This time I had a chance (still have a chance) to participate in the first stage of the selection process for international Olympiads. Tomorrow is the test day but I decided not to go
I guess:
I am neither optimist nor pessimist
This is because I know my Math level which is nowhere near to the level of international Olympiads. It is not underestimating: it is reality. I have never prepared for the Olympiads this year and I know I would fail for sure this time if i took part in this test. I am not afraid of the failure. I am kinda possibilist (This perspective avoids both blind optimism and destructive pessimism)
I dont want to spend all day, feeling that failure, going to Nukus and spending 4 hours in a car, staring at 5 math problems for 4 hours. Instead, I had better prepare for my upcoming exam. However, this is not the end of my Olympiads journey. There are others coming soon (national ones hahaha)