IT Park Ventures dan repost
RISE startap asoschilarini Markaziy Osiyodagi venchur bozori bo‘yicha 2024-yil tadqiqotida ishtirok etishga taklif qiladi!
RISE Research Markaziy Osiyodagi venchur kapital bozori haqida chuqur tahlillarni davom ettirmoqda. O‘tgan yili jamoa "Venture Capital in Central Asia and the Caucasus 2023" nomli keng qamrovli hisobotni e’lon qilgan edi. Endi esa 2024-yilgi tadqiqot uchun ma’lumot to‘plash boshlangan.
Qanday hissa qo‘shishingiz mumkin?
Agar siz Markaziy Osiyoda startapingizni rivojlantirayotgan bo‘lsangiz, tajribangiz startap ekotizimining to‘liq manzarasini yaratishda muhim ahamiyatga ega.
📩 So‘rovnomada ishtirok eting:
Sizning fikr-mulohazalaringiz yanada shaffof va ma’lumotlarga asoslangan startap ekotizimini yaratishga yordam beradi!
RISE invites startup founders to participate in a survey for the 2024 Central Asian Venture Market Research
RISE Research continues its in-depth analysis of the venture capital landscape in Central Asia. Last year, the team released a comprehensive report – Venture Capital in Central Asia and the Caucasus 2023. Now, they are gathering data for the 2024 edition.
How can you contribute?
If you are growing a startup in Central Asia, your experience is crucial to painting a complete picture of the ecosystem.
📩 Take the survey now:
Your input will help create a more transparent and data-driven startup landscape!
RISE Research Markaziy Osiyodagi venchur kapital bozori haqida chuqur tahlillarni davom ettirmoqda. O‘tgan yili jamoa "Venture Capital in Central Asia and the Caucasus 2023" nomli keng qamrovli hisobotni e’lon qilgan edi. Endi esa 2024-yilgi tadqiqot uchun ma’lumot to‘plash boshlangan.
Qanday hissa qo‘shishingiz mumkin?
Agar siz Markaziy Osiyoda startapingizni rivojlantirayotgan bo‘lsangiz, tajribangiz startap ekotizimining to‘liq manzarasini yaratishda muhim ahamiyatga ega.
📩 So‘rovnomada ishtirok eting:
Sizning fikr-mulohazalaringiz yanada shaffof va ma’lumotlarga asoslangan startap ekotizimini yaratishga yordam beradi!
RISE invites startup founders to participate in a survey for the 2024 Central Asian Venture Market Research
RISE Research continues its in-depth analysis of the venture capital landscape in Central Asia. Last year, the team released a comprehensive report – Venture Capital in Central Asia and the Caucasus 2023. Now, they are gathering data for the 2024 edition.
How can you contribute?
If you are growing a startup in Central Asia, your experience is crucial to painting a complete picture of the ecosystem.
📩 Take the survey now:
Your input will help create a more transparent and data-driven startup landscape!