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When You Hit the Ceiling

Everyone who spends a long time working on self-improvement eventually hits their own ceiling hard. Trying to rise above and break through it with your head, you risk shattering your skull and falling down.

The thing is, the ceiling in development we’re talking about is your internal state when you’re truly comfortable. You’ve forgotten what pain, tears, and sweat feel like.

You want to jump higher, but deep down, you’re content as it is. Your brain isn’t stupid; it doesn’t want to risk the comfort you’ve built, so it doesn’t give you the ideas or energy to forward. Why bother when everything is already fine?

At such moments, a bit of self-destruction and a shake-up won’t hurt. Deliberately worsening your circumstances for the sake of a greater goal and further growth has never harmed anyone.

Great Power

I’ve discovered that indifference is the most powerful weapon against any attacks from haters you can’t confront directly. Big bosses, managers of all sorts, fill their eyes with a mix of rage and helplessness when faced with someone who has mastered the art of not caring.

You yell at them — they don’t care. You threaten them — they couldn’t care less about your antics. You strip them of their bonus? They. Do. Not. Care. Your methods of influence run out without ever getting a reaction.

By not giving any response to an aggressor, you put them in a painful and unbearable position. If you remain steadfast, they’ll eventually give up, leave you alone, and minimize any interaction with you.

Don’t Stick Your Nose In

ones who, of course, know better than you how to live, where to look, and how fast to blink?

Hate them as much as you like, but sometimes you don’t even notice how you, too, turn into a nag, forcing your “wise” opinion into someone else’s problem.

We’re all guilty of this. The moment we catch the scent of something familiar — something we’ve been through ourselves — we rush to shove in our two cents.

In 80% of cases, you end up the bad guy, tangled up in someone else’s emotions, draining your own energy. What are you, a psychologist? Are you getting paid for this?

No? Then shut your mouth. If someone needs your help, they’ll come and ask for it.

However, above all, you need to be honest with yourself. You’re probably reading this and thinking, “Well, I’m already honest.” But no, you’re not! Think about how you react when someone insults you. Think about what you do when your friends ask you to hang out, even when your schedule is packed. In the first case, you’re afraid to respond honestly by standing up for yourself and come up with a thousand excuses not to. In the second, you lack the honesty to tell them you’re busy!

A lack of self-honesty is the root cause of weakness in modern men. When you lie to someone’s face, you integrate dishonesty into your habits, which eventually leads you to lie blatantly even to the people closest to you.

Be honest with yourself and those around you!

Always Be Honest with Everyone

Honesty is the best way to filter your surroundings. Take a closer look at how genuine your friends are with you. If your crew can’t handle the truth and they vanish at the first opportunity, take a moment to reflect on the kind of people you’re surrounded by and take action.

Trust me, it’s better to be alone than in bad company. Cut toxic people out of your life, and you’ll free up your mind from unnecessary clutter and reduce the chances of spilling something personal to the wrong crowd.

You can roll downhill for a long time, hit rock bottom, and wallow in a dirty puddle of helplessness and apathy. But sooner or later, every cycle ends. My time has come to stand before you again — not yet clean, still battered, but with a new spark in my eyes, trying to glimpse the sun through a grim, overcast sky. I’m still cold, but not as much as before. The first rays have started warming my skin and body, and my soul is beginning to feel lighter.

I only hope these rays won’t turn into a cursed mirage in the endless desert and knock me down with renewed force.

Discipline, discipline, discipline.

There’s so much meaning buried in this word. It’s the force that moves mountains, dries up oceans, and lifts you to Olympus to stand among the Greek gods.

Without it, you’re like a boulder slowly rolling downhill, straight to the bottom of a ravine — cold, hungry, and devoid of light. Incidentally, that’s been the story of the last few months for the ᴅᴀᴠʀᴏɴᴏᴠ ʀᴇꜰʟᴇᴄᴛs channel.

What happened? The greatest human flaw: laziness. The lack of motivation, the unwillingness to kick yourself forward with heavy boots.

The idea of surrounding yourself with strong and successful people is just a ridiculous self-help fantasy.

All those tips about how important it is to be around successful people to grow sound nice, but think about it: why would they need you?

