Ozodbek Botiraliev

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

“Allah doesn't burden a soul beyond that it can bear.”
This channel is run by @ozodbek_sk.

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Me: Why aren’t I posting on this channel?

Me reads the comments: Oh, now I see why.

Arab tilidan C2 qachon olamiz?)

2.4k 0 0 30 129

You deactivate social media for one whole week.

Who is going to remember you first? Take care of that person.

8k 0 30 47 232

I often debate my friends and teachers at university about different topics in Islam. These debates are very thought-provoking and I end up learning something new every time.

However, nothing ever comes out of my interactions with the grand scholars who have learned our religion by watching reels on Instagram.

They always know everything better than anyone else.

8.2k 0 12 19 162

The ability to play chess is the sign of a gentleman. The ability to play chess well is the sign of a wasted life.

– Paul Morphy

7.8k 0 34 40 278

A Queen's sacrifice, even when fairly obvious, always rejoices the heart of the chess-lover.

7.2k 0 7 24 123

To really grow your channel, you must grow yourself first.

Think about the most followed people on social media: Ronaldo on Instagram, Musk on X, et al.

5.9k 0 6 13 103

ULUL ALBAB - The People of Intellect dan repost
Telegram kanalimni qanday yuritay? #youasked

1. Niyatni to'g'rilang. Qalbga qarang. Tanilish, obunachi ko'paytirish, reklamadan pul ishlash uchunmas, Alloh uchun, U yo'lida.

2. Yo'nalishni tanlang. Nimada yaxshisiz? Qaysi sohada tajribaliroqsiz? Nima haqida yozishga erinmaysiz?
Maqsadni aniqlang. Kanal siz uchun nima? Hayot-mamotmi, shunchaki zavqmi, kundalikmi, burchingizmi?

3. Kontent sifati. Mazmunli, dunyo va oxirat uchun foydali, ibratli, amaliy, tajribada o'tgan narsalarni yozing. Lag'v tarqatmang.

4. O'zingizga gapiring. Birovdan oldin nasihat-maslahatlar o'zingizga bo'lsin. Shundagina kanalingiz sizni ham o'stiradi.

5. Obunachilar vaqtini qadrlang. Kanalingizdan kelgan xabarni ochishlari, o'qishlari ulardan vaqt va e'tibor talab qiladi. Shunga arziydigan narsa ulashing.

6. Chegarani aniqlang. Qanday postlar qilmaslik, qaysi mavzularni yoritmaslik, qaysi chegarada to'xtashni bilib oling.

7. Rejali yo tasodifiy yuritasizmi, bu sizga va maqsadingizga bog'liq.

8. O'zingiz yoqtirib, kuzatadigan 5ta kanalni tahlil qiling. O'zaro uyg'unliklari nima? Media balansi, matn, uslublarini tahlil qiling.

Bu birlamchilari edi. Qanday kanal yuritmaslik haqida bu yerda. Kanalingiz qadriyatlariz ko'zgusiligini unutmang.


Imagine interviewing a lung cancer doctor and advertising cigarettes in that interview.

6k 0 5 7 229

Биттаси Аброр Мухтор Алини подкастга чакириб, суғуртани реклама қилапти.


If you want to overcome the world, overcome yourself.

– Fyodor Dostoyevsky


6.3k 1 28 8 214

I will accept 5 more students for this intensive writing course.


6.4k 0 3 29 206

Mood Swings dan repost
January was a free trial; I’m starting 2025 from February.


6.3k 0 14 25 198

We’re going to cover both Task 1 & Task 2.

The lessons will be held on Mon / Wed / Fri, at 21:00.

I will personally check and give feedback on your homework.

Online Intensive Writing Course:

Minimum requirement: B2 - C1 level of English

✅ 12 live sessions
✅ feedback on 12 essays
✅ recorded lessons for ALL questions types

Mode: Online
Joining fee: 250,000 UZS
Start date: February 3

Instructor: (IELTS 9.0, Writing 8.0)

To sign up, contact @courses_sk

Кимда метрони жетони бор?

Super-intensive writing course?

200-250k price range?
Live and recorded lessons?
Easy and effective approaches?

Who says no?

The Hub | Cram school dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


Date: 26th January
Time: 10:00
Fee: 50.000 UZS

📍Location: The Hub | IELTS Cram School, Novza Subway Station

Mock Testimiz 8.5-9.0 ga ega bo’lgan Instructorlar/Expertlar tomonidan olib boriladi!

⬇️Mock Examda qatnashish uchun quyidagi so’rovnomani to’ldiring👇


❗️Mock testimizga to’lov qilish uchun @thehub_admin ga yozing! To’lov qilganigizdan keyingina candidate number ga ega bo’lasiz!

Today, I got 9.0 on Writing, but in my dream.

6k 0 1 25 256
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.