists of the Ganijon Toshmatov Ensemble of Dutar Players from the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan. This was followed by a showcase of nearly twenty national costumes created by talented youth from the Republican Specialized Art School, presented in the "Asian National Costume Exhibition".

🔹The event began with beautiful melodies and songs performed by the "Dutorchilar" ensemble named after Ganijon Toshmatov. During the event, the "Asian National Costume Exhibition" was presented, showcasing works by the creative youth of the Republican Specialized Art School.

The cultural-educational event concluded with a performance of a classical Uzbek song by Javohir Shosaidov, a first-year student and member of the University's Music Club.

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🗣Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti bakalavr talabalari diqqatiga!

2025-yil uchun Yaponiyaning "Global menejment" dasturida ishtirok etish imkoniyatini qo‘ldan boy bermang!

🔹Global Management Program (GMP) – bu 6 kunlik intensiv kurs bo‘lib, unda ishtirokchilar moda va chakana savdo sohasida xalqaro biznes yetakchilari bilan uchrashadilar. Dastur sizning global chakana savdo sektori haqidagi bilimlaringizni oshiradi va karyerangizga kuchli zamin yaratadi.

Yaponiyaga ikki tomonlama aviachiptalar;
Mehmonxona xarajatlari va sug‘urta;
Viza jarayonlarida yordam;
Kurs yakunida xalqaro sertifikat.

🗓 Hujjat topshirish muddati: 2025-yil 14-fevral.

🔹Qabul qilinadigan davlatlar: barcha mamlakatlar.
🔹 Davomiyligi: 6 kun.
🔹 Vaqti va joyi: 2025-yil 27-iyuldan 1-avgustgacha, Fast Retailing kompaniyasining Tokiodagi global shtab-kvartirasi.


🗣Attention, bachelor students of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent!

🔹The Global Management Program (GMP) is an intensive 6-day course that connects students with global business leaders in the fashion and retail sectors. This program will expand your knowledge of the global retail industry and provide valuable experience for your career.

Round-trip airfare to Japan;
Covered accommodation and insurance;
Visa support;
International certificate upon completion.

🗓 Application deadline: February 14, 2025.

🔹Eligible countries: All countries.
🔹Duration: 6 days.
🔹Dates and Location: July 27 to August 1, 2025, at Fast Retailing’s global headquarters in Tokyo.

🔸More detailed

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🔺Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti tyutori N.Ikromov tomonidan "Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida Arxitektura va Dizayn yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun atoqli kulol-usta, O‘zbekiston xalq rassomi, tadqiqotchi-olim Muhitdin Rahimov tarixiy uy muzeyiga ekskursiya uyushtirildi.

Ekskursiya davomida talabalar Muhitdin Rahimovning hayoti va ijodiy faoliyati, qolaversa, muzeyda joylashgan qadimgi kulolchilik san'atini qayta tiklash bo‘yicha tadqiqot loyihalari, arxeologik sopol material namunalari, me’moriy kulolchilikning an'anaviy bezak usullari, zaruriy xom ashyolardan foydalangan holda yaltiroq jilo berib ishlangan kompozitsiyalar bilan yaqindan tanishishdi.

🔺As part of the "National Values Week", an excursion to the historic house-museum of the renowned ceramic master, People's Artist of Uzbekistan and researcher Muhitdin Rahimov was organized for students of the Architecture and Design program by N.Ikromov, a tutor at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent.

During the excursion, students had the opportunity to learn about Muhitdin Rahimov's life and creative work, as well as explore the museum's exhibits, which included research projects on the restoration of ancient ceramic art, samples of archaeological ceramic materials, traditional decorative techniques in architectural ceramics, and compositions made with glossy finishes using essential raw materials.

