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Hard work🙇‍♀

Too tired to care about someone.
Too tired to give what they want.

I love watching TV series which have love triangle or squares. There, a girl/boy couldn't choose one because both are incompatible ones. The tense between them will be so heated which can make anyone easily glued to screen.

Time to disappear from this world for some time💃

Still difficult to start from one.

"Hunger games"
"The worst of evil"
"Sen aglama istanbul"

"How blind you are, Nastenka!..."

I hate university. I hate preparing for finals💔

Sometimes I wish to have things which I can't. How can I say to you that you are one of them.

Mayli birinchisiga yomonmasdir💃

Tuxumbarak qilaman db tuxumbarakim chiqdiii🥲

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

fairy din🧚🏻 dan repost
Табриклашилар мумкин даб дала қилдик…😁

1 semestr nima o'qidim degan savol qiynaydur.

Even though i hadn't been to Vietnam, one of my students made me feel like it there🫠❤️

You know what's attractive?

At the end of the day, he is the one who listens to what's happened at work, how was your day, were you tired or not?.

Bosinmi yana shunaqalaridan?😂

You know what's attractive?

When he's dead silent and serious with others in conversation, but he can't stop talking in front of you.

You know what's attractive?

When he doesn't know that he is totally green forest.

You know what will I do when I feel sad?

I will just listen to your voicemalls, read our chats again, look at your big beautiful black eyes and say: thanks to God for saving me from this shit🤭❤️

P.s: last sentence should be read once again.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.