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Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha

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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Listen 1 min about: Credit card 💳

Many years ago I read that credit cards were the thing of the future. Credit card companies were telling us that plastic would replace cash. Well, this hasn’t happened. People are still using notes and coins. The Internet has increased the use of credit cards, but many people worry about putting their card details online. Lots of personal info gets stolen by fake sites pretending to be famous banks or online stores. Personally, I love credit cards. I always prefer to pay by card than by cash. When you use your card, you get air miles and every six months you can cash them in for presents. I do worry about credit card security. I keep waiting to see a huge purchase on my statement that I didn’t make.

@minute1_project 👈🏻

9.9k 0 112 38 92

Listen 1 min about: Jewelry 🪞

I think jewelry is stupid. What’s the point? I can understand it was popular a couple of thousand years ago, but not today. It all belongs to when we lived in caves. Why do people feel the need to wear necklaces and bracelets? It seems that jewelry is becoming more and more popular. Nowadays people are wearing rings on their toes and piercing their tongues and bodies. I’ve never really understood why men wear jewelry, especially thick gold chains. A lot of jewelry is dangerous. I often think if ear-rings catch on something, they’ll rip your ears. Some rings that women wear are also dangerous. They could cause serious damage to someone’s face. The only jewelry I wear is a wedding ring. Just a simple one.

🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

14k 0 172 22 105

Listen a minute about: Healthcare

Every country must provide free healthcare to its citizens. I can’t understand why the richest countries in the world don’t do this. It’s shocking that a country can be so rich and let its people die because they cannot pay the hospital. I saw a great movie once on America’s healthcare system. It’s called “Sicko,” directed by Michael Moore. He went to England and France and was amazed that people in those countries didn’t have to pay when they went to hospital. He then went to Cuba. He went with lots of Americans who couldn’t afford healthcare in America. Amazingly, the Cuban hospitals treated them all for free and gave them medicine. They were so happy. I’m sure there’s enough money in the world to provide everyone with free healthcare.

Bizni obunachilar sizlar olovsiz, olov🔥🔥!!! Olovlarni ayamasdan bosamiz. Bosdik!!!

🎙@minute1_project 👈

15.4k 0 137 32 130

Listen a minute about: Healthcare

Every country must provide free healthcare to its citizens. I can’t understand why the richest countries in the world don’t do this. It’s shocking that a country can be so rich and let its people die because they cannot pay the hospital. I saw a great movie once on America’s healthcare system. It’s called “Sicko,” directed by Michael Moore. He went to England and France and was amazed that people in those countries didn’t have to pay when they went to hospital. He then went to Cuba. He went with lots of Americans who couldn’t afford healthcare in America. Amazingly, the Cuban hospitals treated them all for free and gave them medicine. They were so happy. I’m sure there’s enough money in the world to provide everyone with free healthcare.

Bizni obunachilar sizlar olovsiz, olov🔥🔥!!! Olovlarni ayamasdan bosamiz. Bosdik!!!

🎙@minute1_project 👈

23.4k 0 221 75 180

Listen a minute about: Four seasons

I’m not sure how many people ever stop to think how wonderful four seasons are. I think people who live in cities don’t care about the seasons. City people spend half their lives indoors or underground. I live in the country and I love watching the seasons come and go. Every day is different in the countryside. I love watching the crops grow in the fields. I watch them push their way up from the ground in the spring and then grow tall in the summer sun. Just before autumn arrives, the farmer harvests them and then winter comes. Seasons means it’s like living in a new place every four months. Everything changes. One wonderful thing about seasons is the seasonal food you get. There’s always something tasty that’s just come in season.

