"Additionally" is used to add more information, similar to
"also," "furthermore," or
"moreover." ###
How to Use "Additionally" 1.
At the beginning: - "Additionally, we need to check the budget."
"Qo'shimcha ravishda, byudjetni tekshirishimiz kerak." 2.
In the middle: - "We finished the report, and additionally, we prepared a presentation."
"Hisobotni tugatdik, qo'shimcha ravishda, taqdimot tayyorladik." ###
Synonyms & Examples 1.
Furthermore – "The project is late. Furthermore, we lack resources."
"Loyiha kechikmoqda. Bundan tashqari, resurslar yetarli emas." 2.
Moreover – "The weather is bad. Moreover, the roads are icy."
"Ob-havo yomon. Bundan tashqari, yo‘llar muzlagan." 3.
Also – "She is kind. Also, she is a great teacher."
"U mehribon. Shuningdek, u ajoyib o‘qituvchi."✈️