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A simple rhetorical question from the Quran, and you rethink your entire life.

"So where are you going?"

blundered my Queen and won the game)))

life is good now)

20 yoshimda tushunganimda edi dan repost

Maqsad qo’ymasak xotirjam yuramiz.

Maqsad qo’ymasak asabiylashmaymiz,
kayfiyatimiz buzilmaydi.

Maqsad qo’ymasak og’riqsiz yashaymiz.

Maqsad qo’ymasak yutqazmaymiz.

Chunki «yutqazdim» deyish uchun, o’yinda bo’lishimiz kerak, maqsad kerak.

Yutqazishdan qo’rqib maqsad ham qo’ymaymiz. O’yinda qatnashmaymiz.

Lekin shuni yodimizda tutaylik,

O’yinda qatnashmadikmi? Yutqazdik.

Garchi mag’lubiyatni tan olmasak ham.


You make me feel like I am Home again.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
yoz, Gretsiya, sohil, dengiz ovozi va quyoshning botishi …

bundan yaxshiroq “solo date” borligiga ishonmayman.

Rule number 1,
Never score first against Barcelona)))

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I’m going back to 505

If this is your first time listening to this , I’m jealous

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

I have not reached the level that you are asking me and I will never reach that “the best version of myself”. However, some things I have done to become a BETTER version of myself include setting clear goals, constantly learning and challenging myself, surrounding myself with positive and supportive people, practicing gratitude and mindfulness, taking care of my physical and mental health, and stepping out of my comfort zone regularly.

As for traveling around the world, some of the secrets to how I started include saving money, prioritizing travel as a priority in my life, being open to new experiences and destinations, researching and planning in advance, being flexible and adaptable, and taking advantage of opportunities when they arise.


18 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.