Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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Meaning: to recover from a difficult situation, setback, or illness and return to a normal, functioning state, essentially getting back to your usual life after a period of hardship; it implies regaining strength and the ability to move forward again, like someone who has been knocked down but stands up to continue.

Example: After losing his job, he needed a few months to get back on his feet financially.


Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost
Online writing dars o’tib, hozir tugatdik. Dars juda yaxshi o’tdi. Lekin, hamma o’quvchilarim darsga qatnashmadi.
Shuni bilib qo’ying “writing darslarimga qatnashmas ekansiz, kosangiz hech qachon oqarmaydi”😎😄

Sardorbek Khurramov | MARVEL ENGLISH dan repost
⚡️ Chet tili imtihoni uchun ruxsatnomalar taqdim etildi

📣 Chet tilini bilish darajasini aniqlash bo‘yicha bo‘lib o‘tadigan navbatdagi imtihon sanasi e’lon qilindi.  Unga ko‘ra:

👨‍🎓imtihonning yozma qismi — 15-16-fevral kunlari;

🎤 gapirish ko‘nikmasini baholash imtihonlari — 17-fevraldan 11-martga qadar bo‘lib o‘tadi.

📱 Biz orqali roʻyxatdan oʻtgan talabgorlar imtihon joyi, kuni va aniq vaqtini @s7_khurramov’ga yozish orqali bilishlari va ruxsatnomani yuklab olishlari mumkin.

⚠️ Talabgorlardan test sinoviga belgilangan vaqtdan kamida bir soat oldin shaxsini tasdiqlovchi hujjat (pasport yoki ID-karta) bilan kelishlari so‘raladi.

📍 Imtihon o‘tkaziladigan joylar va ularning joylashuvi (geolokatsiya):

@caps_com x @marvelacademy_lc

Sardorbek Khurramov | MARVEL ENGLISH dan repost


1. abuse [n] – xo’rlash, toptash, vakolatlaridan noto’g’ri foydalanish.
2. assault [n,v] tajovvuz qilish, tahdid qilish.
3. browbeat [v] – qo’rqitib majburlamoq.
4. bully [n] – bezori . mushtimzo’r.
5. bully [v] – bezorilik qilmoq.
6. be the butt of sb’s jokes [ibora] – kalaka qilinadigan odam.
7. coercion [n] -  do’q po’psa qilib biror ishga majburlash.
8. coerce [v] - do’q po’psa qilib biror ishga majburlamoq.
9. dominate [v] – ustunlik qilmoq.
10. domineering [adj] – so’zini o’tkazadigan.
11. extort [v] – birovni qo’rqitib pulini yoki narsalarini olib qo’ymoq.
12. inferiority complex [n] – o’zidan qoniqmaslik, boshqalardan yaxshi bo’lmaslik hissi.
13. intimidate [v] – qo’rqitmoq.
14. name-calling [n] – kimnidir haqorat qilish.
15. nasty 🤢[adj] – juda yomon, haqoratomuz.
16. persecute [v] – jig’iga tegmoq, zulm qilmoq.
17. persecution [n] – zulm qilish
18. harassment [n] – huquqlarini tahqirlash, toptash.
19. be on/at the receiving end of sth – ostida qolgan (tanqid zo’rovonlik tahdid)
20. strategy [v] – usul , uslubiyat
21. Strategic [adj] – rejali, maqsadli
22. tale, tell tales [n] – safsata, yolg’on.
23. taunt [n]  nafsoniyatiga tegish, mazah qilish.
24. verbal [adj] – og’zaki.
25. victim [n] – jabrdiyda, qurbon. x @marvelacademy_lc



Kurs haqida qisqacha:

1. Darajangiz kamida B1 bo'lishi shart
2. Kursdan haydalish ehtimoli bor, dangasalik qilsangiz
3. Faqat 15 kishi qabul qilinadi

Tutor: Malika Doliyeva
Kurs narxi: 350 ming oyiga.
Kurs davomiyligi: 4 oy
Kurs vaqti: dush-chor-juma | 3:30-6:00

Murojaat uchun: @umidadilov


906 0 10 2 41

Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost
Yaxshilab, e’tibor bilan tinglang.

Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost

1)Text: Tashkent is one of the
largest cities in central asia.
Question: Tashkent is the
biggest city in central asia.

Answer: Not Given

2)Text: 2000 elephants are
on the verge of extinction.
Question: Most elephants
have the risk of dying very soon.

Answer: Not Given

3)Text: 80 yoshgacha yashash uchun
ovqat, harakat, uyquga e'tibor berish kerak.
Question: 80 yoshgacha
yashash uchun sifatli uyqu kerak.

Answer: True

Ready for the answers?

Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost

Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost
Text: 80 yoshgacha yashash uchun ovqat, harakat, uyquga e'tibor berish kerak. Question: 80 yoshgacha yashash uchun sifatli uyqu kerak.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
225 ta ovoz

Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost
Text: 2000 elephants are on the verge of extinction. Question: Most elephants have the risk of dying very soon.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
191 ta ovoz

Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost
There are two more questions like this. I’ll share them, and once you’ve answered all, I’ll announce the answers with feedback. Are you ready for the second one?



843 0 2 16 18

Mardonbek_Urinboev dan repost

Text: Tashkent is one of the
largest cities in central asia.

Question: Tashkent is the
biggest city in central asia.

Not Given

Leave your answers in the comments section below👇

772 0 1 39 11


In many countries, the number of animals and plants is declining.

What are the causes?
What can be done to solve this problem?





Some people believe that corporations have too much influence over environmental policies and public perception of ecological issues.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In today’s world, large corporations play a significant role in shaping environmental policies and public perceptions. While some argue that this influence is necessary for economic growth and innovation, others contend that it leads to the suppression of vital environmental concerns. This essay strongly agrees that corporate power often undermines transparency and distorts public discourse on ecological issues.

One of the primary ways corporations exert influence is through the manipulation of information, often obscuring the negative environmental impacts of their activities. For example, recent reports have revealed that agrochemical companies used private networks to discredit critics of pesticides and genetically modified organisms. By funding research that favors their interests and suppressing opposing viewpoints, these corporations create a misleading narrative that prevents the public from making informed decisions. Such practices not only compromise scientific integrity but also hinder policy changes that could protect the environment.

Beyond shaping public opinion, corporations wield significant influence over environmental policies through lobbying and financial contributions. Many multinational companies invest heavily in lobbying efforts to weaken environmental regulations that could affect their profits. For instance, industries involved in fossil fuels and large-scale agriculture frequently pressure governments to delay or dilute climate policies. As a result, instead of prioritizing sustainability, policymakers often cater to corporate interests, leading to inadequate action against environmental degradation.

The unchecked influence of corporations has severe consequences for both the planet and society. When profit-driven entities dictate environmental discourse, issues such as climate change, deforestation, and pollution are downplayed. This results in public apathy and insufficient regulatory measures, exacerbating ecological crises. Furthermore, the silencing of independent researchers and activists creates an atmosphere where genuine environmental concerns struggle to gain traction, ultimately delaying critical solutions.

In conclusion, corporate influence over environmental policies and public perception is overwhelmingly detrimental. Through misinformation campaigns, lobbying, and suppression of opposing voices, companies prioritize their financial interests at the expense of ecological well-being. Governments must implement stricter regulations to curb corporate overreach and ensure that environmental policies are guided by scientific evidence rather than commercial agendas. Only by fostering transparency and accountability can society address pressing environmental challenges effectively.


Topic: #environment


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.