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Guys, I am writing this post to ask for your help.

This young man, one of my best friend's classmate, is now ill and needs a very expensive surgical operation. To save his life, his family is trying find a necessary amount of money, $81 000.

As I know, this channel of mine is too small and doesn't have much audience, I would like to ask you kindly to share this with as many people as possible.

And for donations:

HUMO: 9860020126301355
Uzcard: 8600020300445298
Visa: 4463090000073885
Бобоев Aкбар (his father)

Thank you!

No one can write an essay for you about you. An essay reflects your vision and only you can express it vividly. Those who think they can win scholarships to top universities by copying someone's essays or asking someone to write them seem like they are claiming things without truly deserving. I understand you may not be able to write beautifully - but at least you should have a clear idea why you are applying to xyz. How on earth can I compose a motivational letter for a person who doesn't know why he is choosing Harvard, let's say. This is stupid.

Yes, I am a narrator and a writer, but I am not a liar! Some of my friends have been asking me to create stories for their essays totally out of the blue for free and even saying "if I don't do that, there will not be friendship anymore between us". I really don't need such friends, come on, who want to exploit me for their own benefits. If they even asked me to read, check, give feedback and edit, I would be willing to help. What if those fake friends of mine win scholarship? Will it still be theirs?

I am just sharing some of my observation of prospective student attitudes. Since I also am applying to different programs, it makes my brain explode and my heart ache. To strive to be a morally good person has its own drawbacks and it is often at the expense of your own mental health. Maybe, that's why paid services work better. No relationship issues, no need for excuses. Everyone does their jobs.

P/S. there was even a guy who was chasing me just for the sake of essays, how I hate it!


Hello 2025

Let it be full of great news. Don't give up in your journey to build your ideal life 🙌

What is the next station?

Thank you 2024

You gave me all the extraordinary feelings, experiences, opportunities, challenges and new friends!

You gave me deep connection with nature, world, people and myself. You were tough, made me cry and laugh at the same time.

Yet, you were special! From the beginning, as I called you "a year for belief", you have tested me till the end. I am happy that I have arrived here and am ready to open doors for 2025...

The most important thing I realized is letting yourself to have fun and be free!

Happy New Year



It was going to be thrown away, yet I have given it a second life. As frame with a picture.

Use your mind and skills to solve problems effectively rather than escaping them.


While listening to a podcast, I took a pencil and started to draw. Tried to recall Shanghai, then created a scene of a long-awaited arrival and the meeting of a couple. At first, I thought Brooklyn bridge would fit the image, but then left more open space so there would be a sense of emptiness to be filled and a chance to feel how these two people had missed each other.

(Sorry for sending black and white, though it's actually colourful)


Seems an interesting book

In which season do you think mountains are more beautiful?

1st pic - Zaamin
2nd pic - Bostonliq



Me before you

There is no complete happiness or pain, they say. There are only joys and sorrows...

Why am I here writing all this stuff? Some of my audience know me well, some are even closer, while some might wonder how they subscribed. If you don't like it, you can leave any time.

For two years, this channel has served as a shelter for my thoughts, questions, self-analysis and observations. A lake washing my feelings farther away. A secret garden, where I could escape from reality. A history book, recording cherished memories of my life, as well as hard times that I would love to forget, though I couldn't.

Since, this is not a motivational blog, I didn't want to share self-development content or sort of that. I was actually going to give up writing... just before I heard from totally strangers that my stories mattered to them. And recently, I started getting private messages from my subscribers telling me that these short stories are really inspiring and give them hope.

Those words truly lit me up. Thank you!

To be frank, I have always been sincere in my writing, especially, when it comes to Sam and Susan. That couple was born in my mind back this summer and saved my inner planet from the devastation by a shower of meteors. Because their dialogues carry many wishes untold, mysteries to unfold, dreams unrealized, I don't want to kill them. No, they have to live.

