Ozodbek Jurayev 🇺🇿

Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Toifa: Bloglar

● WIUT (Westminster) Student 2/4👨🏻‍🎓('2027)
● Volunteer (O'zbekiston volontyorlar Assotsiatsiyasi a'zosi)
● Enthusiastic
Through this channel, I’d like to share my experiences and the lessons I’ve learned along the way.
Admin: @Ozodbek_Jurayev

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Kanal geosi va tili
O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
Postlar filtri

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Otabek Mahkamov.
Yuksaklik sari tasodif bo'lmagan 100 ta uchrashuv.

👉 @OJU_Uz


Kim Bo'lishni Xohlaysiz?

Har bir insonning qalbida o‘zi orzu qiladigan bir inson siymosi bor.
Bu siymo – u o‘zi bo‘lishni xohlaydigan mukammal inson timsolidir.

Moliyaviy erkin,
Jamiyatda o‘z o‘rniga ega,
Va eng asosiysi, ota-onasi uning ismini faxr bilan tilga oladigan insondir.

Tasavvur qiling, bir kun ota-onangiz:
"Bu mening farzandim! Men uning bir kun kelib shunday yutuqlarga erishishini bilardim. Bilardim, uning bilim olishi uchun qilgan investitsiyalarim besamar ketmasligini!" – deb g‘urur bilan aytishadi.

Bu orzularni haqiqatga aylantirish uchun bugun mehnat qilishimiz va har bir qadamimizni maqsad sari intilish bilan bosishimiz kerak.

Who Do You Want to Become?

In every person's heart, there is an image of the person they dream of becoming.
This image represents the ideal version of themselves—the person they aspire to be.

That person is:
Financially free,
Respected in society,
And most importantly, someone whose name their parents mention with pride.

Imagine a day when your parents proudly say:
"This is my child! I always knew they would achieve such great things. I knew that the investments I made in their education would not go to waste!"

To turn these dreams into reality, we must work hard today and take every step with determination toward our goals.


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Ozodbek Nazarbekov — Bobur Mirzo obrazida


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Tomas Edison bir vaqtlar 'aqli zaif' deb hisoblangan, lekin shunday boʻlsa-da onasi unda daho siymosini ko‘ra oldi.
Onasining cheksiz ishonchi va qo‘llab-quvvatlashi tufayli, odamlar 'muvaffaqiyatsiz' deb bilgan bola tarixdagi eng buyuk ixtirochilardan biriga aylandi.
Bu hikoya bizga shuni eslatadiki, haqiqiy salohiyat boshqalarning fikri bilan emas, balki ishonch, qat’iyat va mehnat bilan shakllanadi. Shunday ekan, qanday qiyinchilik bo‘lsa ham, o‘zingizga ishoning, oldinga intiling va hech qachon taslim bo‘lmang!

Thomas Edison was once labeled 'mentally ill,' but his mother saw a genius in him. Her unwavering belief and support turned a so-called failure into one of history’s greatest inventors.
This story reminds us that true potential isn’t defined by others’ opinions—it’s shaped by belief, perseverance, and hard work.
So, no matter what challenges you face, trust yourself, keep moving forward, and never give up!


UVA dan repost
🤚Good evening, dear volunteers!

We have some exciting news for you! On April 4-5, an eco-conference will take place in Samarkand, featuring high-level discussions on environmental sustainability.

Now, here’s the best part: YOU have the chance to be part of this unique event!

🎯What’s covered?

✅Accommodation & logistics—fully sponsored by the organizers!

Who can apply?

We’re looking for passionate eco-volunteers who are eager to contribute and be part of something big.

How to apply?

Send the following details to @Askar_kom

🟠Full name
🟠Year of birth
🟠English & Russian language proficiency
🟠Where you study
🟠Your experience in volunteering, especially in environmental projects
🟠Why should we choose YOU? (Be creative!)

