Software Engineer at Amazon. Dasturchilar uchun foydali malumotlar beraman. All opinions are my own and do not represent my employer. Ikkinchi kanal: @JR_TwitGram Contact: @jakhonfeedback_bot Muhokamalar uchun chat: @jr_tech_chat
15.02.2023 15:41
Software Engineer at Amazon. Dasturchilar uchun foydali malumotlar beraman. All opinions are my own and do not represent my employer. Ikkinchi kanal: @JR_TwitGram Contact: @jakhonfeedback_bot Muhokamalar uchun chat:
13.02.2023 12:18
Software Engineer at Amazon. Dasturchilar uchun foydali malumotlar beraman. All opinions are my own and do not represent my employer. Ikkinchi kanal: Savol va feedback uchun: @jakhonfeedback_bot Muhokamalar uchun chat: https: