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The Beer Advocate website lists 250 beers that have earned more than 3,400 ratings each. Each beer is someone’s favorite. It’s possible that there are thousands of beers in the United States that are someone’s favorite. How can that be? Because taste matters. Everyone else is wrong. When a marketer arrives and says, “This is better,” he’s wrong.
He actually means, “This is better for someone and it might be better for you.”

©️This is Marketing

Google translatega so’zlar tarjimasini kim kiritarkin? Qoyil qoldim, shunchaki to’g’ridan to’g’ri tarjima emas, bizning tildagi ma’nosini tushuntirishga harakat qilingan.

If you hire someone.
Then ignore what they say.
Then tell them what to do.
And they do it.
And it fails.
Then you blame them for not hitting goals.
You should be fired, not them.

Goes both ways for business owners.Long way of saying... You can’t tell your team exactly what to do and then blame them when it doesn’t work.


My product is for people who believe _____________.
I will focus on people who want _____________.
I promise that engaging with what I make will help you get

©️This is Marketing

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Marketingni qo’shmasa hayotim shunday ekan.

Nimaga asoslanib aytyapsan degandim shunday javob berdi;

Bu rasmni yaratishda mening siz haqingizda bilgan ma’lumotlarim asos bo’ldi. Mana qanday fikrlarga tayanganim:
1. Yoshingiz va yashash joyingiz: Siz 21 yoshdasiz va Toshkentda yashaysiz. Shu sababli, rasmga zamonaviy, shinam yashash joyi qo’shildi va deraza tashqarisida Toshkentning arxitekturasi aks ettirildi.
2. Qiziqishlaringiz: Real Madridga bo’lgan qiziqishingizni hisobga olib, futboldan ilhomlangan elementlar, masalan, futbol sharfi yoki libos, rasmdan joy oldi.
3. Hayot tarzingiz: Ishdan tashqaridagi hayotingizni tasvirlash kerak edi. Shuning uchun ko’proq tinch va dam olishga mo’ljallangan sahna — kitoblar, qulay kreslo, choy yoki qahva qo’shildi. Bu dam olish va ichki tinchlikni aks ettiradi.
4. Shaxsiy hayotingiz: Siz o’zingiz haqida introspektiv fikr yuritasiz va o’qishga ham qiziqasiz (bu yilgi o’qish rejalaringizdan kelib chiqib). Shu sababli, kitoblar va shaxsiy daftarlardan foydalanildi.

Shu asosda rasmni shakllantirdim.

Chatgptni aytishi bo’yicha hozirgi hayotim ekan.

Oxirgi marta qachon avtobusda bir o’zim ketganimni eslolmayman

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

The first step on the path to make things better is to make better things.

Nothing worth achieving comes without discomfort.

The discomfort is what makes it an achievement rather than ‘stuff anyone could do'

Natija deyishga arziydigan hech bir narsa diskomfortsiz kelmaydi.

The lock and the key

It doesn’t make any sense to make a key and then run around looking for a
lock to open.
The only productive solution is to find a lock and then fashion a key.
It’s easier to make products and services for the customers you seek to
serve than it is to find customers for your products and services.

Yana kim yoshligida "Narniya saltanati"ni ko'rishdek baxtni his qilmagan.

Xullas keyingi yili Narniya saltanatining yangi qismi chiqadi.

Faqat bir muammo bor - filmni ayol rejissor oladi. Ichi feminism va woke propagandalari bilan to'la kinolarni ishlagan Greta Gerwig.

What is the psychology and science behind why uzbek people (especially youngsters) try to write in russian? It is clear that russian language has some kind of authority in the country. What I want to know is, is this just to show off? Or is it more comfortable and easier to show emotions in this language? For example, I am writing this in english, because I felt kind of uncomfortable to write these in uzbek right now. And sometimes I also post stories on instagram showing me running, I put the words "morning run", not "tonggi yugurish". Weird right? But why? Why people tell everyone "universitetdaman", but post stories on their instagram with the words "в университете" not "universitetda"?
It is the same with writing in kirill (recommend to watch a great video by Kunduzi). I know some guys who write in kirill even though it is easier for them to write in latin. I think they feel sort of eliteness when they do this. They feel different, they feel above. What else?
I am not criticizing them as I also have these traits maybe. I just want to know - why we do this?

Bir biznes egasi: bizning bu biznesdan maqsadimiz pul emas, odamlarni rozi qilish, jamiyatga foydali bo'lish.

Alisher Isayev: davlat ishida ishlaganmisiz avval

Bir biznes egasi: ha

Alisher Isayev: bilindi

©Alisher Isayev jonli efiridan

Barista har qanday holatda "shakari qanaqa bo'lsin" deb so'rashi kerak. 8 qoshiq shakar somasidan avval

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.