An ordinary guy trying to climb out of his daily grind. So what? There are millions like you. Why would a successful person, solving problems on a completely different level, want to bring you into his circle? Why would he drag along a dead weight with no real value?

The path to growth is always through solitude. It’s that moment when you ask yourself the hard questions, make your own decisions, and fight for opportunities on your own. There is no magical “supportive circle” waiting to help you out. The magic isn’t real. Put the wand away.

First, you need to become someone worth being around. Achieve something. Show your results.

Building a “strong circle” around yourself is just a naive dream for readers of those “Path to Success” blogs.

“If you hang out with four alcoholics, you’ll soon become the fifth. If you hang out with four millionaires, you’ll soon become the fifth.”


"There are seats waiting for you at tables you haven't even seen yet"

But listen, just because you spent 11 years in the same class with someone, or 4 years in college, doesn’t mean you’re inseparable. Toxic friends bury your potential, drag you down, and hold you back from truly flourishing. Don’t be afraid of solitude; only the strongest people are willing to walk the path alone.

Trust me, I’m speaking from personal experience - once you cut off the jerks, you’ll attract a new circle that will lift you up.

Toxic People in Your Circle

There are those guys you’ve known since childhood, friends for life, so to speak. But they’re toxic, thinking only of themselves, giving no importance to your problems or feelings. When you finally decide to open up and share what’s really going on in your soul, they just laugh at you and throw out advice like, “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine.”

Then you get inspired by an idea — you now have a new outlook on life, and you want to “change the scenery.” You choose the path of growth, but stepping into the unknown alone feels scary. So, you share your idea with those old friends, who, instead of supporting you, call you an idiot and suggest hitting the bar instead. You’re just used to hanging out with them; they’re your only friends.
So why is it hard to cut ties with them? The answer is simple
— you’re afraid of being alone.

V pt. To wrap up, I’ll leave you with a quote from the renowned Soviet-Russian mathematician Vladimir Arnold:

“American colleagues explained to me that the low level of general culture and school education in their country is a deliberate achievement for economic purposes. The point is that an educated person, having read books, becomes a worse consumer: they buy fewer washing machines and cars and start preferring Mozart or Van Gogh, Shakespeare or theorems. This harms the consumer-driven economy and, above all, the incomes of the masters of life. So they strive to prevent culture and education, which, moreover, make it harder to manipulate a population reduced to an unthinking herd.”

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IV pt. Western capitalists have long understood that a foolish person is far more advantageous for those in power. Such people won’t rebel when there’s a new episode of their favorite show, a psychic battle, or comedy program airing. However, there’s another side to this coin: a mindless crowd can easily be swayed to hate its leaders. Show them a few incriminating stories — be they fake or real — add some photoshopped “evidence,” sprinkle in a few “official” documents printed next door 10 minutes ago, and they’ll believe it. Who’s going to fact-check? No one — it’s too much effort.

This issue, of course, is addressed by ramping up censorship on the internet and TV to ensure nothing “extra” slips through—something we’re clearly witnessing now.

III pt. Take the past as an example: the USSR opposed the ideology of capitalism and took a different path. The state aimed to develop its people comprehensively, boasting one of the best education systems in the world. It was a nation of avid readers. Kids joined radio engineering and construction clubs — it was the norm. Sounds great, right? But the USSR leadership shot itself in the foot. Educated and developed citizens stopped believing in the idea of building communism because they realized it was utopian. When the decisive moment came, the regime found no support, and the country fell apart.

Sadly, due to the rigid mindset of Soviet citizens, they learned to read, acquire knowledge, and lead ascetic lifestyles — but not to think critically. How else can you explain the fact that hundreds of thousands of people from one of the most educated countries in the world ran to invest in financial pyramids like Mavrodi’s after the collapse?

II pt. Here’s an obvious fact to accept: humans are governed by their brains, and as I’ve said countless times, the brain is inherently lazy. It conserves energy whenever possible. Thinking requires effort, exercising the mind is a kind of work, and it brings stress, fatigue, and discomfort. Why would the brain bother when a person can simply work as a low-paid security guard, earn just enough to feed themselves, and then lounge on the couch afterward?

If you dig through the pages of history, you’ll find that ignorance and capitalism walk hand in hand like the most loyal couple.

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