life long learner

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Bloglar

A naive girl who is learning how to live)
IELTS 6.5(L7.5 R6 W6.5 S6.5)
HXIM 25?
Zakovat 2023 Republic stage
HIPPO, SBEE and many more....

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Postlar filtri

The rest follows


without making me feel dumb.

the worst day ever.


Her Bios dan repost
Dear self, stay strong.


As u guys know it is already passed the half of the month. What did u do in the past 15 days, r u taking action towards your goal? U don't have to write reflections at the end of the year.

Those who registered for the camp, you can get your certificate here @dg_sertifikatbot

Couldn't make it all sessions but anyways got the certificate


According to statistics

Maktab boshlangandan kn aktiv ancha tushib ketibdiii😕

Futbol ko'ryapsilarmi?


Guys who is actually reading these pieces from Daily Stoic that I post every day??

So guys, the question was that:
How many T2 essays were written by me before I sat the exam?

Generally, took part in 3 IELTS mock exams. So the answer is simply 3. You might not trust but I am telling the truth.

As I turned over my writing notebook I saw almost NO essays on it. Keyin vedio larda o'rgangan 2-3 essaylarni copy qigan ekanman.

Lekin yozmadim degani, o'rganmaganman deganimas. Theory ni bilardim, lekin practice kam bo'gan.

Mock da faqatgina shu 3 ta FULLY essay yozgan ekanman. To'g'risi o'tiriiib, 250 ta so'zlik essay yozishga sabrim chidamasdi. Examda yozganimam 250 ta so'zga yetmagandi, lekin intro, 2 ta body part va conclusion bor edi.

Lekin T1 bilan ko'p shug'ullangandim, ko'proq yozgandim. Score im 6.5 bo'lishidayam shu T1 ni o'rni katta deb o'yliman.

Eng qizig'i, men 31-minute dayam T1 yozib o'tirgandim🤦‍♀. T2 ga approximately 27-28 minut sarflaganman.

and it is already #January12th

why why why????
every channel admins are posting abt 'Paypoq🧦'

I don't really think that most women and girls give 🧦s as a gift. That's too unfair, I mean the posts. They are exaggerating.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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