Ozodbek's IELTS

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

A sinful slave of a forgiving Master.
BA in Islamic Studies (Arabic C1)
Co-founder of Supernova LC
IELTS Instructor since 2017
L9 R9 W8 S9 (x2)
Don’t expect useful content after 10pm.

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Mood Swings dan repost
Bir kichik uying bo'lsa. Quyosh nuri tushib turadigon va gullar bilan o'ralgan. Unga yo'lni faqat sevganlaring bilsa.

Ayman Yog'iy


1.8k 0 23 10 146

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Kimdur ko’rdimi o’zi podkastni?

Please stop complaining about the quality of the video.

It’s either this or no podcast at all. 😅

Listening Marathon, Day 2️⃣

1) Practice questions
2) Transcribing
3) Ted-ED (vitamins)

“The magic you’re looking for is in the work you’re avoiding.”


4k 0 33 27 171

It costs $0.00 to comment under my posts.

4.3k 1 3 43 217

IELTS 8.5 Routine.pdf
Study Plan for IELTS 8.5

8.2k 4 770 7 107


4.3k 0 20 19 257

Ozodbek Botiraliev dan repost
Describe a time you went to a crowded place.


Anybody can make a good thumbnail for the podcast?

A close friend of mine used to always say, "Когда у меня будет своя тачка, я буду катать на ней тех друзей, которые ходили со мной пешком".

That made so much sense.

4.5k 0 15 19 186

If we hit 8k subs tonight, I will upload the full podcast.

4.9k 0 2 27 109


5.2k 0 15 9 343

Dear IELTS takers,

Please stop using the word “approximately” in your speaking. It sounds crazy unnatural. Here's a few, MUCH BETTER alternatives:

1) close to
2) roughly
3) about

e.g. I've been working as a teacher for close to 10 years now.


5.3k 0 79 22 210

after this podcast, I got 9.0 in Speaking two times.

5.3k 0 7 12 157

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
How to get 9.0 in Speaking | Samira Saidova


9.3k 2 269 36 141

Get married with IELTS.

5.4k 1 25 21 251

Study Plan for Band 9.0

1) Read 5 - 10 articles from serious publications such as The Economist;

2) Read 40 - 60 pages of non-fiction books such as Thinking Fast & Slow

3) Listen to 1 - 2 serious podcasts of Lex Friedman, Andrew Huberman, or somebody of their caliber.

4) Do one Reading Passage with in-depth analysis daily.

5) Take regular MOCK tests.

6) Write five Task 2 essays and two Task 1 reports weekly.

7) Practice all the questions in the Speaking Assistant App.

😍 Get regular feedback from Band 9.0 holders such as Ulugbek, myself, and others.

9) Immerse yourself in English as much as possible.

10) See dreams in English.

P.S. There isn't much emphasis on Listening, but make sure you consistently get 8.0+ in this section too.

More posts are coming to address other parts of IELTS prep.


5.7k 1 407 24 124
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.