Multi-Level Record (C2 Level Teacher) dan repost
Canfidate name: Muxlisa
Exam date: 21.02.2024
City: Navoi
Speaking Part 1.1:
1.How often do you use the internet
2.Who is your favourite sport player
3.Sizni shahringiz nimaga oʻxshaydi
Speaking Part 1.2:
Bitta rasm odamlar samolyotga chiqyapti
Ikkinchisida poyezdga chiqqan
Speaking Part 2:
Shared your secret
Speaking Part 3:
Students should encourage to join extracurriculr activities.
👑Imtihondan chiqqanlar savollarni @MultiLevelRecord_bot ga yuboring do'stlar
✈️Join: @MultiLevelRecord
Exam date: 21.02.2024
City: Navoi
Speaking Part 1.1:
1.How often do you use the internet
2.Who is your favourite sport player
3.Sizni shahringiz nimaga oʻxshaydi
Speaking Part 1.2:
Bitta rasm odamlar samolyotga chiqyapti
Ikkinchisida poyezdga chiqqan
Speaking Part 2:
Shared your secret
Speaking Part 3:
Students should encourage to join extracurriculr activities.
- Thanks for sharing❤️🔥
👑Imtihondan chiqqanlar savollarni @MultiLevelRecord_bot ga yuboring do'stlar
✈️Join: @MultiLevelRecord