Jonibek Tolibovs | IELTS 8.5

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

More than Just IELTS
🎧 Listening 9.0 (3x)
📚 Reading 9.0
📝 Writing 7.5
💬 Speaking 8.0
🌟 Overall 8.5
🏫 Works at: @akhmedov_school
👨‍🏫 Admin: @jony_beck

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Alisher domlogayam aytmagan sirlarim ochilib qoldi 😳

I would genuinely ask you guys to join and report spam 😁 these guys are trying to "earn a living" off others hard work.

😂😂😂😂 apparently I have bought this certificate and I don't know it 😂😂😂😂

Software Developer dan repost
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Diyorbek's IELTS dan repost

ielts listening 🎧/ reading 📑 is nothing but a test of vocabulary.

These two parts of the exam simply check if you can recognize the paraphrase (=your ability to match synonyms)

The key to boosting your score is learning all the new words you encounter in any passage you read or listening test you take.

Look at the picture attached to see how they paraphrase the statements in the audio.

same book, different vibe

#no_comment :) #savodsizmiz(mi) #xatsavodyoqolganiskiy

my students after doing some Resource passages be like:

IELTS | Atabaev | 9.0 dan repost
Today many teenagers rely greatly on technology when learning.
Is this a positive or negative development?


A large number of teenagers are becoming increasingly reliant on technology as a learning tool. In my view, this trend is positive, as it can contribute to academic success and overall learning experience.

Higher productivity and quality are the primary benefits that come with technology. The use of AI - Artificial Intelligence - is a good example. By integrating AI into their study routine, teenage students can complete their school tasks more efficiently without the need to visit libraries and waste precious time. Whether it is to find information, carry out complex calculations or analyse large amounts of research data, the state-of-the-art AI tools such as ChatGPT and DeepSeek often generate fast and highly accurate solutions. With the assistance of this technology, students are more likely to showcase greater academic excellence and enthusiasm, which could motivate even struggling students. This might not only propel general intelligence but also spark academic interest in the next generation of professionals.

Another positive impact that technology can have on teenagers’ learning experience is the availability of a wide range of study applications. Mobile platforms like Kahoot and Duolingo can transform a monotonous, traditional study setting into a more interactive and engaging learning experience. Through various features such as virtual competitions, modern design, progress tracking, and a massive community of like-minded peers, these platforms can make a noticeable difference in the academic progress for many learners. By chatting with study partners or playing mini-games, the users may feel less anxious about, say, learning a foreign language or mathematical concepts, fostering a more positive attitude toward studying.

In conclusion, I think that the excessive reliance on technology among teenagers should be regarded as a positive development, since it can increase productivity and quality, as well as make the learning process more interactive and engaging. The introduction of artificial intelligence and various study applications into teenagers’ study routine can prove very helpful.

i have some clever students ) very witty indeed :)

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
I know :)


Read the article and analyze it, for you can find some useful structures for T1

This is something new 🆕 English dan repost
Uzbekistan sees decline in birth and marriage rates, while mortality increases

In 2024, the number of newborns in Uzbekistan decreased by 35,600 compared to 2023.


➡️ official channel

Jo’rabek Sanokulov | IELTS dan repost
E odamlar haliyam 3 kunda 7+ oling, 1 haftada speaking 7 degan gaplarga ishonadimi e?

207 0 0 10 15

Fazliddin Giyosov | IELTS 9.0 dan repost
Overall, Luxembourg paid the highest amount of salaries to teachers, but it took longer for teachers to reach their maximum salaries like in Japan and Korea. Teachers in Australia and Denmark received similar amounts though they were required less time to reach their top salaries.

Teachers in Luxembourg received $80K when they started their professions, which was considerably higher than in Denmark, at $47K while The salaries in remaining countries were centered around $30k. Similarly, average annual salary for teachers was the highest in Luxembourg at $112K whereas all other countries paid around $50K a year.

Maximum salaries were again the highest in Luxembourg, paying teachers almost $140k after 30 years of service. Korea paid $84.5k to teachers with 37 years in the field and Japan paid $62k to those with 34-year experience. By contrast, top salaries in Australia and Denmark were the same as their average salaries, but these countries required a lot less time for teachers to reach maximum amount, 9 and 8 years respectively.

Fazliddin Giyosov | IELTS 9.0 dan repost
what would you do?

Nudge to English dan repost
So much that happens is beyond a teacher's control.
Stop blaming them for everything.

ODDIY YO'LOVCHI dan repost
"Bro, cringe, vibe" сўзларини мунтазам ишлатиш; ҳар бир гапида еса-емаса инглизча сўзларни қўшиб, ўзбек тилини момосини кўрсатиб гапириш - буларнинг барчаси қаршингизда макака турганини ифодалайди. Уни тўғри тушининг у ҳозиргина жунглидан чиқиб келди, ҳали одамлар орасида яшаб бошласа, ўрганиб кетади.

Kibr - ilm yoʻlidagi eng katta toʻsiq.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.