Aim for high finance front office roles from the start if you want an interesting, well-paid, and prestigious finance career. Even if it's at a boutique.
These jobs put you in the heart of capital markets, complex deals, and investment strategies:
INVESTMENT BANKING⮕ M&A – Buying and selling companies.
⮕ Capital Markets (ECM/DCM) – Raising billions in equity & debt.
⮕ Leveraged Finance – Funding high-yield debt deals.
⮕ Restructuring – Saving companies from bankruptcy.
PRIVATE EQUITY & VENTURE CAPITAL⮕Buyouts – Acquiring and optimizing companies.
⮕ Growth Equity – Investing in scale-ups.
⮕ VC – Betting on the next big startup.
ASSET MANAGEMENT & HEDGE FUNDS⮕Portfolio Management – Handling billions for institutions.
⮕ Hedge Funds – High-risk, high-reward investing.
⮕Real Estate PE – Big-money property deals.
TRADING & MARKETS⮕Sales & Trading – Moving markets daily.
⮕ Quant Trading – Algorithms making millions.
⮕ Commodities & FX – Trading oil, gold, and currencies.
WEALTH MANAGEMENT & PRIVATE BANKING⮕UHNW Private Wealth – Managing fortunes.
⮕ Family Office – Investing for the ultra-rich.
STRATEGIC FINANCE & ADVISORY⮕Corporate Development – Running M&A in-house.
⮕ Restructuring Advisory – Fixing financial disasters.
⮕ Consulting – Big-picture financial strategy.
Your move? Stop chasing brand names and start targeting the right roles! @motiv_sevara