dot's line

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Telegram

An invisible, internal heat consumed him, a fire that burned without flame, leaving only a raw, scorching intensity.
Justin's journey is on the way. Let him shine
DOT: @instagramwasmyidea

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Azizlar, shu Jamolxon brother uchun duo qilib yuboringlar, visa chiqsin. Visa chiqsa hammaga ziyofat ekan.
Shuning uchun endi duolarda Jamolxon brotherni esdan chiqarmanglar. begin o imagine what you could accomplish. You fall in love with the process.

Wonderful :)

"...but you're not uncompromisingly set on anything for your future"

Why don't you try then?

You can sense what isn't right in your life. The first and most crucial step is simply being aware. Being able to communicate to yourself: "Something is not right, even though I am not sure what would feel better"

As a placatingly growing person, he embraced solitude with a smiling face.

“You’ll stop
worrying what others think about you when you realize how seldom they

Complexity is vexing

Life is full of joy and difficulties at the same time.

There are always 2 options: better now or later. Making the desicion is your job not others' words.

Fear is just an illusion.


If you can find a way to fit cooking into your life, it could actually help your mental health

"In a survey of 8500 adolescents in New Zealand, researchers found that self-reported cooking ability was positively associated with better family connections greater mental wellbeing, and lower levels of self-reported depression"

vicarious reward?

When we give, we bring happiness to ourselves and others, experiencing what's often referred to in psychological circles as "vicarious reward"

vicarious → experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person


"purely altruistic" - it mean when you are giving gift or something rewarding to someone you only have a desire to give it
"impurely altruistic" - as you have already guessed there will an egoistical motivation for giving that reward us for the contributions we make

any sentimental reflections about today?

I have learned somethings really cool
That's why I want to share them with you.

Happiness is not how many things you do, but how well you do them.
More is not better. Happiness is not experiencing something else; it's continually experiencing what you already have in new and different ways. Unfortunately as we're taught that passion should drive out every taught move and decision, we're basically impaled with the fear that we're unhappy because we're not doing "enough".

An untamed mind is a minefield.


ma bro's enjoying from life

#Morning #vibe

Morning! Have a productive day!

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Ma bros and sisters.

Happy Ramadan!

Smile guys, I am here

Have a good day, dears!

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.