😁Hayotimizda juda kop ishlatadigan Iboralar😳
⚡️Come to think of it - Aytgancha, esimga tushib ketdi
⚡️Come to think of it, Did you talk with Tom?
⚡️I thought as much - O'zim ham shunday (bo'ladi) deb o'ylagandim.
⚡️"He passed the exam succesfully" . Oh, i thought as much.
⚡️Not think much of - Yoqtirmaslik, yomon ko'rmoq
⚡️I don't think much of his idea
⚡️Think (the ) better of sb - yaxshi fikrda / taassurotda bo'lmoq
⚡️Your boss will think better of you if you stand up for yourself.
⚡️Think badly of somebody - yomon fikrda bo'lmoq / yomon fikrga bormoq
⚡️I though badly of him when he lashed out on me.
⚡️Think better of it/ of doing something - o'ylab ko'rmaslikga qaror qilmoq/ fikridan qaytmoq
⚡️Originally, i though about studying in Korea, but i thought better of it.
⚡️Think big - katta narsalarni rejalashtirmoq / orzu qilmoq
⚡️You have to think big if you want to get there.
⚡️Think for yourself - O'z kallasini ishlatmoq, o'z aqliga suyanmoq
⚡️The aim is to get the students to think for themselves.
⚡️Think highly / a lot of somebody - haqida yaxshi, iliq fikrda bo'lmoq
⚡️I think highly of her as she always gives a hand to those who are out on a limb.
⚡️Think nothing of smth / of doing smth - Oddiy hol deb qabul qilmoq
⚡️He thinks nothing of scoring a 9 out of 9 in reading
⚡️Think on your feet - tezkor qaror qabul qilmoq.
⚡️You have to think on your feet on standardized tests.
⚡️Think of as ( think of sb/sth as sb/sth) - dek ko'rmoq, sifatida qaramoq
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing
⚡️Come to think of it - Aytgancha, esimga tushib ketdi
⚡️Come to think of it, Did you talk with Tom?
⚡️I thought as much - O'zim ham shunday (bo'ladi) deb o'ylagandim.
⚡️"He passed the exam succesfully" . Oh, i thought as much.
⚡️Not think much of - Yoqtirmaslik, yomon ko'rmoq
⚡️I don't think much of his idea
⚡️Think (the ) better of sb - yaxshi fikrda / taassurotda bo'lmoq
⚡️Your boss will think better of you if you stand up for yourself.
⚡️Think badly of somebody - yomon fikrda bo'lmoq / yomon fikrga bormoq
⚡️I though badly of him when he lashed out on me.
⚡️Think better of it/ of doing something - o'ylab ko'rmaslikga qaror qilmoq/ fikridan qaytmoq
⚡️Originally, i though about studying in Korea, but i thought better of it.
⚡️Think big - katta narsalarni rejalashtirmoq / orzu qilmoq
⚡️You have to think big if you want to get there.
⚡️Think for yourself - O'z kallasini ishlatmoq, o'z aqliga suyanmoq
⚡️The aim is to get the students to think for themselves.
⚡️Think highly / a lot of somebody - haqida yaxshi, iliq fikrda bo'lmoq
⚡️I think highly of her as she always gives a hand to those who are out on a limb.
⚡️Think nothing of smth / of doing smth - Oddiy hol deb qabul qilmoq
⚡️He thinks nothing of scoring a 9 out of 9 in reading
⚡️Think on your feet - tezkor qaror qabul qilmoq.
⚡️You have to think on your feet on standardized tests.
⚡️Think of as ( think of sb/sth as sb/sth) - dek ko'rmoq, sifatida qaramoq
Davom etishimiz uchun ❤️🔥 reaksiya bosing