Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
“March 8 – a beautiful day of spring! 🌸
Dear teachers, sisters, and bright young minds! Your dedication and kindness inspire us every day. You are the guiding stars of our future, lighting the path of knowledge and goodness.
On this special day, we wish you happiness, health, and the fulfillment of your dreams. May your smile shine forever, and joy never leave your heart!
Bahor faslining eng go‘zal kunlaridan biri 8-mart! 🌸
Hurmatli ustozlar, mehribon opa-singillar, ilmga chanqoq qizlar! Sizning fidoyiligingiz, ilmu ma’rifatga bo‘lgan intilishingiz va mehribonligingiz bizga doim ilhom bag‘ishlaydi.
Siz – kelajagimizning yorug‘ yulduzisiz, bilim va ezgulik sari yo‘l ochayotgan ilhom manbaisiz! Ushbu go‘zal kunda sizga cheksiz baxt, mustahkam sog‘lik, ezgu orzularingizning ro‘yobini va cheksiz omad tilaymiz.
8-mart bayramingiz muborak bo’lsin!
Dear teachers, sisters, and bright young minds! Your dedication and kindness inspire us every day. You are the guiding stars of our future, lighting the path of knowledge and goodness.
On this special day, we wish you happiness, health, and the fulfillment of your dreams. May your smile shine forever, and joy never leave your heart!
Bahor faslining eng go‘zal kunlaridan biri 8-mart! 🌸
Hurmatli ustozlar, mehribon opa-singillar, ilmga chanqoq qizlar! Sizning fidoyiligingiz, ilmu ma’rifatga bo‘lgan intilishingiz va mehribonligingiz bizga doim ilhom bag‘ishlaydi.
Siz – kelajagimizning yorug‘ yulduzisiz, bilim va ezgulik sari yo‘l ochayotgan ilhom manbaisiz! Ushbu go‘zal kunda sizga cheksiz baxt, mustahkam sog‘lik, ezgu orzularingizning ro‘yobini va cheksiz omad tilaymiz.
8-mart bayramingiz muborak bo’lsin!