Legal Info

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Huquq

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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☑️ Citizens engaged in certain types of activities on personal household plots of land, and once a year paying social tax in the amount of at least one-time the amount of the BCA (375 thousand soums), are included in the category of officially employed population and this period is counted in their work experience.

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🗂 The consumer has the right to a guarantee that the goods he purchased (work, service) were manufactured in compliance with the requirements of sanitary and hygienic rules, and were safe for his life, health, the environment, and also did not cause harm to his property.

✔️ The manufacturer (performer) is obliged to ensure the safety of the product (work, service) during the established service life or shelf life (and if it is not established, for 10 years).

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✔️ In accordance with the legislation, the child has the right to express his opinion when resolving any issue in the family, as well as to be heard during any judicial or administrative proceedings.

📌Meanwhile, the bodies and officials authorized to make decisions, when resolving issues affecting the interests of the child, should consider the opinion of the child regardless of his age and make decisions based on the best interests of the child.

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⚡️ According to the legislation, the damage caused to the consumer due to the goods (work, service) purchased as a result of false advertising must be compensated in full by the manufacturer (executor, seller).

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🔰According to the legislation, the responsibility of drivers of vehicles for exceeding the set speed is established.

📌 Drivers of vehicles exceeding the established speed by the following amount:

🔹no more than 20 kilometers per hour - entails a fine in the amount of 1 BCA (340 thousand soums);

🔹more than 40 kilometers per hour - entails a fine in the amount of 9 BCA (3 million 60 thousand soums);

🔍 Exceeding the set speed by more than 40 kilometers per hour repeatedly within a year after the application of an administrative penalty for the same offense entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of 25 BCA (8 million 500 thousand soums) with deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle for a period of 2 years.

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🎓 According to the legislation, the employer is obliged to create the necessary conditions for the employees who are being trained in educational organizations, who are undergoing retraining or upgrading their skills, as well as those who are undergoing production training, without being separated from work under the employment contract.

🗓 Also, the employees studying in educational organizations and completing the training plan without being separated from work under the employment contract are given educational leave, reduced work week, and other guarantees specified in the labor legislation and other legal documents on labor, while keeping the average salary at the workplace.

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🔰 According to the legislation, everyone has the right to privacy of correspondence, telephone conversations, postal, electronic and other communications. Restriction of this right is allowed only in accordance with the law and on the basis of a court decision.

📌 Everyone has the right to protect their personal data, as well as to demand the correction of inaccurate data, the destruction of data collected about them illegally or no longer having legal grounds.

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📘 According to the legislation, from the 2024/2025 academic year, based on the demand of parents and students, it is decided to start teaching German, French, Korean, Chinese and Japanese as foreign languages ​​in specialized schools and vocational schools.

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✅ According to the law, citizens going abroad for temporary work will be provided with discounts of 20 percent on railway tickets for reserved seats and general carriages.

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🔰 According to the law, labor discipline is understood as the mandatory compliance of all employees with labor legislation, collective agreements, as well as the rules of conduct established in accordance with the rules of internal labor regulations, other internal documents and an employment contract.

📝 Disciplinary responsibility is the legal responsibility that arises due to the commission of a disciplinary act by an employee and is expressed in the application of a disciplinary sanction against this employee.

📋 The commission of a disciplinary act by an employee is the basis for bringing the employee to disciplinary responsibility.

‼️Ignorance of the law is not an excuse...

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🚫 According to the law, during the period of validity of the disciplinary punishment, incentive measures, including bonuses that are not part of the remuneration system and are not based on labor results (holidays, including professional holidays, anniversaries, etc.), are not applied to the employee.

✅ However, bringing a public civil servant to disciplinary liability shall not cancel the application of incentive measures to them.

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📕 According to the law, a public civil servant shall be issued an official certificate in the form established by a specially authorized state body. The official certificate shall indicate the position of the public civil service occupied by the public civil servant, the qualification rank, the full name of the state body, the date of issue and the validity period of the certificate.

🪪 An official certificate may also be issued in the form of an identification card confirming the data of a civil servant.

🚫The official certificate shall not be transferable to other persons.

🔍In the event of the expiration of the official certificate or dismissal of a public civil servant, as well as in other cases provided for by legislation, the official certificate shall be subject to return to the state body that issued it.

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🔰 Conscription of a citizen of Uzbekistan for military service, service in security agencies, police, military justice or other similar bodies of foreign states may be punished by imprisonment for up to 5 years.

‼️Ignorance of the law is not an excuse...

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🔰 Manufacture for the purpose of sale or sale of counterfeit bank notes (banknotes), metal coins, excise stamps, as well as securities or foreign currency or securities in foreign currency, committed:

➖ in especially large size;
➖ by an organized group or in its interests:

🔹 is punishable by imprisonment from 10 to 15 years.

‼️Ignorance of the law is not an excuse...

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🔰 According to the law, the employer is obliged to compensate for damage caused to the life or health of an employee due to work injury and occupational disease.

⚠️ The employer is financially liable for harm caused to the life or health of an employee by a work-related injury received by the employee while performing work duties both on the employer’s territory and outside it, as well as while traveling to or from work on transport provided by the employer.

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🔰 According to the legislation, it is prohibited to refuse to hire or reduce the amount of wages for reasons related to pregnancy or having children.

🔍 Meanwhile, a deliberately illegal refusal to hire or dismissal from work of a woman on the grounds of her pregnancy or a person caring for a minor child entails the application of one of the following penalties:

a fine of up to 25 BCA (up to 9 million 375 thousand soums);

➖deprivation of a certain right for up to 3 years;

➖correctional labor for up to 3 years.

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🔰Advocates shall be ensured the conditions for unimpeded and confidential meetings and consultations with their client.

📌An advocate, his honor dignity and professional activity shall be under the protection of the state and shall be protected by law.

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🔰The main directions of the state policy in the field of combating corruption are as follows:

🔹raising the legal consciousness and legal culture of the population, forming an intolerant attitude towards corruption in the society;

🔹implementation of measures to prevent corruption in all spheres of state and public life;

🔹timely detection of corruption-related offenses, putting an end to them, eliminating their consequences, causes and conditions that enable them, ensuring the principle of inevitability of responsibility for committing corruption-related offenses.

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✅ Driving personal transport vehicles, scooters, mopeds and bicycles that are not equipped with reflectors and lights in the prescribed manner, as well as transporting people by drivers of personal transport vehicles and scooters, shall entail a fine in the amount of

‼️Ignorance of the law is not an excuse...

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