⏳Joriy yilning 11-fevral kuni Toshkent shahridagi Turin politexnika universitetida
"Milliy qadriyatlar haftaligi" doirasida mutafakkir shoir, g‘azal mulkining sultoni, davlat va jamiyat arbobi
Alisher Navoiy tavalludining
584 yilligi hamda shoh va shoir, tarixchi, geograf, davlat arbobi
Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur tavalludining
542 yilligi munosabati bilan maʼnaviy-maʼrifiy tadbir o‘tkazildi.
Tadbir universitet 3-bosqich talabalari tomonidan Navoiy va Bobur g‘azallari o‘qilgan videolavha bilan boshlandi. Tadbir davomida Muqimiy nomidagi O‘zbekiston davlat musiqali teatr direktor o‘rinbosari, aktyor, Madaniyat va san'at fidokori ko‘krak nishoni sohibi Xayrulla Inog‘omov spektakllardan parchalar ijro etib berdi.
Badiiy kecha O‘zbekiston davlat Filarmoniyasi G‘anijon Toshmatov nomidagi Dutorchilar ansambli ijrosidagi milliy mumtoz ashular bilan yakunlandi.
⏳ On February 11 of this year, a spiritual and educational event was held at Turin Polytechnic University in Tashkent as part of the
"Week of National Values". The event was dedicated to the
584th anniversary of the birth of the great poet, sultan of the ghazal genre, statesman and public figure
Alisher Navoi, as well as the
542nd anniversary of the birth of the king, poet, historian, geographer and statesman
Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur.
The event began with a video presentation of Navoi and Babur's ghazals performed by third-year university students. During the program, Deputy Director of the Muqimi State Musical Theater of Uzbekistan, actor, and recipient of the Culture and Art Devotee badge
Hayrulla Inogomov, performed excerpts from theatrical productions.
The artistic evening concluded with performances of traditional classical songs by the Ghanijon Toshmatov Dutar Ensemble from the State Philharmonic of Uzbekistan.
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