🏛 IMC Krems Tashkent (eng)

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

🌐 QS ranking ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
International Double Degree Faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics with IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

🎖 International Education Standards and National Values in Harmony! 🇺🇿

Students of the International Double Degree Faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics with IMC UAS Krems not only receive education based on international standards but also deepen their understanding of their country's history and culture.

As part of the "Student Museum Visit" project, our students visited the State Museum of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Uzbekistan, where they had the opportunity to immerse themselves in the heroic past of our homeland. The museum's exhibits unveiled pages of military history, the heroic deeds of our great ancestors, and the development of the national army.

This visit was more than just an excursion; it was a significant step towards understanding national identity, patriotism, and respect for our heritage. We believe that the future of leaders begins with an understanding of the past!

🇺🇿Global Knowledge, National Pride, and a Confident Vision for the Future!

📢 Mock IELTS Exam: The First Step to Success! 🎯📚

Last week, students of the International Double Degree Faculty of TSUE and IMC Krems took part in the Mock IELTS Exam. It wasn’t just a knowledge check—it was a chance to experience the real test atmosphere, challenge themselves, and identify areas for improvement.

📝 Every task was a challenge, every second a valuable experience! Students had the opportunity to assess their performance, understand what needs more practice, and take one step closer to acing the actual exam.

🔥 And now, the most important part – the results! Today, we will announce the test outcomes. Stay tuned because success starts with preparation! 🚀

💬 How was the exam? What are your impressions? Share in the comments! ⬇️

🇲🇽 Viva México at TSUE! 🇲🇽

Yesterday, the Nations’ Day festival took place at Tashkent State University of Economics – a vibrant celebration of cultural diversity! 🌍✨

Our International Double Degree Faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics with IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems had the honor of representing Mexico – a country of fiery rhythms, rich traditions, and bright colors. Our students lit up the stage with energetic Mexican dances, dressed in stunning traditional carnival costumes. 💃🔥

Their passion, creativity, and love for Mexican culture earned our team an honorary place and a cash prize of 1 million UZS! 🏆💰

This incredible event once again proved that our students are not only talented but also capable of bringing the spirit of any country straight to the heart of Tashkent! 🌎❤️

📸 Share your favorite moments in the comments below! 👇

A Remarkable Scientific Achievement!

The International Double Degree Faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics in collaboration with IMC UAS Krems continues to achieve significant milestones in the academic world!

Our esteemed faculty member from the Department of IMC Transnational Programs, Maha Elsayed Abdelazim Ibrahim, has successfully published a research paper in a Web of Science Q1 journal—one of the most prestigious scientific platforms globally.

📝 The study, published in "Applied Soft Computing", explores cutting-edge developments in artificial intelligence and its applications across various fields. Such a remarkable achievement highlights the high research potential of our faculty and their contribution to international science.

🔗 You can access the publication here:
👉 Privacy-preserving federated UAV data collection framework for autonomous path optimization in maritime operations

Congratulations to Maha Elsayed Abdelazim Ibrahim on this outstanding accomplishment! 👏

805 0 3 14 44

#Proudtobestudent 🧡

👋 Hi, My name is Shokhjakhon Baymatov, and I am currently pursuing a double degree in Tourism and Leisure Management. Studying hospitality has been an exciting journey, allowing me to explore different cultures and perspectives through my exchange semester in Austria and projects with international students.

In my free time, I am passionate about sustainable tourism and innovative hospitality concepts. My internship semester at Atlantis Dubai provided me with valuable hands-on experience in luxury hospitality, while my time in Dubai further deepened my understanding of guest experiences at a world-class level.

👉 Continue

Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti 1C Dasturi bo'yicha to'liq kursga barcha qiziquvchilarni taklif qiladi. Mazkur kursda 20 yillik tajribaga ega ustozimiz Rahimov Nuriddin Rahmonovich sizni 1C tizimi bo'yicha chuqur bilim va ko'nikmalar bilan ta’minlaydi.

Rahimov Nuriddin Rahmonovich uzoq yillik tajribaga ega bo'lib, moliyaviy boshqaruv, buxgalteriya va korxona resurslarini rejalashtirish bo'yicha eng muhim jihatlarni o'rgatadi.

Kursning afzalliklari:
1C dasturiy yechimlari bo'yicha keng ko'lamli bilimlar.

📍 Manzil: Toshkent davlat iqtisodiyot universiteti
🕒 Davomiyligi: 2-oy
💻 Kurs formati: Oflayn
Kurs kimlar uchun mo'ljallangan?
Buxgalteriya va moliya sohasi mutaxassislari.
O'z biznesini samarali boshqarishni xohlovchi tadbirkorlar.
1C tizimi bo'yicha bilimlarni oshirib, o'z kasbiy yo'lini rivojlantirmoqchi bo'lgan talabalar va mutaxassislar.

Hoziroq boshlang: birinchi dars uchun pul to'lamaysiz!

Natija: Tinglovchilar ishlab chiqarish, savdo, xizmat ko‘rsatish va boshqa sohalarda buxgalteriyani 1C dasturi asosida yuritish ko‘nikmasiga ega bo‘ladilar.

📱Telegram: @Murodov_TDIU
📞 +998948683828

📜 The Legacy of the Jadids Through the Lens of Time!

Today, on February 28, the IMC Krems faculty hosted an inspiring essay competition on the topic "Jadids, National Identity, Independence, and Statehood Ideals." More than 90 students poured their knowledge and passion into their essays, reflecting on national identity, independence, and the profound legacy of the Jadids.

All essays were written in Uzbek, emphasizing the importance of preserving the native language as the voice of history that connects generations. Participants delved into the past, analyzed its lessons, and drew parallels with the present, proving that the ideas of the Jadids continue to inspire and shape the future.

This competition was not just a test of knowledge but a crucial step in preserving cultural memory. The youth understand: history is not just pages in textbooks—it is the foundation upon which the future is built! 🇺🇿🔥

Congratulations on the achievement!

Yesterday, on February 27, Zilola Akhmedova, a student of Foundation F10, participated in the competition "Zulfiyaxonim – Muhabbat va sadoqat timsoli", dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the great Uzbek poetess Zulfiya Israilova.

The event was organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and Innovation in collaboration with the Women's Council of TSUE to honor the birthday of this remarkable literary figure. During the competition, participants recited Zulfiya's poems and demonstrated their knowledge of her life and creative legacy.

Thanks to her outstanding performance and deep understanding, Zilola Akhmedova, a student of IMC Krems, was awarded the honorary nomination "Eng zamonaviy"!

We sincerely congratulate Zilola on this well-deserved recognition and wish her continued success! 🌟👏

📢 Attention, Foundation Program Students!

Are you ready to test your skills before the real exam? 🎯
We are organizing a mandatory Mock IELTS Exam exclusively for students of the International Double Degree Faculty of Tashkent State University of Economics with IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems.

📍 Location: First building, first floor, IMC Krems
Participation is mandatory – don’t miss this chance to assess your knowledge!

📅 Schedule:

🕛 12:00 PM
F-4 & F-5 – Room 122
F-6 & F-7 – Room 115
F-8 & F-9 – Room 118
F-10 & F-11 – Room 111

🕜 1:30 PM
F-12 – Room 119
F-13 – Room 120
F-14 – Room 121

Arrive on time and show what you’re capable of! 🚀

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bir muddat,
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Mirzo Ulug'bek

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