dubai unis or malaysia unis
in general for bachelor
i cant generalize. there are unis in dubai better than all unis in malaysia — american uni in dubai, for example
but it doesnt mean synergy is better than the best malay unis. you need to be specific.
favorite singer?
toxir sodiqov. + i loved the voice of all girls i dated. and i also admired girls at our school who could sing well. perhaps voice is something i find attractive in girls.
in general for bachelor
i cant generalize. there are unis in dubai better than all unis in malaysia — american uni in dubai, for example
but it doesnt mean synergy is better than the best malay unis. you need to be specific.
favorite singer?
toxir sodiqov. + i loved the voice of all girls i dated. and i also admired girls at our school who could sing well. perhaps voice is something i find attractive in girls.