📩 Send your application ASAP!
Deadline: tomorrow 12:00


Selected news for Uzbekistan Volunteers⬇️

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Qoida: "Keraksiz ishni qoyilmaqom darajada bajarish vaqtni isrof qilishdir."

Stiven Kovi shunday deydi:
"Muvaffaqiyat narvoniga chiqishdan oldin u toʻgʻri binoga suyanib turganiga ishonch hosil qiling".

Muvaffaqiyat faqat mehnat qilishda emas, balki aqlli ishlashda hamdir. Oldinga yurishdan oldin, to‘g‘ri yo‘nalishda ekanligingizga ishonch hosil qiling!

Rule: "Doing an unnecessary task perfectly is a waste of time."

Stephen Covey says:
"Before climbing the ladder of success, make sure it is leaning against the right building."

Success isn’t just about working hard; it’s about working smart. Before moving forward, make sure you’re headed in the right direction!


Can Sugar Melt Snow Like Salt- Which Other Substances Can--.pdf
Can Sugar Melt Snow Like Salt?

💡 What’s Inside?
🔹 Discover how salt and sugar melt snow.
🔹 Learn why road salt can harm the environment.
🔹 Explore alternative deicing methods.
🔹 Improve your IELTS reading skills!

📌 Why Read This?
✅ Expand your vocabulary with 15 advanced words 📝
✅ Sharpen your comprehension with 5 key questions
✅ Get real-world knowledge & scientific insights


Q study Uzbekistan dan repost
⚡️Join the Q Study International Volunteers Team!

Q Study is forming an international volunteer team, and we are excited to invite YOU to join this amazing opportunity!

🚀 Benefits for Volunteers:
✔ Free working meals
✔ Transport allowance
✔ Presentation course participation
✔ Hands-on exposure and experience
✔ Certificate of appreciation

👉 Criteria:
✔ Good communication and understanding of English
✔ Presentable appearance
✔ Positive attitude and teamwork skills
✔ Availability to work from February 21-27

How to Join?👇

1️⃣ Fill out this form: https://forms.gle/CSnANjB5p34cKvsX6
2️⃣ Join our Telegram group: @qstudy_uzb

🕒 Don’t miss this chance to grow and shine with Q Study! We are waiting for you!

☎️ +998 77 033 55 75
📨 https://t.me/qstudy_uz


⚡️ Q Study International Volunteers Team ga qo‘shilish imkoniyati!

Q Study xalqaro volontyorlar jamoasini shakllantirmoqda va sizni ushbu ajoyib imkoniyatga taklif etadi!

🚀 Volontyorlar uchun imtiyozlar:
✔ Ish davomida bepul ovqatlanish
✔ Transport xarajatlari uchun kompensatsiya
✔ Prezentatsiya kursida ishtirok etish
✔ Yangi tajriba va ko‘nikmalar
✔ Sertifikat olish imkoniyati

👉 Talablar:
✔ Ingliz tilida yaxshi gapirish va tushunish qobiliyati
✔ Chiroyli va tartibli ko‘rinish
✔ Yaxshi muomala va jamoada ishlash qobiliyati
✔ 21-27 fevral kunlari ishlash imkoniyati

Qanday qo‘shilishingiz mumkin?👇

1️⃣Ushbu so’rovnomani to‘ldiring: https://forms.gle/CSnANjB5p34cKvsX6
2️⃣Telegram guruhimizga qo‘shiling: @qstudy_uzb

🕒 Imkoniyatingizni boy bermang! Biz sizni kutyapmiz!

☎️ +998 77 033 55 75
📨 https://t.me/qstudy_uz

👍 qstudyworld.com | Instagram | Facebook | Telegram

The vibe at the WIUT library is perfect.

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Are Green Potatoes Really Harmful--.pdf
Are Green Potatoes Really Harmful? 🥔⚠️

Have you ever noticed a greenish tint on potatoes or potato chips and wondered if they’re safe to eat? 🤔 It turns out that green potatoes contain glycoalkaloids (GA), which can be toxic in high amounts! Learn how they form and what happens if you eat too many.

