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I can admit it

I love compliments but don't believe them.
I can listen to songs again and again until i hate them.
I can easily cry.
I can be deadly quiet when I'm uncomfortable.
I may be nonchalant.
My overthinking is always right.
I love being alone but hate feeling alone.
I prefer to love, date, marry to only one person.
I hate being sick.
I love making fun of people whom I am close.
I hate people who lie to me.
I am introvert and extrovert.
I can easily cut off people who don't give me the same attention as I am giving to them.
I can cry for songs and movies.
I love imagining about things.
I hate saying goodbyes.
I love listening to people whom i care.
I can be a bit jealous.
I love it when people remember small details about me.

I loved one trend on tik tok. Gonna write my version

Man buni 1 yarim soatda yozgandim ehh 4 tagina reaksiya😂💔

Blame me, shout at me with all grief you have,
If you feel yourself better.
But I found something in your swallowen eyes
You touched all pieces of my soul
more than hands could
Yet I feel scared you can leave me in this cold
I was eager to listen to you
When you talked about your favorite movie,
When you cried because of your parents,
When you felt lonely in summer nights.
You knew I loved you
When you could feel in the way I listened
In the way I remembered everything about you
In the way I stared at you with all admiration I had
I knew you loved me
When I realized I had never been seen before
When I realized I had never loved someone before


Oramizda 3391 km dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
3391 Kilometr

Movie: 3391 kilometers

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Oh I'm in love

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish


- Tell me how many times you listened to it?

- yes

9860 0121 0916 2318 bayramga podarkalani qabul qilaman😂

Sevgimga ishonar jonginam
Lekin u aniq bilmaydi
Tushlarimda jonim bedor
Va yonaman va yana yonaman
Qaray olmayman sirim bor

- You are so quiet.

- thanks, I don't like you.

Ahaaytt yangi kresloli boldim, maniyam qadrim borakaan😂💃

Mood for music.

Somebody is watching me. It's my anxiety.

I know everything about you.
You know everything about me.
We know everything about us.

I dunno others but she aced speaking for me. Happy for Robiya❤️

Bu 6.5 ni orqasida qancha depression, anxiety, tears bor)

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.