Shukurullo's blog

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha

📌Motto:🔥Impossible is possible🔥
⚡️Turakurgan Specialized School Class of 2025
💎IELTS 7.5
🔥SAT - 1470
⚜️My channels: @AS_channels
👨‍💻Owner: @Shukurullo_bro

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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#sat #issue_with_march_exam

Those who couldn't complete the exam due to a technical issue can take the exam again in March 20 or 21 or get a refund✅

By the way, you can also email the College Board regarding the issue. 💁‍♂

Do not wory, guys👤

Say, if you had 20 minutes available and 12 unsolved questions left and the BlueBook suddenly stopped, then I would recommend waiting till the score release date. If the score is still satisfactory, be glad. If not, you can request to retake the exam or refund it. 😊

Here is the process that you can go through⚙️:

1. Your exam results will be out.
2. If you are not satisfied with the results, you can cancel the results.
3. The college board will send you an email within 2 weeks.
4. It was our fault. They say they will organize another exam.
5. If so, this exam will be free.
6. The questions will be easier than the current questions for the make-up section of the exam.
7. Goodluck

It is an Official Bluebook report✅

📲 Shukurullo's Blog

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

No wayyyy.... Doniyor bro cooked with this video 🗣

"Pravshaga o'xshash HKUSTda o'qiymanmi"💀
"Alhamdulillah Class of 2029 degim keladi"
"Atmetka qilib mendan ham uni haqida savol so'rashsin deyman..."💀

P.S. If you know about university admissions in the US, then there is no problem with understanding the video; otherwise try to get it by research

Mayda Toshkentga Respublikaga boramiz, yay✅

P.S. TasIMO - Tashkent International Mathematics Olympiad👑

Nordic International University dan repost
🏆 "TasIMO-2025": 2-bosqich g‘oliblari aniqlandi! 🎉

Ikkinchi bosqichda 14 ta ma’muriy hududdan 2983 nafar o‘quvchi ishtirok etish imkoniyatini qo‘lga kiritgan edi.

Qizg‘in bellashuvlardan so‘ng, hududlarda eng yuqori natija ko‘rsatgan 150 nafar iqtidorli o‘quvchi final bosqichiga yo‘l oldi!

👏 G‘oliblarni muborakbod etamiz! May oyida bo‘lib o‘tadigan hal qiluvchi bosqichda sizlarni kutib qolamiz.

⚡️Omad yor bo‘lsin! 🚀

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Accepted to Hope College with total $120,000 scholarship

Hope College International Student Scholarship gives maximum 30,000 dollars per year, totaling 120,000 dollars for the full 4 academic years.💸
The highest amount of this scholarship is given to top approx. 5% of all admitted students👑

4th University Acceptance in aggregate📈

147 0 2 17 13

Bu hafta muddati tugaydigan dasturlar ro'yxati:

- Math Camp🇺🇸

- Global Peace Summit in Sydney🇦🇺

- Korea Youth Summit🇰🇷

- Youth Impact Forum 2025 in Istanbul🇹🇷

⚡️ Imkoniyatdan foydalanib qoling. Tanlov o’z qo’lingizda.

📲 @Shukurullo_Abdusattorov

ICYF International Young Volunteers Camp 2025

: Turkiya 🇹🇷
Moliyaviy ta'minot: To'liq (financial aid)
Yosh toifasi: 18-35

Global muammolarni barataraf etish maqsadida yoshlarni qo'llab-quvvatlash va ularni taminlashga qaratilgan dastur bo'lib, Turkiyaning Antalya shahrida bo'lib o'tadi.

- Aviachipta, ovqatlanish va yotoqxona xarajatlari qoplanadi;
- Sertifikat va sovg'alar;
- Xalqaro do'stlar orttirish.

🔗Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun: Havola

📌Ro'yxatdan o'tishning so'nggi muddati: 10-mart


📚🏛IELTS Writing vs Actual Writing!

It is a common tendency among many Uzbek students to deem their ielts writing scores as actual indicators of their writing skills. However, this is nothing but a poor speculation. Here are key reasons why it is so. 

First, writing in IELTS operates under limited time constraints---just 60 minutes for at least 400 words of essays. This constraint often forces candidates to prioritize speed over depth, leaving them little to no time to reflect on proper ways to express their ideas. In real-world scenarios, however, including when you are a book writer, quality writing entails deep, thorough brainstorming and lots of editing, a habit impossible with the limited time of IELTS.

Second, IELTS writing hugely relies on specific, narrow markers to evaluate the writing score of a candidate. With grammar, coherence, vocabulary, and task achievement, one could easily get a high score in this specific section, despite lacking other significant factors in the art of crafting ideas. While the aforementioned traits are surely essential in estimating the quality of writing, there are far more important factors such as the originality of ideas and persuasiveness of the arguments. Improving these traits takes more than getting a high score on your IELTS exam.

Third, the very standardized nature of the writing prompts in IELTS can also prove why it is not equivalent to general writing. The questions in Task 1 and Task 2 are usually generic or formulaic, stripping the candidates away from the chance to showcase their unique tone and voice. Real-life writing, on the other hand, allows writers to tailor their tone, style, and content to suit different audiences and purposes—an essential skill that goes largely untested in IELTS.

In conclusion, while IELTS Writing provides a useful benchmark for English proficiency, it falls short of capturing the full spectrum of a person's writing and thinking abilities. Thus, we should not rely on IELTS alone to deem an individual a bad or a good writer.

But a natural question comes: If IELTS Writing is not the actual writing, what is Writing then?

