1) Vault (noun)
Definition: A secure underground storage area for important things.
Translation: maxsus mustahkam yerosti saqlash joyi
Example: The seeds are placed in scaled boxes and stored on shelves in the vaults.
2) Remote (adjective)
Definition: Located far away from other places or people.
Translation: Olis, uzoq
Example: Svalbard is one of the most remote places on earth.
3) For this reason (phrase)
Definition: Because of this; as a result.
Translation: Shu sababli
Example: For this reason, it is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
4) Safeguard (verb)
Definition: To protect something from harm or damage.
Translation: Himoya qilmoq, qo‘riqlamoq
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
5) Priceless (adjective)
Definition: Extremely valuable; impossible to put a price on.
Translation: Nihoyatda qimmatli, bebahо
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
6) Component (noun)
Definition: A part of something larger.
Translation: Tarkibiy qism
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
7) Means (noun)
Definition: A way or method of doing something.
Translation: Vosita, yo‘l, chora
Example: It will provide the means to restore farming.
8) Farming (noun)
Definition: The activity of growing crops and raising animals for food.
Translation: Dehqonchilik, qishloq xo‘jaligi, fermerlik
Example: It will provide the means to restore farming.
9) Retread (verb)
Definition: To do something again, especially something that has already been done before.
Translation: Qaytadan bajarmoq, takrorlamoq
Example: We, or our descendants, will not have to retread thousands of years of agriculture from scratch.
10) Insulate (verb)
Definition: To protect something by covering it with a special material to keep it warm or cool.
Translation: Izolyatsiya qilish, issiq-sovuq o‘tishidan himoyalash
Example: Three storage vaults which are lined with insulated panels to help maintain the cold temperatures.
11) Transmitter (noun)
Definition: A device that sends signals or information to another place.
Translation: signal uzatuvchi qurilma
Example: Electronic transmitters linked to a satellite system monitor temperature.
12) Scaled (adjective)
Definition: Adjusted to a particular size or level.
Translation: O‘lchamiga qarab moslashtirilgan
Example: The seeds are placed in scaled boxes and stored on shelves.
13) Metabolic activity (noun)
Definition: The chemical processes that happen inside a living thing to keep it alive.
Translation: Moddalar almashinuvi
Example: Low temperature ensures low metabolic activity.
14) Rugged (adjective)
Definition: Strongly built or difficult to damage.
Translation: Mustahkam, bardoshli, pishiq
Example: The rugged structure provides unparalleled security.
15) Bury (verb)
Definition: To put something deep in the ground.
Translation: Ko‘mmoq, yer ostiga joylamoq
Example: The three vaults are buried deep in the hillside.
16) Deep (adjective/adverb)
Definition: Far below the surface or inside something.
Translation: Chuqur
Example: The three vaults are buried deep in the hillside.
17) Reach (verb)
Definition: To arrive at a place.
Translation: Yetib bormoq
Example: To reach them, it is necessary to proceed down a long corridor.
18) Surprisingly (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is unexpected.
Translation: Ajablanarli tarzda, hayratlanarli darajada
Example: A surprisingly large corridor.
Definition: A secure underground storage area for important things.
Translation: maxsus mustahkam yerosti saqlash joyi
Example: The seeds are placed in scaled boxes and stored on shelves in the vaults.
2) Remote (adjective)
Definition: Located far away from other places or people.
Translation: Olis, uzoq
Example: Svalbard is one of the most remote places on earth.
3) For this reason (phrase)
Definition: Because of this; as a result.
Translation: Shu sababli
Example: For this reason, it is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
4) Safeguard (verb)
Definition: To protect something from harm or damage.
Translation: Himoya qilmoq, qo‘riqlamoq
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
5) Priceless (adjective)
Definition: Extremely valuable; impossible to put a price on.
Translation: Nihoyatda qimmatli, bebahо
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
6) Component (noun)
Definition: A part of something larger.
Translation: Tarkibiy qism
Example: It is the site of a vault that will safeguard a priceless component of our common heritage.
7) Means (noun)
Definition: A way or method of doing something.
Translation: Vosita, yo‘l, chora
Example: It will provide the means to restore farming.
8) Farming (noun)
Definition: The activity of growing crops and raising animals for food.
Translation: Dehqonchilik, qishloq xo‘jaligi, fermerlik
Example: It will provide the means to restore farming.
9) Retread (verb)
Definition: To do something again, especially something that has already been done before.
Translation: Qaytadan bajarmoq, takrorlamoq
Example: We, or our descendants, will not have to retread thousands of years of agriculture from scratch.
10) Insulate (verb)
Definition: To protect something by covering it with a special material to keep it warm or cool.
Translation: Izolyatsiya qilish, issiq-sovuq o‘tishidan himoyalash
Example: Three storage vaults which are lined with insulated panels to help maintain the cold temperatures.
11) Transmitter (noun)
Definition: A device that sends signals or information to another place.
Translation: signal uzatuvchi qurilma
Example: Electronic transmitters linked to a satellite system monitor temperature.
12) Scaled (adjective)
Definition: Adjusted to a particular size or level.
Translation: O‘lchamiga qarab moslashtirilgan
Example: The seeds are placed in scaled boxes and stored on shelves.
13) Metabolic activity (noun)
Definition: The chemical processes that happen inside a living thing to keep it alive.
Translation: Moddalar almashinuvi
Example: Low temperature ensures low metabolic activity.
14) Rugged (adjective)
Definition: Strongly built or difficult to damage.
Translation: Mustahkam, bardoshli, pishiq
Example: The rugged structure provides unparalleled security.
15) Bury (verb)
Definition: To put something deep in the ground.
Translation: Ko‘mmoq, yer ostiga joylamoq
Example: The three vaults are buried deep in the hillside.
16) Deep (adjective/adverb)
Definition: Far below the surface or inside something.
Translation: Chuqur
Example: The three vaults are buried deep in the hillside.
17) Reach (verb)
Definition: To arrive at a place.
Translation: Yetib bormoq
Example: To reach them, it is necessary to proceed down a long corridor.
18) Surprisingly (adverb)
Definition: In a way that is unexpected.
Translation: Ajablanarli tarzda, hayratlanarli darajada
Example: A surprisingly large corridor.