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🗣 Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti va O‘zbekiston Badiiy Akademiyasi hamkorligida yoshlar o‘rtasida milliy va umuminsoniliylik qadriyatlarni shakllantirish, yoshlar o‘rtasida o‘zbek xalqining boy madaniy me‘rosini asrab avaylashni targ‘ib qilish maqsadida o‘tkazilayotgan "Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida "Amaliy san'at namunalari", "Milliy liboslar podiumi" ko‘rgazmasi hamda Milliy navolardan iborat madaniy-ma'rifiy tadbir o‘tkaziladi.

🗓 13-fevral
📍 TTPU, Konferensiyalar zali

📢 Milliylik aks etuvchi ushbu tadbirga barcha talaba yoshlarni taklif etamiz.

"Yurtni sevish, uning sha'ni va qadriyatlarini himoya qilish — bu har bir insonning farzidir."

✍️ Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur

🗣As part of the "National Values Week" ,organized jointly by the Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent and the Academy of Arts of Uzbekistan, an exhibition titled "Samples of Applied Arts" and "National Costume Runway" will be held, along with a cultural and educational event featuring traditional Uzbek melodies. The event aims to instill national and universal values among youth and promote the preservation of the rich cultural heritage of the Uzbek people.

🗓 February 13
📍 TTPU, Conference Hall

📢 We invite all students to participate in this event, which reflects the essence of national identity.

"To love one's homeland and protect its honor and values is the duty of every individual."

✍️ Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur

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⏳Joriy yilning 11-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida "Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida mutafakkir shoir, g‘azal mulkining sultoni, davlat va jamiyat arbobi Alisher Navoiy tavalludining 584 yilligi hamda shoh va shoir, tarixchi, geograf, davlat arbobi Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur tavalludining 542 yilligi munosabati bilan maʼnaviy-maʼrifiy tadbir o‘tkazildi.

Tadbir universitet 3-bosqich talabalari tomonidan Navoiy va Bobur g‘azallari o‘qilgan videolavha bilan boshlandi. Tadbir davomida Muqimiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston davlat musiqali teatr direktor o‘rinbosari, aktyor, Madaniyat va san'at fidokori ko‘krak nishoni sohibi Xayrulla Inog‘omov spektakllardan parchalar ijro etib berdi.

Badiiy kecha O‘zbekiston davlat Filarmoniyasi G‘anijon Toshmatov nomidagi Dutorchilar ansambli ijrosidagi milliy mumtoz ashular bilan yakunlandi.

⏳ On February 11 of this year, a spiritual and educational event was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent as part of the "Week of National Values". The event was dedicated to the 584th anniversary of the birth of the great poet, sultan of the ghazal genre, statesman and public figure Alisher Navoi, as well as the 542nd anniversary of the birth of the king, poet, historian, geographer and statesman Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.

The event began with a video presentation of Navoi and Babur's ghazals performed by third-year university students. During the program, Deputy Director of the Muqimi State Musical Theater of Uzbekistan, actor, and recipient of the Culture and Art Devotee badge Hayrulla Inogomov, performed excerpts from theatrical productions.

The artistic evening concluded with performances of traditional classical songs by the Ghanijon Toshmatov Dutar Ensemble from the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan.

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🤔Sizni tajribali IT-loyiha menejeri, sertifikatlangan Scrum Master, Gruziyadagi Agile Schoolning asoschisi va bosh direktori Aleks Gijashvili tomonidan "Agile nima va nima uchun Agile eng mashhur yondashuv hisoblanadi?" mavzusidagi mehmon ma’ruzasiga taklif etamiz.

Tadbir davomida Agile va Scrum yondashuvlarining afzalliklari, zamonaviy IT boshqaruv tendensiyalari va samaradorlikka erishish yo‘llari haqida batafsil ma‘lumot beriladi. Bu siz uchun o‘z sohangizda yangi bilimlar va amaliy ko‘nikmalarni egallash uchun noyob imkoniyatdir!

🗓Sana: 14-fevral, soat 15:00
📍Joyi: TTPU, Yellow Hall


🤔We invite you to a guest lecture by experienced IT project manager, certified Scrum Master, founder and CEO of Agile School in Georgia, Alex Gijashvili, on the topic: "What is Agile and why is Agile considered the most popular approach?"

