
Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Algorithms(+DS), Discrete math, fp, javascript, faang, interviews and more. About me:
Contact: @sunny1

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Du Rove's Channel dan repost
💰 Ten days ago, a developer launched a mini app that has already generated $500,000 in revenue. He built it in just two days during the time off from his main job.

🖌 Without a team or marketing budget, he single-handedly implemented everything — design, concept, client-side code, and server-side code. Inspired by my own solo journey when I created VK in 2006, he tackled every element himself.

📈 Thanks to its brilliant concept and minimalist design, his mini app went viral. For the past ten days, it’s ranked in the Top 4 grossing mini apps on Telegram. This is the power of hard work, determination, and the Telegram mini app platform! #️⃣

"Zero to one" by Peter Thiel

If there are any volunteers who want to participate, let me know. We can discuss the idea and form a team to partake in this program

Nuruddin Blogs dan repost
Opportunities for startups in Uzbekistan: Launch of the WeRise acceleration program

The Fintech Association of Uzbekistan announced the launch of the WeRise accelerator together with The Stirling Foundation (USA). The project is looking for startups in the following areas:

— FinTech;
— EdTech;
— Cleantech;
— Climate Tech.

A three-day BootCamp will be held from April 17 to 19, and a meeting with international investors will take place on April 25.

10 winners will receive financial support in the amount of $1,500 to 15 thousand.

Applications for participation in WeRise can be submitted until April 10. The event will be held in English.

Registration for Investor's Day is also available via the link.

Laziz Abdullaev dan repost
Multi tasking is your enemy unless the tasks are "no-brain" ones.

You may be able to do a sit-to-stand exercise, scroll through your phone and listen to your friend parallelly (well, unless your friend says something very thoughtful which is rare))). However, any intellectual task requires brain some amount of continuous focus to get into. Unless you pass that threshold length of focus time, your brain won't function effectively towards the accomplishment. If you have multiple brain-involved tasks and try to work on them simultaneously by switching between them frequently, you are less likely to pass that threshold for any of them.

After realizing the mess in my "multitasking abilities", I have tried defining a unit of my focus length per task to restrict myself on a particular task for some time straight. I specify what I am going to focus on and set timer to 54 minutes which is followed up by a 6-minute break. With that set, I can measure my work by how many focus units I spent instead of hours (probably full of distractions I can't remember whatsoever).

From the initial 2 weeks of experiments, I can tell that you can finish your day well-tracked with a transparent history of your commitments.

I realize now that I should have started this much earlier, but better late than never :)

Time tracker used: Toggl Track (


Laziz Abdullaev dan repost
Muhit nazoratdan afzal.

Ko'pchilik matematik oilasida tug'ilganimni bilganida birinchi so'raladigan savol: "Yoshlikdan undov va talab shu yo'nalishda bo'lgan ekanda?", - bo'ladi. Aslida esa menda ularning hayot tarzlarini ko'rib katta bo'lish shu yo'nalishga bo'lgan mehrni va qiziqishni shakllantirgan. Hech qachon "buni o'qi... buni qil... uni qilma..." kabi bosim bo'lmagan. Faqatgina bir marta darsimni qilmay kompyuter o'yini o'ynab o'tirganimda bo'lgan quyidagi dialog esimda:

- "O'yin o'ynayapsanmi?"
- (Uyalib) "Ha."
- "Haa, kelajakda baklajka (макулатура) yig'ib ham kun kechirsa bo'ladi..."

Bir umrga tatigulik suhbat, shundaymasmi? 😄️️️️️️

Inson doim to'g'ri, o'zi va jamiyat uchun manfaatli muhitda bo'lishi mazmunli hayot va taraqqiy etgan jamiyatning asosiy unsurlaridan biri. Bunday muhitni topish uchun noto'g'ri muhitdan qochish kifoya, shunda qachondir to'g'risiga "tutilasiz". Qanchalik tez "tutilish" jamiyatda bunday muhitlarning qanchalik ko'pligiga bog'liq, bu esa o'z navbatida bu jamiyatda ilmli va bilimli insonlarning miqdori bilan o'lchanadi.

Vaholanki, bejizga hammasi "O'qi!" bilan boshlangan emas 🙂


Code with Ulugbek dan repost
“Let’s Crack It!” challengening 2-qismi 16-oktabr (dushanba) kunidan boshlanadi. Ungacha challengening 1-qismida register qilmagan bo’lsangiz @helpPeopleToGrow ga quyidagi ko’rinishda xabar yuboring:

Let’s Crack It!
Ism Familiya
google pochtangiz

To’rt haftalik problem solvingda haftasiga oltitadan masala ishlab boramiz va bu masalalar quyidagi mavzularga tegishli bo’ladi:
- Graph theory
- Bit manipulation
- Arrays & Implementation
- Strings
- Two pointers
- Greedy

Note: 1-qismda register qilib biron marta qatnashmaganlar standingsdan chiqarib yuboriladi. Agar bu safar qatnashishni xohlasangiz avvalroqdan bu haqida yozib qo’ying.

Have a nice weekend! 😉

Khamidulla’s Micro Blog dan repost
Day 101

Kun masalalari:

🟢 2108. Find First Palindromic String in the Array
🟡 1314. Matrix Block Sum

O’qish uchun material:

*nix dagi quyidagi komanda bilan man orqali tanishing:

- split


*nix systemasda quyidagi komandalarni ketma-ket bajarib ko’ring.

cd $(mktemp -d)
touch sample.txt
for i in {1..10}; do
> echo "Line number $i" >> sample.txt
> done

cat sample.txt
split -l 4 sample.txt split_file


🟢 2778. Sum of Squares of Special Elements
🟡 78. Subsets



20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.


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