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@minute1_project 👈🏻

19.8k 0 274 6 198

Listen a minute about: Formula one

I’m really into motor racing. Especially Formula One. It really is one of the most glamorous and exciting sports. Of course, it’s one of the fastest. I’m amazed by the speed of the cars and how skillful the drivers are. I’d love to drive a Formula One car to see how fast they go. People say Formula One is a man’s sport. It isn’t. I know lots of women who love it. One day, there’ll be a female world champion. You wait. I got into Formula One years ago. I loved the names of all the drivers. I watched a few Grands Prix on TV and then I was hooked. I never miss a race on TV. One day, I’d really like to go to a circuit and watch a Grand Prix live. I guess Monaco would be best – they drive through the streets there.

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@minute1_project 👈🏻

33.9k 0 337 51 286

Listen a minute about: French Fries

Someone once told me that French fries are not French. There must be some connection between fries and France, otherwise they wouldn’t be called French Fries. Wherever they are from, I love them. I guess they’re the most popular food in the world. Everyone eats French fries. They are very versatile – you can eat them with so many things. You can even have a French Fries sandwich. People put all sorts of things on top of French fries. I love ketchup and mayonnaise on my fries – both together. You have to have salt. The only time I don’t like fries is when they are cold. I get angry if I get fries that aren’t hot in a fast food restaurant. I take them back immediately. All of this talk of French fries has made me want to eat some.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

33.7k 0 277 37 223

Listen a minute about: Frustration

Frustration is a terrible thing. In fact, it’s a frustrating thing. Getting frustrated is one of life’s biggest frustrations. I wish I didn’t get frustrated, but there are so many things in life that are frustrating. I think the biggest thing recently is computers. Getting a new computer out of the box can be frustrating. Understanding how everything works is doubly frustrating. And then there are all the frustrations with programmes that freeze, web pages that don’t open, and things you lose. I wonder why we get so frustrated. I think we could do things better if we relaxed and did everything slowly. I wonder if animals and birds get frustrated. I’m sure a lot of the things we humans do causes them a lot of frustration.

🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

41.5k 0 340 50 269

Listen a minute about: Discrimination

I don’t understand discrimination. To me, it’s evil. How can you not think that all people are the same? It doesn’t matter what kind of discrimination it is, it’s all terrible. People who discriminate because of other people’s race, sex or age should be named and shamed. I think there should be really strong laws against all forms of discrimination. Racism is horrible. What difference does it make what colour your skin is? The thing that surprises me is that even in the most cosmopolitan cities, racism is everywhere. Sexual discrimination is also stupid. Sexist people have sisters, mothers, wives, daughters; but they still treat women as being less able. I wonder if we'll ever live in a world where we’re all equal.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

54.7k 1 453 71 352

I think disability can be a difficult thing to understand. It's a word that means many different things. A disability can affect people's body, intelligence and emotions. It makes it more difficult for people to do everyday things properly. Disabled people might tell us something different. Many people with disabilities show us how strong the human spirit is. There are so many people who have been badly injured in accidents, or who were disabled from birth, who are world-class athletes or excel in other areas. It must be hard to deal with disability if it comes to you suddenly. In richer countries, there are support systems to help these people. In poorer countries, they can have a really tough time. Hopefully this will change one day.

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👉@minute1_project 🎙

45.1k 3 370 3 461

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Listen 1 min about: Jokes 🤡

I love jokes. I could listen to people telling jokes all day. I laugh at even the silliest of jokes. In fact, I love silly jokes. I still laugh at the jokes I laughed at when I was a child. I’m not so good at telling jokes. I have just a few of my favourite ones that I tell. They’re pretty funny. I think telling jokes is a real skill. You need confidence, timing and you need to know when to deliver the punch line. Some of my jokes don’t work with people from other countries. They don’t get them. It’s also interesting to see how American and British jokes are different. I listen to American comedians but can’t see what’s funny. I also love practical jokes. Playing jokes on other people is very funny – as long as they see the funny side.

