1) Multitude (noun)
Definition: A large number of things or people.
Translation: Ko‘plab, juda ko‘p miqdorda
Example: The human body hosts a multitude of microbes, each playing a role in our health.
2) Outlive (verb)
Definition: To live longer than someone or something.
Translation: Uzoq yashamoq, ko‘proq umr ko‘rmoq
Example: Microbes have existed for billions of years and will outlive humans.
3) Invisible (adjective)
Definition: Unable to be seen.
Translation: Ko‘rinmas
Example: Microbes are invisible to the naked eye but are everywhere around us.
4) Present (adjective)
Definition: Existing or occurring in a place or situation.
Translation: Mavjud, bor
Example: Microbes are present in soil, air, and even inside our bodies.
5) Utterly (adverb)
Definition: Completely, totally.
Translation: Mutlaqo, butunlay
Example: The book about microbes is utterly fascinating.
6) Peril (noun)
Definition: Serious danger.
Translation: Xavf, tahdid
Example: Disrupting our natural microbiome could put our health in peril.
7) Colony (noun)
Definition: A group of living organisms living together.
Translation: Koloniya, uyushma
Example: Every species has its own colony of microbes, called a microbiome.
8) Vary (verb)
Definition: To differ or change in different situations.
Translation: Farq qilmoq
Example: Microbes vary between species and even between individuals.
9) Individual (noun)
Definition: A single person or organism.
Translation: Shaxs, alohida organizm
Example: Each individual has a unique set of microbes in their body.
10) Amazing (adjective)
Definition: Causing great surprise or wonder.
Translation: Ajoyib, hayratlanarli
Example: It is amazing that microbes outnumber human cells in our bodies.
11) Cell (noun)
Definition: The smallest unit of life in a living organism.
Translation: Hujayra
Example: The human body has about 30 trillion cells, but even more microbial ones.
12) Armpit (noun)
Definition: The area under the shoulder where the arm joins the body.
Translation: Qo‘ltiq
Example: Some microbes live only in the armpit and nowhere else.
13) Large (adjective)
Definition: Big in size or amount.
Translation: Katta
Example: A large number of microbes live inside the human gut.
14) Peacefully (adverb)
Definition: Without disturbance or conflict.
Translation: Tinchlik bilan
Example: Most microbes live peacefully in our bodies without harming us.
15) Out of context (phrase)
Definition: In the wrong situation, making something inappropriate.
Translation: noto'g'ri joyda, noto‘g‘ri vaziyatda
Example: Some microbes are harmless in the gut but dangerous out of context.
16) Contentedly (adverb)
Definition: Happily and without worry.
Translation: Qoniqqan holda, mamnunlik bilan
Example: Microbes contentedly live in the human gut, helping digestion.
17) Gut (noun)
Definition: The stomach and intestines of an organism.
Translation: ichak
Example: The human gut contains trillions of microbes.
18) Galaxy (noun)
Definition: A massive system of stars, gas, and dust in space.
Translation: Galaktika
Example: There are more microbes in the human gut than stars in the galaxy.
19) Community (noun)
Definition: A group of living things living together.
Translation: Jamoa, hamjamiyat
Example: The microbial community inside the human body is constantly changing.
20) Constantly (adverb)
Definition: Continuously, all the time.
Translation: Doimiy ravishda
Example: Microbes in our bodies are constantly changing.
21) Pet (noun)
Definition: An animal kept at home for companionship.
Translation: Uy hayvoni
Example: Having a pet can expose children to beneficial microbes.
22) Journalist (noun)
Definition: A person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites.
Translation: Jurnalist
Example: Ed Yong is a science journalist who writes about microbes.
23) Extraordinarily (adverb)
Definition: In a remarkable or exceptional way.
Translation: Juda ajoyib tarzda, boshqacha
Example: The book explains microbes in an extraordinarily engaging way.
Definition: A large number of things or people.
Translation: Ko‘plab, juda ko‘p miqdorda
Example: The human body hosts a multitude of microbes, each playing a role in our health.
2) Outlive (verb)
Definition: To live longer than someone or something.
Translation: Uzoq yashamoq, ko‘proq umr ko‘rmoq
Example: Microbes have existed for billions of years and will outlive humans.
3) Invisible (adjective)
Definition: Unable to be seen.
Translation: Ko‘rinmas
Example: Microbes are invisible to the naked eye but are everywhere around us.
4) Present (adjective)
Definition: Existing or occurring in a place or situation.
Translation: Mavjud, bor
Example: Microbes are present in soil, air, and even inside our bodies.
5) Utterly (adverb)
Definition: Completely, totally.
Translation: Mutlaqo, butunlay
Example: The book about microbes is utterly fascinating.
6) Peril (noun)
Definition: Serious danger.
Translation: Xavf, tahdid
Example: Disrupting our natural microbiome could put our health in peril.
7) Colony (noun)
Definition: A group of living organisms living together.
Translation: Koloniya, uyushma
Example: Every species has its own colony of microbes, called a microbiome.
8) Vary (verb)
Definition: To differ or change in different situations.
Translation: Farq qilmoq
Example: Microbes vary between species and even between individuals.
9) Individual (noun)
Definition: A single person or organism.
Translation: Shaxs, alohida organizm
Example: Each individual has a unique set of microbes in their body.
10) Amazing (adjective)
Definition: Causing great surprise or wonder.
Translation: Ajoyib, hayratlanarli
Example: It is amazing that microbes outnumber human cells in our bodies.
11) Cell (noun)
Definition: The smallest unit of life in a living organism.
Translation: Hujayra
Example: The human body has about 30 trillion cells, but even more microbial ones.
12) Armpit (noun)
Definition: The area under the shoulder where the arm joins the body.
Translation: Qo‘ltiq
Example: Some microbes live only in the armpit and nowhere else.
13) Large (adjective)
Definition: Big in size or amount.
Translation: Katta
Example: A large number of microbes live inside the human gut.
14) Peacefully (adverb)
Definition: Without disturbance or conflict.
Translation: Tinchlik bilan
Example: Most microbes live peacefully in our bodies without harming us.
15) Out of context (phrase)
Definition: In the wrong situation, making something inappropriate.
Translation: noto'g'ri joyda, noto‘g‘ri vaziyatda
Example: Some microbes are harmless in the gut but dangerous out of context.
16) Contentedly (adverb)
Definition: Happily and without worry.
Translation: Qoniqqan holda, mamnunlik bilan
Example: Microbes contentedly live in the human gut, helping digestion.
17) Gut (noun)
Definition: The stomach and intestines of an organism.
Translation: ichak
Example: The human gut contains trillions of microbes.
18) Galaxy (noun)
Definition: A massive system of stars, gas, and dust in space.
Translation: Galaktika
Example: There are more microbes in the human gut than stars in the galaxy.
19) Community (noun)
Definition: A group of living things living together.
Translation: Jamoa, hamjamiyat
Example: The microbial community inside the human body is constantly changing.
20) Constantly (adverb)
Definition: Continuously, all the time.
Translation: Doimiy ravishda
Example: Microbes in our bodies are constantly changing.
21) Pet (noun)
Definition: An animal kept at home for companionship.
Translation: Uy hayvoni
Example: Having a pet can expose children to beneficial microbes.
22) Journalist (noun)
Definition: A person who writes for newspapers, magazines, or news websites.
Translation: Jurnalist
Example: Ed Yong is a science journalist who writes about microbes.
23) Extraordinarily (adverb)
Definition: In a remarkable or exceptional way.
Translation: Juda ajoyib tarzda, boshqacha
Example: The book explains microbes in an extraordinarily engaging way.