Essential Words | VOCABULARY

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📘 4000 Essential English Words:
Essential vocabulary for English learners!
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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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📘 Book 3 | Unit 24

📑 Word list

🟦 portable [pɔːrtəbəl] adj. — ixcham, ko'tarib yurishga qulay
🔻>> Something that is portable is able to be moved or carried easily. >> Biror portable bo'lgan narsa olib yurishga yoki siljitishga qulay.

— Since computers are portable, people can use them anywhere.
— Kompyuterlar portable bo'lgani sababli odamlar ularni istalgan joyda ishlatishlari mumkin.

🟦 poster [poustər] n. — plakat, afisha
🔻>> A poster is a written announcement that is used to advertise something. >> A poster bu biror narsani reklama qilish uchun ishlatiladigan yozma eʼlondir.

— I saw a poster about a free concert in the park.
— Men parkdagi bepul konsert haqidagi plakatni ko'rdim.

🟦 scratch [skrætʃ] v. — qashimoq
🔻>> To scratch is to make small cuts with a claw or fingernail. >> To scratch tirnoq bilan mayda kesmalar qilishdir.

— I used a stick to scratch my back.
— Men belimni qashish uchun tayoq ishlatdim.

🟦 symphony [sɪmfənɪ] n. — simfoniya
🔻>> A symphony is a long piece of music performed by many musicians. >> A symphony koʻp musiqachilar tomonidan ijro etilgan uzun musiqa asaridir.

— Alex, a violin player, has always dreamt of playing a symphony.
— Skripkachi Aleks doim simfoniya chalishni orzu qilgan.

🟦 widow [wɪdou] n. — beva, tul
🔻>> A widow is a woman whose husband has died. >> A window eri o'lgan ayol.

— The widow had no children and was very lonely.
— Beva ayol farzandi yo'q va juda yolg'iz edi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

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✳️Psixologik savol

Savol : Rasmga qarang. Faraz qiling shu holat siz bilan bo‘lyapti. Nima qilasiz-u vaziyatdan chiqib ketasiz?

✅Vaziyatdan chiqishni iloji bor.

‼️Baribir ilojsiz deysizmi!?
Unda tirik qolish imkoni javobini o‘qing👇

Pastdagi kanallarga a'zo bo‘ling. 👇

📘 Book 3 | Unit 24

📑 Word list

🟦 nerve [nəːrv] n. — jasorat
🔻>> Nerve is bravery or the belief that you can do something. >> Nerve bu jasorat yoki biror narsa qilish mumkinligiga ishonishdir.

— He has the nerve to think that he can actually wrestle with a lion.
— U sher bilan kurasha olaman deb o'ylash uchun jasorati bor edi.

🟦 optimist [ɔptəmɪst] n. — optimist, nekbin
🔻>> An optimist is somebody who sees the good parts of a situation. >> An optimist vaziyatning yaxshi tarafini ko'radigan shaxs.

— Even though he has physical problems, my brother is an optimist.
— Jismoniy muammolari bo'lishiga qaramay, akam optimist odam.

🟦 parade [pəˈreɪd] n. — parad, namoyish
🔻>> A parade is a celebration when groups of people walk in the same direction. >> A parade odamlar guruhi bir yo'nalishda yuradigan bayram.

— There were many marching bands in the spring parade.
— Bahorgi paradda koʻplab marshlar bor edi.

🟦 pave [peɪv] v. — tosh yotqizmoq
🔻>> To pave the ground is to lay material on it to make it easier to walk or drive on. >> Yerni pave qilish yurish yoki mashinada yurish oson bo'lishi uchun unga biror material yotqizish degani.

— The path was paved with yellow bricks.
— Yo'lga sariq g'isht yotqizilgan edi.

🟦 phantom [fæntəm] n. — arvoh, sharpa
🔻>> A phantom is a ghost or spirit. >> A phantom bu sharpa yoki ruh.

— A scary phantom appeared from out of the darkness.
— Qorong‘ulikdan qo‘rqinchli arvoh paydo bo‘ldi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.


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Essential Words | VOCABULARY dan repost
🎲 Тест ««Тест «4000 Essential English Words: Book 3 // Unit 21»
(@Vocabulary_Essential)» Word list. Share with your friends!
🖊 20 вопросов · ⏱ 15 сек

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⭕️⭕️⭕️O‘qituvchilar uchun yangilik!

💰 Oylik maoshlarni hisoblab beradigan bot ishga tushirildi. Endi siz qancha maosh olishingini o‘zingiz hisob-kitob qilib olish imkoniyatiga egasiz.

