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🐦 President Tech Award Ikkinchi To'lqini G‘oliblarini e’lon qilamiz!
7-dekabr kuni President Tech Award finali Digital Startups Week'ni yakunladi va O‘zbekistonning eng yorqin innovatorlarini nishonladi. Ushbu tadbir Raqamli Texnologiyalar Vazirligi, IT Park Uzbekistan va Plug and Play tomonidan tashkil etilib, 15 ta finalchi jamoa texnologiyalarning beshta asosiy yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha 1 million dollarlik mukofot jamg‘armasining 900 ming dollaridan ulush uchun raqobatlashdi.
Tadbirni IT Park Uzbekistan bosh direktori Farhod Ibragimovning ilhomlantiruvchi nutqi boshlab berdi, unda O‘zbekistondagi startap ekotizimining dinamik rivojlanishi va yoshlarning tadbirkorlik faoliyatiga tobora ko‘proq jalb etilayotgani ta’kidlandi.
🏆 Yo‘nalishlar bo‘yicha g‘oliblar:
Sun’iy intellektga asoslangan texnologiyalar:
🥇 TASS Vision
🥈 Speaklish
🥉 Cradle
Ijtimoiy sohadagi raqamli texnologiyalar:
🥇 Online Hamshira
🥈 Stepogram
Kompyuter va mobil o‘yinlar:
🥇 Gale-Force Entertainment
🥈 Fazliddin Games
🥉 Grimoire Entertainment
Mikro-SaaS va AdTechdagi texnologik yechimlar:
🥈 StudentHunter
🥉 EduTizim
Tadbirkorlik va moliyaviy texnologiyalar:
🥇 Jobster
🥈 Sug’urta Bozor
Barcha g‘oliblarni tabriklaymiz!
Batafsil ma’lumot uchun veb-saytimizni o‘qing.
🐦 Announcing the Winners of the Second Wave of the President Tech Award!
On December 7, the grand finale of the President Tech Award concluded Digital Startups Week, celebrating Uzbekistan's brightest innovators. Organized by the Ministry of Digital Technologies, IT Park Uzbekistan, and Plug and Play, 15 finalist teams competed across five key technological sectors for a share of the $900,000 of $1,000,000 prize pool.
The event commenced with an inspiring address by Farkhod Ibragimov, CEO of IT Park Uzbekistan, who highlighted the dynamic growth of Uzbekistan’s startup ecosystem and the increasing engagement of youth in entrepreneurial ventures.
🏆 Winners by Category:
AI-Driven Technologies:
🥇 TASS Vision
🥈 Speaklish
🥉 Cradle
Digital Technologies in the Social Sphere:
🥇 Online Hamshira
🥈 Stepogram
Computer and Mobile Games:
🥇 Gale-Force Entertainment
🥈 Fazliddin Games
🥉 Grimoire Entertainment
Technological Solutions in Micro-SaaS and AdTech:
🥈 StudentHunter
🥉 EduTizim
Entrepreneurship and Financial Technologies:
🥇 Jobster
🥈 Sug’urta Bozor
Congratulations to all the winners!
Read more on our website
7-dekabr kuni President Tech Award finali Digital Startups Week'ni yakunladi va O‘zbekistonning eng yorqin innovatorlarini nishonladi. Ushbu tadbir Raqamli Texnologiyalar Vazirligi, IT Park Uzbekistan va Plug and Play tomonidan tashkil etilib, 15 ta finalchi jamoa texnologiyalarning beshta asosiy yo‘nalishi bo‘yicha 1 million dollarlik mukofot jamg‘armasining 900 ming dollaridan ulush uchun raqobatlashdi.
Tadbirni IT Park Uzbekistan bosh direktori Farhod Ibragimovning ilhomlantiruvchi nutqi boshlab berdi, unda O‘zbekistondagi startap ekotizimining dinamik rivojlanishi va yoshlarning tadbirkorlik faoliyatiga tobora ko‘proq jalb etilayotgani ta’kidlandi.
🏆 Yo‘nalishlar bo‘yicha g‘oliblar:
Sun’iy intellektga asoslangan texnologiyalar:
🥇 TASS Vision
🥈 Speaklish
🥉 Cradle
Ijtimoiy sohadagi raqamli texnologiyalar:
🥇 Online Hamshira
🥈 Stepogram
Kompyuter va mobil o‘yinlar:
🥇 Gale-Force Entertainment
🥈 Fazliddin Games
🥉 Grimoire Entertainment
Mikro-SaaS va AdTechdagi texnologik yechimlar:
🥈 StudentHunter
🥉 EduTizim
Tadbirkorlik va moliyaviy texnologiyalar:
🥇 Jobster
🥈 Sug’urta Bozor
Barcha g‘oliblarni tabriklaymiz!
Batafsil ma’lumot uchun veb-saytimizni o‘qing.
🐦 Announcing the Winners of the Second Wave of the President Tech Award!
On December 7, the grand finale of the President Tech Award concluded Digital Startups Week, celebrating Uzbekistan's brightest innovators. Organized by the Ministry of Digital Technologies, IT Park Uzbekistan, and Plug and Play, 15 finalist teams competed across five key technological sectors for a share of the $900,000 of $1,000,000 prize pool.
The event commenced with an inspiring address by Farkhod Ibragimov, CEO of IT Park Uzbekistan, who highlighted the dynamic growth of Uzbekistan’s startup ecosystem and the increasing engagement of youth in entrepreneurial ventures.
🏆 Winners by Category:
AI-Driven Technologies:
🥇 TASS Vision
🥈 Speaklish
🥉 Cradle
Digital Technologies in the Social Sphere:
🥇 Online Hamshira
🥈 Stepogram
Computer and Mobile Games:
🥇 Gale-Force Entertainment
🥈 Fazliddin Games
🥉 Grimoire Entertainment
Technological Solutions in Micro-SaaS and AdTech:
🥈 StudentHunter
🥉 EduTizim
Entrepreneurship and Financial Technologies:
🥇 Jobster
🥈 Sug’urta Bozor
Congratulations to all the winners!
Read more on our website