Although, these characters were silly or immature before, they will grow up and stop being emotional one day. As long as they evolve through the difficulties together and break barriers by being brave, they realise that initially it wasn't love, but mere exploration of the unknown. If, in the beginning, they enjoyed each other's company, in the end it wouldn't be the reason why they shouldn't break up. The reason is not the happy moments they spend or sweetness they share. It must be bitterness that can come because of the loss of one another.

In other words, I wish everyone to find their soulmates like the characters I created, or even better ones, who will be together forever...


I am not planning to feed you with unnecessary things anymore. I am also tired of this. I am rebuilding systems, redesigning structures, rethinking my values. Let things go...


What do you think, maybe we see what we have been searching for? That's another mystery of our subconscious mind.


The first three words will be your 2025 mantra. Mine is creation, freedom, gratitude. What about yours?

(Stolen from my friend's profile 🙌)


8th of December International Artists Day 🥳


– It's snowing, finally...
– Yes...
– Susan, would you like to travel to space?
– Do you have tickets?
– If you want, I will buy!
– No.
– Why?
– I don't see any reason to leave my dear warm house with all its paintings, flowers, piano and books.
– We can build a new house on Mars.
– So you can find a new Marsian girlfriend. What a plan! Maybe, you forgot that you had to pay our bills, fix bathroom and...
– You are switching the topic. When can we enjoy dreaming, after all?
– Dear Sam, let's enjoy our lives in real :) We don't have to go away from earth to start loving it, like many people are doing now, who are going abroad in the pursuit of happiness. But few realize that true happiness is inside their hearts...


– Susan, did you write new year resolutions for 2024?
– Yes! I keep them in the jug behind the shelves and am not going not open it until the 31st of December.
– How was it?
– The year has been very fruitful, dynamic and full of color. Not to mention dozens of losses, failures and mistakes, anyway, I am happy to arrive at this point. More or less, I started to bring value to people's lives.
– May I see the letter?
– The year hasn't ended yet.
– I was wondering if I was included there or not...
– What if not?
But you were in mine... even though under the unknown title... with the only description: love!
– To be serious, you were written in my soul, not on paper...
– Shshhhh... Be careful with words. You can't take them back :)


– Sam, I wish we were born a bit later...
– Do you want to become a baby child?
– No. Maybe, we would be living in a different era, where telepathy is not considered magic.
– As for me, I would rather go back to XIX century.
– Why?
– Instead of chatting online, I would be travelling hundreds of miles just to hear your cheerful voice... to lie on grass together and gaze at stars...
– Those things are super easy that you don't have to rewrite history.
– Now, you are contradicting yourself.
– Maybe, our lives are based on contradictions..?


How would you react if you saw a birthday card with your picture hanging on the bench where everyone can sit?

Let's assume that you don't know where he/she lives now and lost all his/her contact.

It reminded me of "Wanted criminals" posters. Creative, actually :)


— "The oldest, shortest words— "yes" and "no"— are those which require the most thought" he said in a slow voice and...
— Pythagoras was right.
— Hmm, maybe.
— He was genius. For a long time, I pondered why I fail in certain things where many people succeed, but achieve better results where many people would fail. Why for me entertainment is not concerts, but being alone with my notes or art? Why for me work is not getting paid, but feeling the process?
— So?
— To discover what was meant to be mine I said "No" to many things...
— Did you find anything?
— Yes...
— What?
— YOU!


– What are you waiting for?
– I don't know.
– You have been quiet these days. Susan, tell me what happened.
– I am not alive, nor dead. The world seems to have gone upside down, but I am not hanging. Why? While the missiles keep killing thousands of children, while thousands of babies are born daily, while I fight against injustice and for peace, some people keep laughing at me that everything is okay. Am I insane?
– I don't think sanity is appreciated these days...
– Even love...
Who said love was sane?


– If I could turn into a snowflake, I would fall gently onto your lips...
– Then my heart would freeze, just like when I met you for the first time...
– Sam, have you ever wondered why we always want something more?
– My dear, lovely girl. We need to live as fully as possible before we die. I like both your tears and smile. The way you don't restrict yourself to be strong only, but also show how vulnerable you are in front of me. And I want to protect you till the end of my life...
Then I will be your Sun in the coldest days...


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