Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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IELTS IDP in Uzbekistan dan repost
2025-yil IELTS imtihon sanalari tayyor, siz-chi?

✅ Kelasi yilda IELTS olish niyat bo'lsa, hozirdan imtihon sanasini aniqlashtirib olishingiz mumkin!

📌 Aniq qo'yilgan maqsad, mas'uliyatni his qilishga va yuqori natija ko'rsatishga yordam beradi.

— IELTS sanalarini bilasiz, endi faqat tayyorlanish qoldi. Siz qachon imtihon topshirmoqchisiz?

❗️ Imtihonga EXAMS.UZ sayti orqali ro'yxatdan o'ting!

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Dear subscribers, we are going to start a new project that definitely will benefit those who are going to take a Multilevel examination in September and so on. We are going to start checking Multilevel task one and task two writing with explanation and clear score description along with advice to improve. Assessing process will be carried out by a professional teacher who did a course in this assessment and experience of 4 years. You will find the further information and assessment samples in the following link: https://t.me/Multilevel_Writing_Checker

Where should I learn new words?


Guys, next week, new groups are about to be opened,
For registering
Or call +998974444048

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Sabrina, Well done 👍

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Maxbuba, Well done 👍

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Mashxuraxon, Well done 👍

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Muslima, Well done 👍

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Nodiraxon, Well done 👍

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Good job, 👌 Sevara

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Well done 👍 Guzal.

Reading and Vocabulary dan repost
Good job,👌 Muslima


Well done ✅

Well done

New Beginner 🔰 group will be opened next week,

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.