Jurayev's blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Teacher of hundreds of students.
Language enthusiast
Speaking: 7 ML: 64
Writing: 6.5 ML: 69
Listening: 8 ML: 75
Reading: 7.5 ML: 69 Owner: Mr.Jurayev

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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English tests dan repost

English tests dan repost
Assalomu alaykum hurmatli ota onalar va guruhimiz aʼzolari 2 fevral yakshanba kuni soat 9 da Muzrabot tumani 44 maktabda boʻlib oʻtadigan prezident maktabi sinov testi uchun quyidagi sovgʻalar majmuasini jamoamiz nomidan berishni rejalashtirdik.

2,3 va 4 sinflar uchun har bir sinfga alohida Birinchi oʻrin uchun bittadan Smart watch soatlari ikkinchi oʻrin uchun quloqchinlar va boshqa bir qancha moddiy maʼnaviy qiymatga ega sovgʻalar hamda kitoblar majmuasi oʻrin olgan.
Umumiy sovgʻalar har bir sinfdan 5 nafar oʻrin, jami 15 nafar oʻquvchilar ushbu yutuqlarga sazavor boʻladilar.

Sizlardan iltimos farzandingiz yoki oquvchingizni kech qolmay olib kelingizlar.


HINT: the mistake can be in spelling, grammar, meaning and etc.

xatolikni toping

➡️ Task 2:
Some people think that travelling is the best way to learn about different cultures, while others think it is possible to learn cultures via books, films and the Internet.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Xatolikni toping!!!

509 0 0 13 13


Listening: 75
Reading: 75

Abdumannon is a very talented student and he has got strong level of English. That's why it took him just 2 months to crack this amazing score.

The same credits go to the candidate's previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy

570 0 4 15 36

Eng zo'r va eng alamli natijaga navbat keldi.


Rayhona is talented and knowledgable student of mine. I congratulate her on this great achievement.

The same credits go to the candidate's parents and previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy


It took Bahora a long and hard journey to get this score. Anyway, what's important is the result not the feelings.

The same credits go to the candidate's parents and previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy


I congratulate Sohib on his great achievement. He is also a talented student.

The same credits go to the candidate's parents and previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy


Ozodbek is a very talented student. I believe and hope he has got a bright future.

The same credits go to the candidate's parents and previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy

Ahmedjon is a young and telented student of mine and we will Inshaolloh make it C1


The same credits go to the candidate's parents and previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy

Likelashtirib tashlaylige

Hali bor uxlamay turing.


Kamola studied the same as adults though she is just 7th grader.


The same credits go to the candidate's parents and previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy


Marjona is a patient student of mine. It took her hard work and difficult moments but she didn't give up thanks to her parents.

👉 @interactivestudy

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Sug'diyona is a bit lazy but she didn't give up until she got this amazing score.


The same credits go to the candidate's parents and previous teachers.

👉 @interactivestudy

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.