Doniyor | Daily

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

🧑🏻‍🎓 Mukhammad al-Khwarizmi School 26’
✏️ SAT 1450 (M: 790)
🇺🇸 YYGS 25’
📌 Veritas AI 24’
🏕 Skills Camp(Media) 23’
🎙 Oxiana Fellows 24'
📚 NYAS 23-24’
📍 IQtidorly 24’
👽 Hogwarts Camp 24’
🔥 TopUni Camp 24’
🗂 CV:

Связанные каналы  |  Похожие каналы

Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

But we should also understand that previous gens faced other major challenge. Challenge of being first.

In times when admissions were not as cliche, people applied to colleges abroad without proper knowledge.

They researched everything themselves and broke the barriers for younger generations.

So, we should say our ‘thanks’ to the older gens as well.

📈 The growing competition you can't ignore

Year by year, generations are becoming stronger and stronger. If you think you started early, believe me, it’s not early enough.

I used to think the same way. I thought I started applying to programs and learning about admissions early, back when I was in 9th grade. But now, I see kids who are already having olympiads in several fields by the time they’re 15.

These students are scoring 1590 SAT, 8.5 IELTS, and still have a lot of time ahead. This means that each class will be more competitive than the previous one.

In fact, it’s already happening. The class of 2028 said the class of 2029 will be hard, but they believe the classes of 2030 and 2031 will need to work even harder.

I’m not sure what factors are causing this, but it’s clear that admissions content is a major influence.


390 0 3 10 29

Husan Isomiddinov dan repost
I have spent the last 2.5 years of my life aiming to land an acceptance at any prestigious undergraduate institution. There have many ups and downs in this adventurous period. Yet, good or bad, they all left a lesson to be learned, an insight to be understood. Here are five things my years of experience have led me to conclude. I will make it brief. (I know many will not read long posts).

1. Money matters.
2. Understand what you are doing. You need to work hard to be great, not to appear as one.
3. "Presentation skills are key. People who work hard but poorly present themselves can lose out to those who are not as good but are great at presenting their work." – Harvard Business Review
4. Read. Read. And Read. You need brilliant essay ideas? Open up a page of your last book or pick up that dusty kindle and charge it to the fullest.
5. College acceptance never is the next milestone. Its place as the last link in the chain makes it the most CONSPICUOUS link; in real importance it has no advantage over any one of its predecessors, nor its successors. (Inspired by Twain)

Important! I never claim to be an admissions expert. I am simply recounting my own subject experience and basing this post off of it. And again, these all are subjective opinions.


Top 100 Uni dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
⚡️ Exchange Programs Marathon with Doniyor Kamoldinov.

➡️ Topic: "YYGS PROGRAM "

Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

I just realized that this was my first experience as an actor

Zakovat Club dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

3-mavsum "Zakovat" o'yinlari tez kunda! 🧠
Bilimdonlar musobaqasiga tayyor turing!

➡️ Telegram I Instagram I LinkedIn

498 0 0 14 24

average online was about 70 people

me happy, me enjoy

thank you all for listening to me non-stop 😅😂

703 0 0 14 45

Top 100 Uni dan repost
📣 Bugungi Exchange Programs marafonining so‘nggi bo‘limi!

😬 – O'zi bu marafondan nima olaman?

🤓 – Exchange Programs haqida batafsil va ishonchli malumotlar;
- dasturga qabul qilingan talabalar tajribasi bilan tanishish imkoni;
- o'zingizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javoblar;
- orzularga erishish yo'lida kuchli motivatsiya va yo'riqnoma ham olishingiz mumkin.

🔘 Timur Polyakov - UWC Program – 18:00-19:00
🔘 Doniyor Kamoldinov - YYGS Program – 19:00-20:00
🔘 Asalkhon Sharipova - SUSI Program – 20:00-21:00

🗓 Sana: 18-yanvar, 12:00dan boshlab.
📍 Manzil: Top 100 Uni Telegram kanali, (onlayn formatda)

🌍 Go global with Top 100 Uni!

Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

Top 100 Uni dan repost
🔈 “Exchange Programs Marathon”

Navbatdagi marafonimizda tajribali spikerlarimiz UGRAD, FLEX, Tech Girls, SUSI, JACAFA, UWC va shu kabi nufuzli almashinuv dasturlari haqida va bu darsturlarga ariza topshirish jarayoni, dasturlarning afzalliklari va bu asosida chet elda ta’lim olish bo'yicha so‘zlab berishadi.

🗓 Sana: 18-yanvar
📌 Manzil: Top 100 Uni telegram kanali.
▶️ Format: Online

Bundan tashqari siz bu dasturlar haqida o'zingingizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob olishingiz mumkin.

