Reading (o'qish) mahoratingizni oshiring📃 Text:
Uzbekistan - Information for Republic of UzbekistanUzbekistan is warm and sunny country, attracted from the ancient times many travelers all over the world. Uzbekistan is famous with amazing hospitality: people here will meet you very warm! Also it is very beautiful and rich with recourses country. The nature will make you surprise with her great variety: hot and majestic sands of the Kyzyl-Kum desert, where went ancient caravans of the Great Silk Road, amazing mountain system of Tien-Shan and Pamir, lifeless steppe and deserts are changing with oasis where growth cotton and figs, rise and grapes. Green valleys surrounded by the mountain ranges, covered with white snows. Thousand of rivers and streams flow down from the mountains, flow together with biggest Asian rivers – Amu Darya and Syr Darya. From the ancient time Uzbekistan was the bridge between countries and nations as cross road of the ancient caravan’s road, the bridge of the meeting for many languages, cultures and civilizations. Exactly here was the Great Silk Road, jointed China, India, Central Asia, Iraq, and also countries of the Middle East and Mediterranean. Many caravans transferred silk and porcelain, spices, jewelry, carpets and medicines. Uzbek earth went through many things: ups and down of the civilizations, wars of the many majestic empires, people migrations, brilliance of the scientific ideas, miracles of the architecture. That’s why visiting this amazing fairy-tale country you will dip into the past and feel the breath of the history!
Political structure of the country:Current status - Uzbekistan is sovereign democratic republic composed of CIS countries.
Political system: unitary state.
Head of state: The president of the republic of Uzbekistan, elected by democratic elections for 7 years. Current president is Islam Karimov, again elected on 23-th of December in 2007. He is also the prime minister of the cabinet council of the republic of Uzbekistan.
National symbol: national flag, national emblem, national anthem.