Ielts 9 darajdagilar Writing da ishlatadigan Vocabulary 👇
✔️1 Ambiguous
◦ Meaning: Aniq bo‘lmagan, bir nechta ma'noga ega bo‘lishi mumkin.
◦ Example: The instructions were ambiguous, leading to confusion.
✔️2 Eloquent
◦ Meaning: Fikrlari va his-tuyg‘ularini chiroyli va aniq ifodalash qobiliyatiga ega.
◦ Example: She delivered an eloquent speech that moved everyone.
✔️3 Meticulous
◦ Meaning: Juda diqqatli va har bir kichik detaldan ehtiyotkorlik bilan foydalanadigan.
◦ Example: He was meticulous in his research, ensuring every fact was correct.
✔️4 Ephemeral
◦ Meaning: Juda qisqa muddat davom etadigan; o‘tkinchi.
◦ Example: The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral but unforgettable.
✔️5 Altruistic
◦ Meaning: O‘zini boshqalarga yordam berishga bag‘ishlagan, o‘z manfaatidan ko‘ra boshqalarni ko‘proq o‘ylaydigan.
◦ Example: Her altruistic nature made her beloved by all.
✔️6 Conundrum
◦ Meaning: Qiyin yoki murakkab muammo yoki jumboq.
◦ Example: The project faced a conundrum that required creative solutions.
✔️7 Precarious
◦ Meaning: Noaniq yoki xavfli holatda bo‘lgan.
◦ Example: The climber found himself in a precarious position on the cliff.
✔️8 Ostentatious
◦ Meaning: Keragidan ortiq ko‘z-ko‘z qiluvchi yoki o‘ziga e’tibor qaratishga intilgan.
◦ Example: His ostentatious display of wealth made others uncomfortable.
✔️9 Inevitable
◦ Meaning: Oldini olib bo‘lmaydigan, muqarrar.
◦ Example: Change is inevitable in life.
✔️10 Scrutinize
◦ Meaning: Juda diqqat bilan tekshirish yoki ko‘rib chiqish.
◦ Example: The document was scrutinized for errors before submission.
✔️1 Ambiguous
◦ Meaning: Aniq bo‘lmagan, bir nechta ma'noga ega bo‘lishi mumkin.
◦ Example: The instructions were ambiguous, leading to confusion.
✔️2 Eloquent
◦ Meaning: Fikrlari va his-tuyg‘ularini chiroyli va aniq ifodalash qobiliyatiga ega.
◦ Example: She delivered an eloquent speech that moved everyone.
✔️3 Meticulous
◦ Meaning: Juda diqqatli va har bir kichik detaldan ehtiyotkorlik bilan foydalanadigan.
◦ Example: He was meticulous in his research, ensuring every fact was correct.
✔️4 Ephemeral
◦ Meaning: Juda qisqa muddat davom etadigan; o‘tkinchi.
◦ Example: The beauty of the sunset was ephemeral but unforgettable.
✔️5 Altruistic
◦ Meaning: O‘zini boshqalarga yordam berishga bag‘ishlagan, o‘z manfaatidan ko‘ra boshqalarni ko‘proq o‘ylaydigan.
◦ Example: Her altruistic nature made her beloved by all.
✔️6 Conundrum
◦ Meaning: Qiyin yoki murakkab muammo yoki jumboq.
◦ Example: The project faced a conundrum that required creative solutions.
✔️7 Precarious
◦ Meaning: Noaniq yoki xavfli holatda bo‘lgan.
◦ Example: The climber found himself in a precarious position on the cliff.
✔️8 Ostentatious
◦ Meaning: Keragidan ortiq ko‘z-ko‘z qiluvchi yoki o‘ziga e’tibor qaratishga intilgan.
◦ Example: His ostentatious display of wealth made others uncomfortable.
✔️9 Inevitable
◦ Meaning: Oldini olib bo‘lmaydigan, muqarrar.
◦ Example: Change is inevitable in life.
✔️10 Scrutinize
◦ Meaning: Juda diqqat bilan tekshirish yoki ko‘rib chiqish.
◦ Example: The document was scrutinized for errors before submission.