🔍 Today’s post includes:
5 Key Questions & Answers – Understand the science behind green potatoes.
15 Advanced Vocabulary Words – Improve your IELTS prep with useful terms.
📩 Read the full article.


Yomg'ir hech qachon to'xtamaydigandek yo'g'ar edi.
Ammo u baribir tindi.
Hozir yulduzlar paydo bo'ladi,
Ular juda ham ko'p bo'ladi.
Hammasi miltillab go'yo cheksizdek tuyuladi.
Biroq tong otishi bilan,
Ular ham asta so'nadi.
Kun kelib bu dunyo ham nihoyasiga yetadi,
Va faqatgina mehr-muhabbat qoladi.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The rain fell endlessly, as if it would never stop.
But eventually, it ceased.
Now, the stars will appear,
And they will be countless.
Each one will twinkle, seeming infinite.
Yet, with the break of dawn,
They will slowly fade away.
One day, this world will also come to an end,
And only love and kindness will remain.


Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
Bu videoni IELTS imtihoniga tayyorlanib yurgan doʻstlaringizga yuborib qoʻying. 😂🙌


Does Switching Off Phone Data and WiFi Protect Me from Radiation? 📱⚡

Ever wondered if turning off your phone’s data or WiFi actually reduces radiation exposure? 🤔 While it helps to some extent, it doesn’t eliminate it completely. Find out why and discover 4 practical ways to reduce your exposure!

🔍 Today’s post includes:
5 Key Questions & Answers – Understand phone radiation and its effects.
15 Advanced Vocabulary Words – Boost your IELTS prep with high-level terms.
📩 Read the full article.


🎉Professional boks oqshomi: Volontyorlar uchun ajoyib imkoniyat!

🇺🇿 29-yanvar kuni Toshkent shahrida katta sport tadbiri – professional boks oqshomi bo‘lib o‘tadi. Ushbu tadbirga volontyorlar BEPUL taklif qilinmoqda!

📅 Tadbir sanasi


🕓 Kirish vaqti


📍 Joylashuv

Denisov porti, tennis korti

Qatnashuvchi sifatida siz ish qilishingiz shart emas – bu siz uchun dam olish va professional boks janglarini tomoshabin sifatida zavq bilan kuzatish imkoniyati!

👉 Bog‘lanish uchun koordinator


🎉Вечер профессионального бокса: Уникальная возможность для волонтёров!

🇺🇿 29 января в городе Ташкент состоится крупное спортивное событие – вечер профессионального бокса. Волонтёры приглашаются БЕСПЛАТНО посетить это мероприятие!

📅 Дата мероприятия

29 января

🕓 Время входа


📍 Локация

Денисов порт, теннисный корт

Вам не нужно ничего делать – просто приходите, отдыхайте и наслаждайтесь профессиональными боксерскими поединками в качестве зрителя!

Актуальное для волонтёров страны ⬇️

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PASSAGE: More than most other hobbies, collecting can be totally engrossing, and can give a strong sense of personal fulfillment. QUESTION: Collecting gives a feeling that other hobbies are unlikely to inspire.
  •   True
  •   False
  •   Not given
66 ta ovoz

Why Do Dogs And Cats Bring Us Their Kills--.pdf
Why Do Dogs And Cats Bring Us Their Kills? 🐾🔪

Ever wondered why your cat or dog proudly brings you a "gift" in the form of a dead mouse or bird? While it may seem gruesome, this behavior reflects deep instincts and love!

In today’s article, explore:
15 Advanced Vocabulary Words – Boost your IELTS prep with challenging terms.
Answers to Key Questions – Understand the psychology and instinct behind this "gift-giving" behavior.

📩 Don’t miss out—read the full article.


20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.