1. O’zbekistonda 4-6kishilik oila uchun oyiga o’rtacha qancha xarajat qilinadi?
2. Oyiga qancha topish yetarli?
3. Kanaldagi ko’pchilik talabalardir. Studentning oylik xarajati qancha?
I know it depends on the situation. There may be patients, students in the family but how much on average is enough?
Using poll wasn’t a good option so I chose the bot for more elaborate answers!
2. Oyiga qancha topish yetarli?
3. Kanaldagi ko’pchilik talabalardir. Studentning oylik xarajati qancha?
I know it depends on the situation. There may be patients, students in the family but how much on average is enough?
Using poll wasn’t a good option so I chose the bot for more elaborate answers!