Parviz's path | SAT 1600

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Telegram

⚡️The story of a young man with BIG dreams...
👨‍💻I mainly post on
- IELTS tips
- SAT strategies
- personal reflections
- language learning
- gym shots
🏫Founder of Pinnacle School @pinnacle_schooI
👨‍🎓Colby Class of 2029
SAT|1600 IELTS|8.5

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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According to some, this Y brings war and conflict 😂.
Believe me, the most innocent part of us comes from Y 🙂

What do you think?

Ladies tent to be more gentle (and display more girlish emotions), while men are hardwired to be more rude (and showcase more boyish emotions). Or is that a stereotype?

1k 0 2 17 40

What is the right answer?
  •   A
  •   B
  •   C
  •   D
185 ta ovoz

Within me dwells a quiet storm,
A fire that shifts from soft to warm.
Depths unseen, not all can find,
A world that mirrors heart and mind.

Not every hand can hold this flame,
For precious things aren’t touched by shame.

What's a good idea? 💭

It's the one that the majority disregard 😤. That's a powerful realization⚡️. Why?

Let me break it down: if you ever come up with an idea and want to check if it got the bright prospects, share it with your friends. Rather than seeking their confirmation, pay attention to the degree of their criticism.

The more negative their take on this proposal is, the crazier it is. And only crazy ideas take off 🛸.

Do we have coffee shops providing cold-brewed coffee in Uzbekistan? How about in Bukhara?

Source: Paul Graham Essays


1.6k 0 13 3 158

March SAT will be a slap in the face 🫢

🤖With the College Board's updated algorithm in place, you're not able to earn extra undeserved points through correct guesses. How 🤔?

💻Now the algorithm is well-informed of the problems' difficulty and the average duration of a solution and is trained to compare it to your solution time. In other words, it might tell if you reached the correct answer through a step-by-step solution or luckily landed on the right option🎯.

In light of these updates, you should keep the following in mind✔️:

1️⃣Even if you've done a similar question before or are a speed puzzler 🏎, do not rush through a question: spend a reasonable amount of time before moving to the next problem (30-45 sec at least).

2️⃣ While running out of time😱, do not pick an option without giving a problem full read. Otherwise, your fast pick will be detected to be a guess, so you won't be given extra points even for the correct option picked.

In short, even though you're sometimes left to guess due to time constraints or question difficulty, do it in a thoughtful manner, allocating a sufficient amount of time otherwise needed to solve a question.

No luck, March-takers‼️

[This post is based on my experiments with Bluebook Practice Tests.]

2.9k 1 155 61 81

Some picturesque photos taken by my Nepalese 1:1 student

I can feel how Nepal's breathtaking view is convincing me to make travel arrangements ✈️ 🇳🇵

You can't be lucky on the SAT - at least anymore...

More about it in the upcoming post 👇

2.4k 0 14 23 93

Hey, World!

I am on my knees in front of you, asking you not to be naive. At times, your opponent might agree on a compromise but only to regain their power and strike back.

From my boxing observations...

4k 0 8 13 96

Where are my Apple glasses 😎 ?


🚨Having been subject to impersonation twice, I decided to make a short post that helps you distinguish between me and other fake accounts:

1. I NEVER create different public channels and offer services there; everything regarding our SAT programs will be shared on my main channel (@path_by_parviz) and will only be reposted to the school channel @pinnacle_schooI.

2. I NEVER sell leaks, neither for March exam nor for any future exams, and for that manner, I never DM you personally, advertising our program. Only our admin might respond back to you or share the program info, if you filled out the admission google forms.

3. I NEVER respond back to professional messages through my personal account, let alone initiating the conversation first.

4. I NEVER share with you any links to private channels, group chats, websites; instead, our admin reaches out to you with a comprehensive admission post once you get admitted to our new intakes.

5. I NEVER recommend you to buy any leaks or rely on unofficial sources under any circumstances.

If you ever witness anyone doing that under my name, you can be 100% sure that it is a fake account (impersonation).

Any other channel other than mine (@path_by_parviz) doesn't share my perspective. Please, do not fall into these scammers!

Hey, everyone.

I am here with bad news again. Scammers are making money on my name. They launched the channel named yourparvizsat1600 (which is similar to my Insta profile (not TG)) and selling leaks. Please, do not fall into these traps, and be aware that academic integrity is above all.

That was my duty to inform you of that!

👨‍💻March test-takers,

I want you to stay on your toes because these changes will be reflected on the real exam: the new structure, question types, concepts, and traps might be implemented.

The main reason why College Board constantly modifies the test structure is to prevent inflated scores. In other words, some applicants start mastering the SAT's games over time by route memorizing its traps and tricks.

As a result, these students earn more points not because they've honed critical thinking skills (verbal and quantitative). Rather, they're able to take their score due to the test familiarity. In short, their results do not accurately demonstrate their competence.

To minimize it, College Board employs new tricks and traps and diversifies its toolkit, which means that only those who focused on the basics (grammar/foundational math/reading comprehension) are able to ace the test, while those swimming in shallow waters end up with their deserved scores.

The bottom line is, no matter how revolutionary changes are, you should improve your basics to pass the exam at any point in the future.

Good luck 🍀

More detailed perspective will be shared once new Bluebook practice tests are added!

3.1k 0 30 15 56

Seems like something big is coming in the morning

🇺🇿Vatan himoyachilari kuni bilan🇺🇿

🔫 de_dust2 bazadagi barcha quroldoshlarga, salom

Drop your top 5 most difficult SAT math questions you know.

We'll select the most challenging and tricky ones and create a video explanation 👇👇👇

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.