Credits to SATashkent


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

His dad is savage😂😂
He cooked, roasted, and fried his son in his every single sentence💀


First American University Acceptance👑

Third University Acceptance Overall⬆️

Waiting for other universities to respond📈

236 0 0 31 16

congrats guys, you did it👑

To‘raqo‘rg‘on PIIMA dan repost

Prezident, ijod va ixtisoslashtirilgan maktab o‘quvсhilаrining “Vatan tayanchi” a’zolari o‘rtasida tashkil etilgan “Тurоn yo‘lbarslari” harbiy-sport musobaqasining Namangan viloyati hududiy bosqichi bo‘lib o’tdi.

Yakuniy natijalarga ko‘ra, To‘raqo’rg’on tuman ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabining “Axsikent” jamoasi 1 – o‘rinni egallab, musobaqaning respublika bosqichida viloyat sharafini himoya qilish huquqini qo‘lga kiritdi.

To‘raqo‘rg‘on tuman ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabi

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Namangan viloyati maktabgacha va maktab ta'limi boshqarmasi/ RASMIY dan repost
Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Yoshlarni vatanparvarlik ruhida tarbiyalash, ulаr ongiga milliy qadriyatlarni chuqur singdirish maqsadida Prezident, ijod, sport hamda ixtisoslashtirilgan maktablari o‘quvсhilаrining “Vatan tayanchi” a’zolari o‘rtasida tashkil etilgan “Тurоn yo‘lbarslari” harbiy-sport musobaqasining Namangan viloyati hududiy bosqichi bo‘lib o’tdi. 9 ta shart asosida g’oliblik uchun kechgan bellashuvda har bir jamoa o‘zining nechog‘li kuchli, abjir va chaqqon ekanini isbotladi. Yakuniy natijalarga ko‘ra, To‘raqo’rg’on tuman ixtisoslashtirilgan maktabining “Axsikent” jamoasi 1 – o‘rinni egallab, musobaqaning mamlakat bosqichida viloyat sharafini himoya qilish huquqini qo‘lga kiritdi.

Namangan viloyati maktabgacha va maktab ta’limi boshqarmasi Axborot xizmat


Acceptance letterni ham boshlab oldik✅

2nd University: got accepted to New Uzbekistan University
Academic field: Applied Mathematics📘
Exam for Grant will be held in June♾

P.S. 1st university is Kokand University (full scholarship💸, during 7th grade)

183 0 1 23 15

🎯 IELTS sinovini haqiqiy sharoitda topshirmoqchimisiz?

‼️ 2-FEVRAL, YAKSHANBA kuni SPC To'raqo'rg'on tomonidan IELTS bo‘yicha maxsus mock exam o‘tkaziladi! 🌟

🔑 Nega aynan shu imtihon?
- 🏫 IELTS’ga xos real sharoit.
- 📚 100% ishonchli materiallar.
- ⏰ Natijalar bor-yo‘g‘i 2 kunda!

📆 Muhim ma’lumotlar:

- ⏰ Ro‘yxatga olish: 08:00 dan boshlanadi
- ⏰ Test boshlanishi: 09:00
- 💰 Narxi: 30,000 so‘m
- 🎯 Joylar soni cheklangan! Faqat 30 ta!
-📌 1-Fevral, Shanba kuni soat 15:00 gacha joyingizni band qilishga ulguring!

🌟 IELTS’ga shunday tayyorgarlik ko‘ringki, natija shubhasiz bo‘lsin!

👉 Joy band qilish uchun tezroq yozing!

📞 Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

💰: To'lov oldindan

📌To'raqo'rg'on filiali
Manzil: To'raqo'rg'on shahar, goʻzal maishiy xizmat koʻrsatish binosi

🍏 “Boborahim Mashrab” o’quv markazi- ta’lim intizomdan boshlanadi

Boshqa filial kurslarga yozilish: @spcadmin

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Please be informed that, effective from January 21st 💸, the updated pricing will be as follows:

Test fee - 2 420 000 sum
Transfer - 605 000 sum
EOR 1 510 000 sum
OSR - 1 620 000 sum

🔗EOR - Enquiry On Results
🔗OSR - One Skill Retake (available for CDI only)

📲 Shukurullo's Blog

Bilmaysiz ! dan repost
- Qishloqdagilar internetini "metro" qisganini...

Mukhiddinov's dan repost
I know that many of you have dreamt to study abroad, haven't you?

To reach your dream, do you know what you need?

Whether yes or no your answer is, let me tell it:

it is the most prestigious extracurriculars and the study place where like-minded people will gather and go together to their dreams!

Now, you might think where can I find these? It is all in ALWIUT!

To enter the lyceum, there will be an exam which is difficult for many and there is not enough sources to prepare.

To solve it, Now we are offering our free service which helps you to find materials, tests and tips on math, English and IQ questions:


Almost finished with all additional materials regarding admissions😮‍💨

P.S. Wish me luck and, of course, acceptance letters👑

Boborahim Mashrab o’quv markazi dan repost
⚠️ Toraqo'rg'on filialida SAT guruhlariga qabul boshlandi.

👤 Ustoz: Abdusattorov Shukurullo SAT 1470

📆 Dushanba, Chorshanba, Juma kunlari
🕐 soat 15:30 dan 17:30 gacha

📞 Ro'yxatdan o'tish uchun:

📌 To'raqo'rg'on filiali
To'raqo'rg'on shahar, Goʻzal maishiy xizmat koʻrsatish binosi

🍏 “Boborahim Mashrab” o’quv markazi- ta’lim intizomdan boshlanadi

Boshqa filial kurslarga yozilish: @spcadmin

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216 0 3 10 10
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.