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Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

hindlardi endi iqtisodiy trendda ko’raveraslar.

Old schoollar bilan o’ynedikanu oshnalar.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
must watch!

Social media platforms are therefore the most efficient conformity
engines ever invented. They can shape an adolescent’s mental models of
acceptable behavior in a matter of hours, whereas parents can struggle
unsuccessfully for years to get their children to sit up straight or stop
whining. Parents don’t get to use the power of conformity bias, so they are
often no match for the socializing power of social media.

📚 The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
🖋 Jonthan Haidth.

The way young people use social media is generally not much like free
play. In fact, posting and commenting on social media sites is the opposite
of Gray’s definition. Life on the platforms forces young people to become
their own brand managers, always thinking ahead about the social
consequences of each photo, video, comment, and emoji they choose. Each
action is not necessarily done “for its own sake.” Rather, every public
action is, to some degree, strategic. It is, in Peter Gray’s phrase,
“consciously pursued to achieve ends that are distinct from the activity
itself.” Even for kids who never post anything, spending time on social
media sites can still be harmful because of the chronic social comparison,
the unachievable beauty standards, and the enormous amount of time taken
away from everything else in life.

📚 The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
🖋 Jonthan Haidth.

Жамият характеристикаси

1. Самарали фаолият билан шугулланувчилар,
2. Умри даво мида билим олишни хохловчилар,
3. Ижодий жараёнда иштирок этувчилар,
4. Ёзилмаган конунларни хурмат киладиганлар билан,

5. Фирибгарлар, жиноятчилар, паразитлик турмуш тарзини
олиб борадиганлар, суррогатлар тасирида булган
кулсифатлар фоизи;
6. Турли хил - истлар, ва фобларнинг фоизи билан хам белгиланади.

Vatandoshlik dasturi.
Yulo Vooglayd.

Агар кишининг хаётиий вокеалар тебраниши
[частотаси] юкори, шу билан бирга индивидуаллик дакикалари канчалик киска булса, унинг вакти тезрок утади ва умри шунчалик узок булади.
Вокеалари сийрак, кунари эса бир-бирига сув
томчиларидек ухшаса, вакт тухтайди ва узок
яшаганига карамай, умри киска булиб колаверади.
Баьзи инсонлар ёшлигидан каридир, бошкалари
эса куп йиллар яшаса-да навкирондир.

Vatandoshlik dasturi.
Yulo Vooglayd.

Kill Bill.

botqoqdan ham yomonroq joyga botim ketgan bular.

Children born in the late 1990s were the first generation in history
who went through puberty in the virtual world. It’s as though we sent Gen Z
to grow up on Mars when we gave them smartphones in the early 2010s, in
the largest uncontrolled experiment humanity has ever performed on its
own children.

📚 The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
🖋 Jonthan Haidth.

Everything may seem broken, but that was just as true when I was
growing up in the 1970s and when my parents were growing up in the
1930s. It is the story of humanity. If world events played a role in the
current mental health crisis, it’s not because world events suddenly got
worse around 2012; it’s because world events were suddenly being pumped
into adolescents’ brains through their phones, not as news stories, but as
social media posts in which other young people expressed their emotions
about a collapsing world, emotions that are contagious on social media.

📚 The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
🖋 Jonthan Haidth.

The other explanation I often hear is that Gen Z is anxious and
depressed because of climate change, which will affect their lives more than
those of older generations. I do not deny that their concern is legitimate, but
I want to point out that impending threats to a nation or generation (as
opposed to an individual) do not historically cause rates of mental illness to
rise. When countries are attacked, either by military force or by terrorism,
citizens usually rally around the flag and each other. They are infused with a
strong sense of purpose, suicide rates drop,[41] and researchers find that
decades later, people who were teens during the start of the war show
higher levels of trust and cooperation in lab experiments.[42] When young
people rally together around a political cause, from opposing the Vietnam
War in the 1960s through peak periods of earlier climate activism in the
1970s and 1990s, they become energized, not dispirited or depressed. Every
generation grows up during a disaster or under the threat of an impending
disaster, from the Great Depression and World War II through threats of
nuclear annihilation, environmental degradation, overpopulation, and
ruinous national debt. People don’t get depressed when they face threats
collectively; they get depressed when they feel isolated, lonely, or useless.
As I’ll show in later chapters, this is what the Great Rewiring did to Gen Z.

📚 The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness.
🖋 Jonthan Haidth.

nick name is so related😂

«Биз ёруғлик ишлаб чиқаришда ақл бовар қилмас имкониятларга эга ажнабий ишлаб чиқарувчининг чидаб бўлмас рақобатига дуч келяпмиз. У ички бозоримизни жуда паст нархда тўлдира олади, пайдо бўлиши билан барча буюртмаларимизни олиб қўяди. Шу тариқа француз саноатининг муҳим тармоғи ўзининг барча сон-саноқсиз йўналишлари билан бирга тўлиқ турғунлик ҳолатига тушиб қолади. Бу рақобатчи — Қуёш», — деб ёзади Фредерик

ouv, “round”

rus tilini o’qishda muammosi yo’qlar uchun inglizcha aytganda “must read” kitob ekan.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.