📘 Book 3 | Unit 24
📑 Word list
🟦 portable [pɔːrtəbəl] adj. — ixcham, ko'tarib yurishga qulay
🔻>> Something that is portable is able to be moved or carried easily. >> Biror portable bo'lgan narsa olib yurishga yoki siljitishga qulay.
— Since computers are portable, people can use them anywhere.
— Kompyuterlar portable bo'lgani sababli odamlar ularni istalgan joyda ishlatishlari mumkin.
🟦 poster [poustər] n. — plakat, afisha
🔻>> A poster is a written announcement that is used to advertise something. >> A poster bu biror narsani reklama qilish uchun ishlatiladigan yozma eʼlondir.
— I saw a poster about a free concert in the park.
— Men parkdagi bepul konsert haqidagi plakatni ko'rdim.
🟦 scratch [skrætʃ] v. — qashimoq
🔻>> To scratch is to make small cuts with a claw or fingernail. >> To scratch tirnoq bilan mayda kesmalar qilishdir.
— I used a stick to scratch my back.
— Men belimni qashish uchun tayoq ishlatdim.
🟦 symphony [sɪmfənɪ] n. — simfoniya
🔻>> A symphony is a long piece of music performed by many musicians. >> A symphony koʻp musiqachilar tomonidan ijro etilgan uzun musiqa asaridir.
— Alex, a violin player, has always dreamt of playing a symphony.
— Skripkachi Aleks doim simfoniya chalishni orzu qilgan.
🟦 widow [wɪdou] n. — beva, tul
🔻>> A widow is a woman whose husband has died. >> A window eri o'lgan ayol.
— The widow had no children and was very lonely.
— Beva ayol farzandi yo'q va juda yolg'iz edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟦 portable [pɔːrtəbəl] adj. — ixcham, ko'tarib yurishga qulay
🔻>> Something that is portable is able to be moved or carried easily. >> Biror portable bo'lgan narsa olib yurishga yoki siljitishga qulay.
— Since computers are portable, people can use them anywhere.
— Kompyuterlar portable bo'lgani sababli odamlar ularni istalgan joyda ishlatishlari mumkin.
🟦 poster [poustər] n. — plakat, afisha
🔻>> A poster is a written announcement that is used to advertise something. >> A poster bu biror narsani reklama qilish uchun ishlatiladigan yozma eʼlondir.
— I saw a poster about a free concert in the park.
— Men parkdagi bepul konsert haqidagi plakatni ko'rdim.
🟦 scratch [skrætʃ] v. — qashimoq
🔻>> To scratch is to make small cuts with a claw or fingernail. >> To scratch tirnoq bilan mayda kesmalar qilishdir.
— I used a stick to scratch my back.
— Men belimni qashish uchun tayoq ishlatdim.
🟦 symphony [sɪmfənɪ] n. — simfoniya
🔻>> A symphony is a long piece of music performed by many musicians. >> A symphony koʻp musiqachilar tomonidan ijro etilgan uzun musiqa asaridir.
— Alex, a violin player, has always dreamt of playing a symphony.
— Skripkachi Aleks doim simfoniya chalishni orzu qilgan.
🟦 widow [wɪdou] n. — beva, tul
🔻>> A widow is a woman whose husband has died. >> A window eri o'lgan ayol.
— The widow had no children and was very lonely.
— Beva ayol farzandi yo'q va juda yolg'iz edi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.