3 Dec, 18:47
3 Dec, 18:33
3 Dec, 18:31
GC Hospital's website represents a healthcare facility located in the cities of Karur and Villupuram in Tamil Nadu, India. The hospital primarily specializes in orthopedics and general medicine services.
This action is part of our operation against India.
3 Dec, 17:56
3 Dec, 14:33
3 Dec, 12:23
We are pleased to partner with Kreptons. We hope to carry out important operations together. We are happy to cooperate with you Kreptons. We hope to carry out important operations together.
2 Dec, 19:30
2 Dec, 15:54
2 Dec, 15:51
2 Dec, 15:50
1 Dec, 17:19
1 Dec, 16:41
1 Dec, 16:20
1 Dec, 15:36
During this time, I aim to not only enhance my knowledge but also to introduce innovative approaches in modern technology and cybersecurity that will truly impress you.Thank you for standing by my side, supporting me, and being part of every step of this journey. I look forward to reconnecting with you very soon!
19 Nov, 16:38
19 Nov, 15:54
19 Nov, 01:21