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Aziz o‘quvchilarim!

Mana, yangi yil eshik qoqmoqda. 2025 yil hammamiz uchun yangi imkoniyatlar, yangi marralar va yangi orzular sari yo‘l ochadi. Men sizlarning har biringizdan ulkan muvaffaqiyatlar kutaman va bunga ishonaman!

Sizning IELTS imtihonlaridan yuqori ball olib, dunyo darajasida o‘zingizni ko‘rsatishingizni, orzu qilgan universitetlaringizga osonlik bilan kirishingizni chin dildan tilayman. Bu yil sizning maqsadlaringiz ro‘yobga chiqadigan, o‘z kuchingizni ko‘rsatadigan yil bo‘ladi, bunga hech qanday shubham yo‘q.

Esda tuting: mehnat va ishonch har qanday qiyinchiliklarni yengadi. Har kuni bilimga bir qadam yaqinroq bo‘lish uchun harakat qiling. Sizlarning har bir yutug‘ingiz men uchun eng katta sovg‘a.

2025 yil sizga yorqin kelajak, oila baxti va katta muvaffaqiyatlar olib kelsin! Har doim siz bilanman, har doim sizga ishonganimni biling.

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Berk teacher❤️‍🔥

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Barcha ilmga chanqoq yoshlarni kutub qolamiz. Darslar 14.00da boshlanadi

🖌Ròyhatdan  òtmoqchi   bòlganlar  2️⃣6️⃣-avgustdan Edison òquv markaziga kelib ròyhatdan òtishi mumkin

Manzil.Tòrtkòl shahri.Nukus kòchasi 10-uy.Kanstovar


Hamma qo’shilsin⚡️

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Ertaga tushib qolishi mumkin

New Zealand journey
Grace travelled around South Island on something called 9 .
The first part of Grace’s journey took her along the 10 coast of the island.
When Grace took a day trip to a place called Kaikoura, she particularly wanted to see 11 .
Grace has kept in touch with a friend from 12 since she returned home.
Grace took her own 13 to New Zealand, so didn’t need to hire one.
The best part of the trip for Grace was jet-boating on the Buller River with a company called 14 .
Grace had to visit a hospital because she injured her 15 .
At a market, Grace bought a 16 to take home.
The name of the hostel that Grace particularly recommends is the 17 .
Grace plans to go 18 with friends when she next visits North Island.

Yana bor,tashlaymi?

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Bugun tushgan

Javoblari :
6- Apartments

Cities of future

Have you ever wondered how (1) will look in the future? For me, I think that they will be different from now with more places to relax, taller (2) and better (3) .

First of all, one significant change will be the need for more places such as parks, (4) centers and entertainment areas. The reason for having these places is people will have to work harder and longer hours and therefore they would need more (5) to chill out and relax.

Another change will be high-rise buildings for offices and (6) , as there will be more people moving to the city. This change will increase the cost of land, so it will be cheaper to build upwards rather than sideways.

Also, as more people live in the city, there will be a greater need to have better transportation so (8) can move around the city quickly. This transport will include (8). system, high-speed trains and a tram (9) .

To conclude, our cities will look different from now. There will be a lot of challenges as people are likely to demand better (10) in the city where they live

It is a well-known fact that most celebrities and TV personalities are better known for their luxurious lifestyles than their performance or accomplishments. Consequently, their extravagant lifestyle instigates such attitudes in the youth, and I believe it negatively impacts youngsters. The negative impacts will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs
Nowadays, there are several famous celebrities and actors who are extremely popular due to their extravagant lifestyle, instead of their acting skills or performances. Such celebrities always manage to make it to the headlines by creating sensational acts either in the films or in real life. Therefore, these kinds of celebrities have a negative influence on young people because instead of influencing people with their achievements and accomplishments, they try to manipulate youngsters by their wealth and luxurious lifestyle.
Furthermore, there are some famous superstars in the entertainment industry whose acting skills might be average. Still, they always manage to stay in the headlines by showing off their wealthy, and glamorous lifestyles. Their behaviour and attitude always have an adverse influence on teenagers. For example, Kylie Jenner, who is famous for her reality show, usually shows off her palatial mansion, high-profile parties, and opulent lifestyles instead of merely acting. Thus, it is possible that the young people will easily get influenced by her behaviour and her rich lifestyle, which would have a negative effect on them.
Though there are a few actors in the entertainment industry who portray positive acts on screen and are extremely talented, there are a lot many others who spoil young minds.
In a nutshell, we can reiterate that all TV personalities have positive and negative impacts on people. But the difference lies in the influence they have on the people, either positively or negatively. Thus, in my opinion, people should be relatively selective in choosing their ideal role models.

Some people believe that the influence of celebrities on young people is positive.
To what extend do you agree or disagree?

🚀IELTS 8.0 uchun qadamni boshladim(hozirgi ball 7.5)

Yopiq guruhda nimalar qilayitganimni kundalik aytib materiallarni ulashib boraman.

Yopiq kanalga qo’shilish uchun menga @isayevberk + qoldiring.

Guruhga qo’shilish 100 ming❗️
Agarda menga 8.0 chiqmasa yopiq guruhdagi kimgadir 1 mlm beraman🚀

Describe an unforgettable event in childhood

Describe a positive change

Describe a successful business

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.