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📊Moliyaviy hisobotning, jumladan MHXSga muvofiq shakllari tasdiqlandi
Moliyaviy hisobotni MHXS asosida tayyorlashi lozim bo‘lgan tashkilotlar toifalari belgilangan bo‘lib, ushbu jarayonda MHXS asosan moliyaviy hisobot tuzuvchi tashkilotlarga qulaylik yaratish va metodologik ta’minlash maqsadida MHXS muvofiq moliyaviy hisobot shakllari ilk bora tasdiqlandi.
🇺🇿 Batafsil
📊The forms of the financial statements, including the forms in accordance with IFRS, have been approved
The categories of organizations that must prepare the financial statements on the basis of the IFRS have been determined, and to assist those organizations in preparation of financial statements and provide them with methodological guidance, for the first time, the forms of financial statements in accordance with IFRS have been approved.
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📊Moliyaviy hisobotning, jumladan MHXSga muvofiq shakllari tasdiqlandi
Moliyaviy hisobotni MHXS asosida tayyorlashi lozim bo‘lgan tashkilotlar toifalari belgilangan bo‘lib, ushbu jarayonda MHXS asosan moliyaviy hisobot tuzuvchi tashkilotlarga qulaylik yaratish va metodologik ta’minlash maqsadida MHXS muvofiq moliyaviy hisobot shakllari ilk bora tasdiqlandi.
🇺🇿 Batafsil
📊The forms of the financial statements, including the forms in accordance with IFRS, have been approved
The categories of organizations that must prepare the financial statements on the basis of the IFRS have been determined, and to assist those organizations in preparation of financial statements and provide them with methodological guidance, for the first time, the forms of financial statements in accordance with IFRS have been approved.
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