@minute1_project 👈🏻

54.8k 0 530 27 348

Listen 1 minute about: Apartments

In the USA, they’re called apartments; in the UK they’re called flats. They are a modern invention. I don’t particularly like them. I don’t think it’s good for so many people to live so close together. It’s not good for people to live on top of each other. I don’t understand how people can live above the second floor. It’s not natural to live in the sky. The thing I hate most about apartments are the lifts (Americans say elevator) and the fact there’s no garden. More and more people are moving into apartments. This creates problems with overcrowding. There aren’t enough spaces to park your car, there’s nowhere to throw your rubbish and you have to wait ages to reach your floor. Give me a little house with a little garden any day.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

62.8k 0 585 78 495

Listen 1 min about: Insects 🐝

Some people love insects and others absolutely hate them. I can’t count how many of my friends are terrified of insects. I have one friend who jumps and screams at the sight of the tiniest bug. He’s over forty years old! My son loves insects. He has many books on them and knows everything about them. He loves going to insect museums and watching nature documentaries on insects. I also love them. I think insects are fascinating. I can watch them for hours. I also love looking at them in zoos and museums. It’s like looking at a tiny miniature world. I think if I was insect-sized, life would be pretty scary. Or even worse, what if one day there were giant insects roaming the streets. That’s the stuff of horror movies.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

57.7k 1 508 9 278

Listen 1 min about: Panic 😨

Are you a panic? I am sometimes, although I like to think I’m not. I panic when I’m really late for something important. Panicking in this situation is really no good. It won’t get me there any quicker. It will only make me look really panicked when I get there. I also panic if I think I’ve lost an important computer file. I don’t panic, though, in emergency situations. I think I’m good at staying calm and helping others. There have been a few times when people asked me how I could stay so cool. I guess everyone is different. Imagine what it’s like to be a soldier. Do they panic? Do police officers and fire-fighters panic? They always keep a cool head. A lot of people panicked recently in the financial crisis. Losing money always makes people panic.

🎙@minute1_project 👈🏻

61.1k 1 558 41 346

Listen 1 min about: Humor

I think humour is one of the best things in life. Without it, nothing in life would be funny. It’s strange how we start laughing from such a young age. I wonder what makes tiny babies laugh. What do they find funny. Babies laugh and smile all the time. This means we are born to laugh and make other people laugh. Our sense of humour develops as we grow up. Some people become very good at telling jokes. I always find it difficult to remember jokes. I don’t understand jokes from other countries. I love comedy shows from England, but I can’t see what’s funny when I watch American comedies. I guess humour is different, even with people who speak the same language. Anyway, I think I have a good sense of humour and I like a good laugh.

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🎙 @minute1_project 👈🏻

79.1k 0 615 45 384

🎧Listen 1 minute about: "Chocolate 🍫"

Anyone who does not absolutely love chocolate is mad. I don’t think I know anyone who dislikes it. Some of my friends say they hate white chocolate or dark chocolate, but then they like some other kind. I think chocolate is one of the best inventions ever. It is also one of life’s true pleasures. There’s nothing better than having your whole mouth full of chocolate and letting it melt. I love pushing the chocolate up against the roof of my mouth and then moving it all around. Yum. I eat chocolate every day. I know it’s bad for our teeth and makes us fat, but I don’t care. I prefer to think about the health benefits of chocolate. I’ve read many articles that say chocolate is good for us.

👉@minute1_project 🎙

57.2k 0 702 7 218

Listen 1 min about: Library 📚

Libraries are wonderful places. Every library I’ve been to in the world is the same. They all have a special atmosphere. A room with a large collection of books does things to people. We become very quiet and want to know what’s on the shelves. This happens even to children as young as three, although perhaps not the being quiet. It’s amazing to watch a small child in a library looking at all the books. They can sit there for hours pulling the books off the shelves. I really spent a lot of time in the library at university. It was where I spent most of my time. This is where I really learnt how useful libraries are. I spent hours every day looking at journals, newspapers and text books. I felt quite happy sitting in the quiet of the library, reading my books.

@minute1_project 👈🏻

55.5k 0 537 11 169
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