Rasulov Jamshidbek

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

Jamshidbek Rasulov
SAT 1560 (English 770 / Math 790)
Part of Soulshare.uz @SATashkent @Unlockuz
Administrator👨‍💻 - @Ahmadjon_Kozimov
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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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iF hamda SATashkent jamoalari onlayn dastur ustida ishlamoqda. 📸

Juda ko'plab yoshlarimiz SAT bo'yicha noto'g'ri tushunchaga ega, qisqa muddat ichida 1500+ natijalarni kutishadi. Lekin bu aslida reallikka qanchalik yaqin?

Tez kunda iF loyihasida katta yangiliklar. Bizga obuna bo'lib kuzatishda davom eting. Siz ham yanglikni kutyotgan bo'lsangiz 🏆 bosing.

👉 Obuna bo'ling: @if_platform

New collab is coming…


What contributes to a good score? Let's make a pyramid!

1. Foundation

Level of Influence: 7/10

The foundational knowledge before starting the SAT prep is critical as, without the proper 1st and 2nd floors, you can not build the 3rd, 4th, or higher floors of a building. Factually speaking, a student with IELTS 8.0 will have a higher chance of a good score than a student with IELTS 7.5. However, this is true only for the initial start! A lesson would be to have a proper knowledge of grammar and English comprehension before the start of SAT prep. If you don't have it, don't rush and waste your time with the SAT; rather, go and build better English knowledge.

2. Work (Preparation)

Level of Influence: 9/10
Literally the most important part of the SAT prep. Sometimes, a student with an IELTS 7.5 will exceed the student with 8.0 at the end score, and most of the time it is because the former put more effort during the preparation process. These kinds of students do not stop with group tasks: they always strive for more tasks, more explanations, more plans, and more of everything. One case I saw with my students was that ‘they' had IELTS 8, but usually put a limit on themselves (they did well, but never went beyond the general line even though I always told them that they could do more). A lesson would be that hard work/obsession will outcompete. Some people say there are always the smart guys who are "the chosen ones," but I personally don't believe that. You work and make yourself "the chosen one."

3. Mind (Critical Thinking)

Level of Influence: Would be wrong to compare, but important!
Nature already decided where you were born and how you were raised. Exactly this affects the way you think. Sometimes, I have students with a very good foundation and very hard working, but their results on paper never go up. Sometimes, I see cases when 2 people with equal foundation and work ethics have different results; the difference is not vast, however, as the Mind section in a way influences less than the 1st and 2nd sections. It is, of course, wrong to think of mind as a natural inheritance and think of yourself as stupid/smart. All people who do have good critical thinking shape their thinking every day through the activities they do, the people they talk to, the ideas they discuss, the media they consume, and the difficulties they overcome. Every good mind still works on itself every day. Thus, a lesson would be any 'not good' mind can be improved.

4. Luck

Level of Influence: 3/10
Even though very small, luck deserves its own place here. Sometimes, 1 try is not enough because simply bad luck may interfere with you achieving your full potential, so it is worth trying again. Granted, luck's role is very small, and it can't ruin everything fully (a student who usually scores 700+ will never get 590 on the exam; it might be slightly lower but not drastically). A lesson would be to get prepared for the worst but keep in mind that luck played a little role and a second chance may be worth it.

PS. Some of the lessons are applicable to not only SAT. Think of your own pyramid. Where are you missing? Fix it.


Ramadan Kareem at SATashkent 🌙

GUBKIN Lyceum 📍

PS. Campus is just like the old-good-soviet school I studied in Fergana.

Guess where we are?

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SATashkent Challenge 2025 ❤️‍🔥

PS. Public Schools are on the podium for now.)

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NajmitdinM dan repost

- $180,000
- $3,000

Diyor, wake upp! We made it!

2024 Statistics for my blog. For us.

Happy New Year 🎄☃️

Thank you to all those who have been with me in 2024. Thanks for their support and presence.

Let’s pause for a moment. Let’s enjoy Olivye salad with some nostalgic films, and have a traditional family selfie around New Year’s table.

Enjoy our last moments at your age and in this year. Then, make a plan/wishboard/visionbaord/whateverboard for 2025, and let’s achieve all together!


❄️ @Rasulov_Jamshidbek ❄️

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4 Outstanding
8 Good
9 Relatively Low

4 Past students triggered the line with outstanding results

Some texted me with such happiness, and some barely did text. The bold lines might have instantly caught your eye, but usually, it takes a bit of effort to look into the hidden sides.

When I used to get high scores on practices or exams, I was happy for a moment. Then, I looked on my side and noticed a friend or two with a lower score. If it was me, I would usually burn with rage that I couldn’t make it. Only when I won could I have a peaceful look at their side? Yeah, but I always had a thought: “Am I going to get lazy after this happiness while they will outperform me next time? because they have got the rage?” I was always afraid.

Those who could not make it today stay the same people in core, just like they were a minute before that score came out. Before that validation paper. They have the rage to make the biggest comeback in the March exam. If you won today, celebrate it as much as you wish, but do not forget to look over and have a look at your friends who did not make it. True that a winner did work harder than others, but for a moment, do not forget those who maybe “failed” today.

Now, I read what I wrote and realize this was never about only SAT


1 year and 2 months.

That is exactly how much my record was on the podium in @satashkent's walls. When I had it, I was so excited that I did even some stupidities, and I said, "It is gonna take at least 1 year to beat this." And eventually, I was right. The teacher-student line was fantastic @asadbekurakov → Me → @d7posts → Muhammadali. I always appreciated the saying, “Shogirt ustozdan o’tmasa shogirtmas.” Thus, I appreciate and am happy that Muhammadali’s certificate takes the main stage on SATashkent’s walls.

On the recent events.

The early morning started with Ruhshona getting into UPenn with a full ride (So happy for her). Afternoon, Muhammadali renewed the record in SATashkent, while Parviz made the first 1600 in Uzbekistan. Also, Uzbek conquered the MIT undergraduate for the first time. Tons of other students got their SAT scores today. Many of my own students sent me their scores with great thanks. I heard many “Congratulations!”s. Kazakhstan’s CollegeHub’s chat blew with comments about Uzbeks being “psychos” in SATs and Admissions to Ivy Leagues & MIT (also, about Uzbek Presidential Schools being crazy). What a PRIDE I felt reading them. My heartfelt congratulations to all who are achieving great heights for themselves and for their nation.


Planning to write a post on recent events tonight…

One and only the teacher that taught Muhammadali last wasss ———-> Donobek

But guess whose student he was? 😅

PS. Muhammadali was also my student before Donobek’s classes.

Guess whose student he was?

SATashkent dan repost
790/790 from 15 year old, GENIUS.

Wait for the FULL STORY


Jamshidbek Izzatulloh | Blog dan repost
Alhamdulillahi robbil a'lamiyn.

A full-ride scholarship to Vanderbilt University Class of 2029.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.