📘 Book 6 | Unit 6
📑 Word list
🟨 elude [iˈluːd] v. — -dan qochmoq
◾️>> To elude means to avoid being caught by something. >> To elude bir narsaga ilinmaslikni bildiradi.
— The rabbit eluded the wolf by hiding in a bush.
— Quyon bo‘ridan qutulib, butaga yashirinib oldi.
🟨 embryo [embriou] n. — embrion
◾️>> An embryo is a human or animal that is still growing inside its mother. >> An embryo bu onasining ichida hali ham oʻsayotgan odam yoki hayvondir.
— Some doctors say that what a mother eats has a big effect on her embryo.
— Ba'zi shifokorlarning ta'kidlashicha, onaning ovqati uning embrioniga katta ta'sir qiladi.
🟨 fend [fend] v. — o'zidan haydamoq, daf qilmoq
◾️>> To fend off something means to push it away and avoid it. >> Biror narsani fend qilish uni itarish va undan qochish demakdir.
— Dave spent all night fending off bugs instead of sleeping.
— Deyv tun bo'yi uxlash o'rniga hasharotlarga qarshi kurashdi.
🟨 fictitious [fikˈtiʃəs] adj. — fantastik, xayoliy
◾️>> When something is fictitious, it is made up and not real. >> Agar biror narsa fictitious bo'lsa, u oʻylab topiladi va haqiqiy emas.
— The author said that the characters in her book were completely fictitious.
— Muallifning aytishicha, uning kitobidagi qahramonlar butunlay uydirma.
🟨 gazette [gəˈzet] n. — gazeta, ro'znoma
◾️>> A gazette is a newspaper. >> A gazette bu gazeta degani.
— Alice wants to write for a gazette when she’s older.
— Elis kattaroq bo'lganida gazetaga yozishni xohlaydi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.
📑 Word list
🟨 elude [iˈluːd] v. — -dan qochmoq
◾️>> To elude means to avoid being caught by something. >> To elude bir narsaga ilinmaslikni bildiradi.
— The rabbit eluded the wolf by hiding in a bush.
— Quyon bo‘ridan qutulib, butaga yashirinib oldi.
🟨 embryo [embriou] n. — embrion
◾️>> An embryo is a human or animal that is still growing inside its mother. >> An embryo bu onasining ichida hali ham oʻsayotgan odam yoki hayvondir.
— Some doctors say that what a mother eats has a big effect on her embryo.
— Ba'zi shifokorlarning ta'kidlashicha, onaning ovqati uning embrioniga katta ta'sir qiladi.
🟨 fend [fend] v. — o'zidan haydamoq, daf qilmoq
◾️>> To fend off something means to push it away and avoid it. >> Biror narsani fend qilish uni itarish va undan qochish demakdir.
— Dave spent all night fending off bugs instead of sleeping.
— Deyv tun bo'yi uxlash o'rniga hasharotlarga qarshi kurashdi.
🟨 fictitious [fikˈtiʃəs] adj. — fantastik, xayoliy
◾️>> When something is fictitious, it is made up and not real. >> Agar biror narsa fictitious bo'lsa, u oʻylab topiladi va haqiqiy emas.
— The author said that the characters in her book were completely fictitious.
— Muallifning aytishicha, uning kitobidagi qahramonlar butunlay uydirma.
🟨 gazette [gəˈzet] n. — gazeta, ro'znoma
◾️>> A gazette is a newspaper. >> A gazette bu gazeta degani.
— Alice wants to write for a gazette when she’s older.
— Elis kattaroq bo'lganida gazetaga yozishni xohlaydi.
@Vocabulary_Essential | 4000 Essential English Words kitoblaridagi barcha so'zlar shu yerda.