✏️ To Be
✏️ Present Simple
✏️ Present Continuous
✏️ Present Simple and Present Continuous
✏️ Past Simple
✏️ Past Continuous
✏️ Present Perfect
✏️ Present Perfect Continuous
✏️ Present Perfect Simple and Continuos
✏️ How long have you been...
✏️ Present Perfect and Past Simple
✏️ Past Perfect
✏️ Past Perfect Continuous
✏️ Have and Have got
✏️ Used to (do)
✏️ Present tenses for the future
✏️ Will and Shall
✏️ I will and I'm going to
✏️ When and If
✏️ Could and Could have done
✏️ Must and Can't
✏️ Have to & Must
✏️ Should and Should Have Done
✏️ Would you like....?
✏️ Too / Either
✏️ Countable / Uncountable
✏️ Some & any
✏️ Still & yet
✏️ Relative clauses
🔗 Kanalimiz: Multi Level Rasmiy
Hozirgi kungacha kanalimizda o'tilgan Tekin Gramatika darslar ro'yxati bilan tanishing✅
✏️ To Be
✏️ Present Simple
✏️ Present Continuous
✏️ Present Simple and Present Continuous
✏️ Past Simple
✏️ Past Continuous
✏️ Present Perfect
✏️ Present Perfect Continuous
✏️ Present Perfect Simple and Continuos
✏️ How long have you been...
✏️ Present Perfect and Past Simple
✏️ Past Perfect
✏️ Past Perfect Continuous
✏️ Have and Have got
✏️ Used to (do)
✏️ Present tenses for the future
✏️ Will and Shall
✏️ I will and I'm going to
✏️ When and If
✏️ Could and Could have done
✏️ Must and Can't
✏️ Have to & Must
✏️ Should and Should Have Done
✏️ Would you like....?
✏️ Too / Either
✏️ Countable / Uncountable
✏️ Some & any
✏️ Still & yet
✏️ Relative clauses
🔗 Kanalimiz: Multi Level Rasmiy