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O‘zbekiston, Inglizcha
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The next Tutorial will be on How to set up VPN,Socks5 or RDP.

These helps you to change your initial location to any location of your choice. 👍

- Bank Drop

Bank drop refers to a bank account used to receive and withdraw funds. These accounts are often opened using f@ke identities or the identities of unsuspecting individuals especially white heads/client.

Bank Logs / Fullz

Get this simple, bank log are mostly sp@mmed by experts and they sell to us to cashout the funds whilst Fullz are the details or the information of a person. So the fullz comes with the bank log.

- Changing your local network/location/ ip address

Your iP address defines your network location so It is important to swap your local network address to your working location.
Below are the best ways to change your local network to your preferred location

• Socks5 - Tisocks Proxy
• RDP - Remote Desktop Access
• VPN - HMA,Express,Windscrib and more.

All these tools helps you to hide your real time location and pretend you’re in your preferred location.

- Safety by cleaning

I will always recommend you to have a cleaner set up on your device before starting any tutorial, most of the banking websites and online stores sometimes leaves a tracking cookie/cache on your browser which keep a history on whatever page you visited.

Use a cleaner software to clear every caches/cookies on your browser before and after your work. Click Here to download a cleaner software

- Mobile & Computing Devices
One of the most commonly questions

Before you start these online cashout tutorials, ensure that you have a good mobile phone. All tutorials can be done effectively on a mobile phone as far as you have a stable internet connection. However, using a laptop can simplify and make your works easier.

Basic knowledge about online cashout tutorials.

So as a beginner, you need to know these stuff I’m about to teach and I believe if you try your best to follow up, your life will be transformed. It might seems easier but it took me 4 years to realize all these and I also hope for you to have a strong reason to make money to change your life.

As we all know, everything in life has stages and so as in making real money, you need to know what you’re up to and how to get started.

• Anonymity: Hides your IP address from websites so they can't track your location 
• Bypass restrictions: Can get around firewalls and regional filters 
• Performance: Can be faster than VPNs 
• Security: Can be used in changing your main location to another location of your choice.

Since a lot of you have been asking me to post the Coinbase tutorial well, lemme start from making Socks5 proxy.

$42k Btc bought easily! - It will never get better if you don’t take that action now. Kudos man!👏🏾

Take some time to read the update once again before starting yours, if you miss any point, just slide into my dm as well as if want to use esim instead of VPN or socks5 proxy. @ksd666


Should be incase you need assistance on anything, just send me a dm @ksd666

I figured it might help some of you guys to make some bitcoin outta it so lemme get the tutorial done and post it for yall, I’ll expert gratitude/appreciation after you make it 🙏🏿 @ksd666

Coinbase Tut?

20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.