📚 Foydalanish yo‘riqnomasi:

1. 👉 BOTDAN FOYDALANISH 👈 tugmasi ustiga bosing va botga kirasiz.

2. /start tugmasini bosganingizdan so‘ng, kanalga a’zo bo‘lish tugmasi paydo bo‘ladi. Ko‘rsatilgan kanalga a’zo bo‘lasiz va yana botga qaytib «Tekshirish» tugmasini bosasiz. Shundan so‘ng dars soat, toifa, ustamalarni bot avtomatik so‘raydi, siz esa shunchaki kerakli ma’lumotni kiritasiz.

📌 #Eslatma: Soatbay darsni asosiy dars soatingizga qo‘shib hisoblamang!

Choose the right word for the given definition. able to be moved or carried easily
  •   greed
  •   parade
  •   portable
  •   nerve
16 ta ovoz

Choose the right word for the given definition. somebody who thinks that good things will happen
  •   a window
  •   a phantom
  •   a parade
  •   an optimist
16 ta ovoz

✳️Psixologik savol

Savol : Rasmga qarang. Faraz qiling shu holat siz bilan bo‘lyapti. Nima qilasiz-u vaziyatdan chiqib ketasiz?

✅Vaziyatdan chiqishni iloji bor.

‼️Baribir ilojsiz deysizmi!?
Unda tirik qolish imkoni javobini o‘qing👇

Pastdagi kanallarga a'zo bo‘ling. 👇

📘 Book 3 | Unit 24

📑 Word list

🟦 graze [greɪz] v. — o't, maysa yemoq
🔻>> To graze means to eat grass. >> To graze maysa yemoq degani.

— The cows grazed in the field.
— Sigirlar dalada o'tlashdi.

🟦 greed [griːd] n. — ochko'zlik
🔻>> Greed is a desire to have more than the things that you need. >> Greed sizga kerak bo'lgan narsadan ham ko'pini xohlamoq degani.

— She ate all the cookies out of her greed.
— U ochko'zligidan hamma pechenyelarni yedi.

🟦 herd [həːrd] n. — poda
🔻>> A herd is a large group of the same type of animals that live together. >> A herd birga yashaydigan, bir xil turdagi hayvonlarning katta to'dasi.

— The herd of cows moved slowly across the ranch.
— Sigirlar podasi rancho bo'ylab sekin harakatlandi.

🟦 initiate [ɪˈnɪʃɪeɪt] v. — ishga tushirmoq, yoqmoq
🔻>> To initiate something means to start it. >> Biror narsani initiate qilish uni boshlash degani.

— You have to turn the switch on to initiate the computer system.
— Kompyuter tizimini ishga tushirish uchun kalitni yoqishingiz kerak.

🟦 lane [leɪn] n. — yo'lak
🔻>> A lane is a small road. >> A lane kichik yo'l.

— The lane passes directly in front of our house.
— Yo'lak shundoqqina hovlimiz oldidan o'tadi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

🔤1️⃣darajaga ega Teacher🧂
Natijasi qaynoqqina :)

Tavsiya qilsa arzigulik 🗿

✅5 yillik tajriba
✅Kanalida hozir Results yomg'iri
✅Hazilniyam joy joyiga qo'yadi
✅Kanali fitfilyonta foydali contentga to'la

IELTS va CEFR(Multilevel) imtihonlariga tayyorlanish uchun eng to'g'ri tanlov.

Sizdan faqat tashrif qoldi➡️

Choose the right word for the given definition. to escape from trouble or danger
  •   flee
  •   graze
  •   pave
  •   initiate
85 ta ovoz

Choose the right word for the given definition. a group of animals, such as cows
  •   graze
  •   a herd
  •   a bundle
  •   a poster
78 ta ovoz


🎯 Teacher Bobur kanalidagi bepul darslarni ko‘rib, B2 sertifikatini olgan o‘quvchimiz bor!

🔹 Kanalimiz endigina 1 yoshda, lekin shu vaqt ichida 300+ video dars taqdim etildi!

🔹 Hozirda 21 kunlik bepul marafon davom etmoqda! – Har kuni sifatli darslar kanalda!

📌 Siz ham natijaga erishishni xohlaysizmi?
👉 Hozir kanalga qo‘shiling!👇👇👇



📘 Book 3 | Unit 24

📑 Word list

🟦 baggage [bægɪdʒ] n. — yuk
🔻>> Baggage is the set of bags that people take with them when they travel. >> Baggage odamlar sayohat qilayotganda olib yuradigan sumkalar yig'indisi.