🌍 Go global with Top 100 Uni!

Telegram | Instagram | YouTube

441 0 7 16 33

💬Hey everyone!


Just like three months ago when I sent a similar feedback form, I want to hear about any negative traits or behaviors you've noticed in me.

Furthermore, you can also reflect on the quality of the posts here.

This is part of my ongoing self-research project to understand myself better.

Feel free to share your thoughts anonymously. Your feedback is truly appreciated!


Thanks for being honest!


🕯 The Cost of Success

Everything in life is balanced. Stability exists in its own way.

Think you can cheat the system? Nah, you can't. If you believe you can achieve something without sacrifice, that belief itself is already your loss.

Want to study abroad? Fine, but be ready to say goodbye to your family. Aiming for a 1600 on the SAT or an acceptance letter from IVY college? Then prepare to sacrifice your time, energy, nerves, and money.

This rule of life still shocks me. I used to believe there was a way to relax and make a lot of money at the same time. But here it is – reality.

Don't expect quick results, guys. Every achievement demands the same level of effort and attention.

I know today is the final day to apply to U.S. colleges. Just a reminderlife isn’t unfair. It’s fair in the harshest way. Believe in yourself.

If you’ve put in the effort (even if not), remember – you will achieve what Allah knows is best for you.

Good luck. You've got this.🫡

@kamoldDaily 💡

2024 Channel Statistics 📈


🚩 Compete With Yourself, Not Others

Many people around me, when talking, try to provoke me by saying, "That guy is your competitor" or "She's going to beat you in admissions."

Guys, why do you think this way? Sure, thinking competitively might boost your motivation, especially when applying to your dream college. But this isn’t something to argue about. The only person you should compete with is the best version of yourself.

Focus on being the best you can be and build your own unique path. Don’t aim to outshine others just because someone says you should.

Maybe I haven't faced this yet and don't fully understand it, but I’ve seen many cases where ordinary guys get into universities simply because they didn’t focus on beating others in IELTS, SAT, or any other challenge.

I truly believe that everyone has their future written on their forehead. Just study, put in the effort, and take risks. You’ll achieve anything.

@kamoldDaily 💎

🧐 Reality of Getting In

I know that ‘getting in’ to the prestigious program, being one of the few Uzbeks who receive this acceptance, and achieving 200 subscribers in a day might seem like a great achievement, but most people around don’t understand the real effort that was put in or what will be required in the future.

They don’t realize the things that were sacrificed: sleepless nights, a million versions of a single essay, or even the nerves when there’s only an hour left until the deadline.

After being accepted, I’m realizing how much still needs to be done, even after being admitted. There’s so much to complete and apply for: visas, notary services, agreements, and health forms. Even something as simple as booking a flight takes time and, of course, money.

It turns out no one will be waiting for you at the airport in NYC. I’ll have to make my way to New Haven by myself. If you arrive earlier, you’ll need an apartment to stay in or close relatives who can provide a place for a day or two.

I don’t want to make you feel depressed or give you a “don’t apply” mindset. I just want you to be aware of these challenges before applying and not assume that everything is as easy as butter on bread.

Definitely apply for this opportunity and try your best on the essays. I want more Uzbeks to get in and increase opportunities for Uzbeks internationally. If you have any questions, feel free to ask in DM.


🔔 Who am I?

I guess most of you have joined me because of the recent news about my acceptance to YYGS. Thank you for joining.

Let me introduce myself to you.

My name is not Kamoliddin. My name is Doniyor - just a chill guy from Mukhammad Al-Khwarizmi School in Tashkent. In 2019, I was admitted to my current school, securing 1st place.

As a camper, I have participated in nearly all the camps I could apply for: SkillsCamp (3rd season), IQtidorly (2nd season), Hogwarts Research Camp (2nd season, 100%), and Top Uni Camp (Bachelor, 2024). After this, even my parents joked that I didn’t have a home! I spent most of my last summer at camps rather than with family.

Moreover, I have taken part in programs such as Oxiana Fellows, New York Academy of Sciences 2024, Veritas AI (100%), and, hopefully, YYGS. :)

My major is Media Studies (or CS). I have always had a passion for Media (mainly videography and graphic design). With my team, we’ve created over 10 great projects at school that were well-received by the audience - even in a school full of strong critics! You can check out my CV here: [link].

Shortly about my stats: I don’t have an IELTS score, but I have an SAT score of 1450 (790/660).

Again, thank you for joining. Welcome to this great community.

@kamoldDaily 👑

1.6k 0 18 19 75

Alhamdulillah! YALE, I'm coming 👑

Thank you to everyone who supported and prayed for me.

⭐️ YYGS 25' ?


6.6k 3 87 124 131
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.