During the event, you will gain valuable insights into the benefits of Agile and Scrum, modern trends in IT management, and strategies to achieve efficiency in project execution. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to expand your knowledge and practical skills in the field.

🗓Date: February 14, 3:00 PM
📍Venue: TTPU, Yellow Hall

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🔺Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universiteti olima ayollari nufuzli forumda taqdirlandi

Kuni kecha poytaxtimizning Xilton mehmonxonasida O‘zbekiston olima ayollar forumi bo‘lib o‘tdi. Unda Prezident yordamchisi Saida Mirziyoyeva ishtirok etib, ilm-fan sohasiga o‘z hissasini qo‘shib kelayotgan xotin-qizlarni qutladi.

🏆 Tadbirda davlat ilmiy dasturlari doirasidagi grant sohibalari bo‘lgan olima ayollarga sertifikatlar topshirildi.

🎉Quvonarlisi, Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetining olima ayollari professor-o‘qituvchilari ham grant sohibalari sifatida sertifikatlar bilan taqdirlandi:
🟢Tabiiy va matematika fanlari kafedrasi dotsenti, DSc Ismailova Oksana Baxtiyarovna;
🟢Mashinasozlik va aviakosmik muhandisligi kafedrasi dotsenti, DSc Yaxshilikova Gulnora Shermuhammad qizi.

🔺Women scientists of TTPU were awarded at a prestigious forum

Recently, the Forum of Women Scientists of Uzbekistan was held at the Hilton Hotel in Tashkent. Presidential Assistant Saida Mirziyoyeva participated in it and congratulated the women who have been contributing to the field of science.

🏆At the event, certificates were awarded to female scientists who received grants within the framework of state scientific programs.

🎉It is gratifying that a group of professors and teachers of Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent were also awarded certificates as grant holders:
🟢Associate Professor of the Department of Natural and Mathematical Sciences, DSc Ismailova Oksana Bakhtiyarovna;
🟢Associate Professor of the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, DSc Yaxshilikova Gulnora Shermuhammad qizi.

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🔺TTPU Talabalar Ittifoqi (Students' Union) prezidentligiga saylov natijasini e'lon qiladi

Joriy yilning 12-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida Talabalar Ittifoqi (Students' Union) prezidentligiga saylov o'tkazildi.

Unda quyidagi nomzodlarga jami 203 nafar Universitet xodimlari va talaba yoshlar ishtirok etib, o'z ovozlarini berdilar:
🔵Qoriyev Ayubxon Aziz o‘g‘li – "Dasturiy ta’minot muhandisligi" yo‘nalishi, 3-bosqich talabasi
🔵Mirzaqulov Yusuf Isroil o‘g‘li – "Mashinasozlik muhandisligi" yo‘nalishi, 2-bosqich talabasi
🔵Yusupov Diyor Abdumalikovich – "Biznes boshqaruvi magistri - MBA" yo‘nalishi, 1-bosqich magistranti
🔵Imomaliyeva Shaxlo Usvali qizi – "Biznes boshqaruvi" yo‘nalishi, 3-bosqich talabasi

⬆️Saylov natijasini taqdim etilgan infografikadan batafsil bilib olishingiz mumkin.

🔺 TTPU announces the results of the Students' Union presidential election

On February 12, 2025, Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent held elections for the Students' Union presidential election.

A total of 203 university staff and students participated, casting their votes for the following candidates:
🔵Qoriyev Ayubkhon Aziz ugli – 3rd-year student of "Software Engineering"
🔵Mirzaqulov Yusuf Isroil ugli – 2nd-year student of "Mechanical Engineering"
🔵Yusupov Diyor Abdumalikovich – 1st-year master's student of "Master of Business Administration"
🔵Imomaliyeva Shakhlo Usvali kizi – 3rd-year student of "Business Management"

⬆️ You can view the detailed election results in the provided infographic.

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