— I’m taking several pieces of baggage with me on vacation.
— Men ta'tilga bir qancha yuk olyapman.

🟦 bulb [bʌlb] n. — lampochka
🔻>> A bulb is the glass part of an electric light. >> A bulb elektr yoritgichning shisha qismi.

— I had to change the light bulb in my bedroom.
— Men xonamdagi lampochkani almashtirishga majbur bo'ldim.

🟦 bundle [bʌndl] n. — pochka, dasta
🔻>> A bundle is a number of things that are tied together. >> A bundle bitta qilib bog'langan bir qancha narsalar.

— I was shocked when he showed me a bundle of money.
— U menga bir pochka pulni ko'rsatganda shokka tushib qoldim.

🟦 cattle [kætl] n. — chorva mollari
🔻>> Cattle are cows and bulls, especially on a farm. >> Cattle asosan fermadagi sigir va buqalar.

— The rancher’s cattle were eating the grass in the field.
— Chorvadorning qoramollari daladagi o‘tni yeyayotgan edi.

🟦 flee [fliː] v. — qochmoq, qochib qutulmoq
🔻>> To flee means to run away from trouble or danger. >> To flee xavf yoki qiyinchilikdan qochish degani.

— The crowd of men tried to flee from the danger.
— Erkaklar olomoni xavfdan qochib qutulishga urindi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

Essential Words | VOCABULARY dan repost
🎲 Тест ««Тест «4000 Essential English Words: Book 3 // Unit 20»
(@Vocabulary_Essential)» Word list. Share with your friends!
🖊 20 вопросов · ⏱ 15 сек

♦️ 4000 Essential English Words:

📘 Book 3 | Unit 23

📑 Word list (Umumiy)

🔻Aborigine - Aborigin
🔻ban - taqiqlamoq
🔻cautious - ehtiyotkor
🔻confess - tan olmoq
🔻cottage - yozgi uy
🔻daytime - kunduzi
🔻desperate - istalgan
🔻fade - rangi o'chmoq
🔻fierce - shafqatsiz
🔻gamble - qimor
🔻lawn - maysazor
🔻mow - o'roq
🔻outlaw - noqonuniy
🔻prospect - istiqbol
🔻purse - sumka
🔻rod - tayoq
🔻seldom - kamdan-kam hollarda
🔻shave - soqol olmoq
🔻terrified - qo'rqqan
🔻wizard - sehrgar

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

📘 Book 3 | Unit 23

📑 Word list

🟦 rod [rɔd] n. — qalmoq
🔻>> A rod is a thin stick made of wood or metal. >> A rod yog'och yoki metaldan yasalgan ingichka tayoq.

— I bought a new fishing rod to use while on vacation.
— Dam olish vaqtida ishlatish uchun yangi qalmoq sotib oldim.

🟦 seldom [seldəm] adv. — kamdan-kam
🔻>> If something seldom happens, it doesn’t happen very often. >> Agar biror narsa seldom sodir bo'lsa, u juda tez-tez sodir bo'lmaydi.

— It seldom rains in southern Arizona.
— Janubiy Arizonada kamdan-kam yomg'ir yog'adi.

🟦 shave [ʃeɪv] v. — soqol olmoq
🔻>> To shave means to cut the hairs on your face with a sharp tool. >> To shave o'tkir uskuna bilan yuzdagi soqolni olish degani.

— My father shaves his face every day because he doesn’t want a beard.
— Otam soqolini har kuni oladi, chunki u soqol qo'yishni xohlamaydi.

🟦 terrified [terəfaid] adj. — juda qo'rqqan
🔻>> If you are terrified, you are extremely scared. >> Agar siz terrified bo'lsangiz, siz juda qo'rqqan bo'lasiz.

— When I saw the ghost, I was absolutely terrified!
— Sharpani ko'rganimda, rostanam qo'rqib ketdim.

🟦 wizard [wɪzə:rd] n. — sehrgar
🔻>> A wizard is a man who can do magic. >> A wizard sehr qila oladigan odam.

— The wizard made gold fall from the sky.
— Sehrgar osmondan oltin yog'dirdi.

@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.

Choose the answer that best fits the question. Who often shaves their faces?
  •   Children
  •   Women
  •   Babies
  •   Men
52 ta ovoz

Choose the answer that best fits the question. If someone confesses, what do they do?
  •   Go away
  •   Make up a story
  •   Tell the truth
  •   Go back home
44 ta ovoz

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.