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chill kid 🫠

#Insight 40/365

people come and go,
take care of what is really valuable and vital for your life)

casual night 🧠

#Insight 39/365

wealth without all vital skills can only make a person vulnerable.

this day is yours, the world needs you.

and suddenly it’s 20,
the end of childhood . . .
the start of adulthood)

#Insight 38/365

there should always be someone to develop, advise and guide you.

axaxa everyone is a person, no one is ideal, you 100% need others although you don’t think so.

take care 🗿

Juma mubarak ✨

#Insight 37/365

you’re unique, only the one who listens and understands you is your real happiness)

finally she runs a channel now 🌟🌟

too personal zone,
only for the closest ones

with education a person always and forever gains respect anywhere without even knowing

with brotherz

#Insight 36/365

forget about second chance, seize your momentz as you can’t get them back.

the world needs you 🧠

how are you, dearz

to purify your soul, improve your relationship with God then with yourself then with others, you’ll see a revolution in your life.

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.