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Happy Ramadan!

Yakhyo Kadyrov dan repost
Most people in Uzbekistan hate their lives. They were spawned out of nowhere, told what to do, and whenever they try to to do something new, our mentalitet, which consists of both "odamlar nima deydi" and “iye anu falonchini bolasi nima qilyapti," blocks their freedom. The only escape in this case could be open-minded parents who would support their child in whatever they want to do and give them freedom, but as current situations show, there are only a few of those parents.
Successful people aren’t successful because they are disciplined; they are successful because their background, passion, and morals intersect at one particular moment, making them fall in love with something without the chains of social pressure. We don’t waste our time watching brainrot reels or videos because we like them. No, we waste our time because we don’t like our life beyond the screen.

I hope your surroundings support your every decision. What you need to do is find your true passion and enjoy what you do, no matter how those around you scream. If you are not lucky with your surroundings, then, well, impossible is possible. Every parent wants their child to live a good life; it’s just a bit difficult for them to see the world as you do.

And believe me, if our nation wasn’t religious we’d be competing with Japan in suicide rates.

The Immigrant, 2017
by Sliman Mansour

From the river to the sea
by Sliman Mansour

Today I got my 1st rejection. I'm only sad about the fee I paid for its css lol.

I'm planning to share more scientific stuff here (maybe related to brain?). But I'm thinking whether doing it in Uzbek is better since there is less content in it, and there are also some of my friends who are more comfortable with Uzbek than English.
Meanwhile, you can find anything in English, but as I get all the info in English, delivering it in its original language would be easier for me and would also help keep my English level good at the same time. I also have some international subscribers too :).
Appreciate your comments.

Top 100 Uni dan repost
🔈 “Exchange Programs Marathon”

Navbatdagi marafonimizda tajribali spikerlarimiz UGRAD, FLEX, Tech Girls, SUSI, JACAFA, UWC va shu kabi nufuzli almashinuv dasturlari haqida va bu darsturlarga ariza topshirish jarayoni, dasturlarning afzalliklari va bu asosida chet elda ta’lim olish bo'yicha so‘zlab berishadi.

🗓 Sana: 18-yanvar
📌 Manzil: Top 100 Uni telegram kanali.
▶️ Format: Online

Bundan tashqari siz bu dasturlar haqida o'zingingizni qiziqtirgan savollarga javob olishingiz mumkin.

🌍 Go global with Top 100 Uni!

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This post seems very silly, but I wanted to leave it here anyway. But before reading, watch two videos above to understand better what I'm trying to say.

I've always wanted to have Hermione's time turner (Harry Potter 3), but was sad knowing I couldn’t actually play with time. We cannot time travel since we are unable to be in higher dimensions. But, if you've seen Inception movie, characters lived in their dreams, and they were "dream within a dream" like multi-layered dimensions. I also saw this kinda dream which I was dreaming in my dream. You see different things, places in your dreams which you cannot in real life. (see, you're traveling somewhere that don't exist here). Besides, you can do whatever you want if you're lucid dreamer and can control your own dreams. And dreams are associated with our brains. Sooooo, even though our body cannot time travel, our minds could do. I know, by adding dreams I might sound off-topic, but really, brain is so powerful and it is still not fully understood. So who knows? Maybe there is still hope.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

By the way, if your university requires to fill out isfaa, and you don't use MacBook, you most likely can't fill this file on your pc since it would be in pdf format. In this case, you have to print it out, write everything manually, scan it and upload it. But, in order to make it easier, I have sth cool to make this everything digitally. Here you go:

I thought I would be done with applications after filling css. No there is also idoc💀. Ah too tired bothering fam asking about money.

Let's live in artificial happiness. It's better than none.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

To get some insight about people's lives, I decided to read "101 Teenagers of Uzbekistan", focusing on its plot and story without paying attention to its writing structure. I've read 22 stories so far. So much pain. Most of them, I'd say, are about typical Uzbek families. Women's inequality; death; arguments; education. Sometimes I'm too afraid to imagine there are even worse families experiencing much harsher events. So scary. Sometimes it's ridiculous that I'm worrying about things that doesn't really make sense in a few years, while those people are living through the worst moments of their lives. I don't even know what kind of person someone could become in such conditions. Do traumas make people kinder? Or do they make them cruel? At some point, I feel like there's no such thing as an evil person, everyone has their good sides. But looking at some people, maybe they had traumatized past and became "evil" over time. Because not everyone can endure these traumas. Not everyone can make the right decisions. Not everyone can escape this system. Not everyone tells their stories and gets support. Many remain untold.

Oh, I nearly forgot to mention this: always have a study buddy. Whether it's online or offline, it doesn't matter. You can discuss questions together and get emotional support. Mine is @mathemagics_uz. You can join too and make some friends there :)

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.