Kanal geosi va tili: O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
Toifa: Ta’lim

Shunchaki Ingliz tilini biz bilan oson o'rganing 🏂
C1-C2  darajadagi so'zlar 🔥
Speaking uchun qisqartmalar ⛳️
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O‘zbekiston, O‘zbekcha
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🆕Article o'qish orqali Reading ballingizni oshiramiz🚀

🔖Article #1 🔖Article #16
🔖Article #2 🔖Article #17
🔖Article #3           🔖Article #18
🔖Article #4           🔖Article #19
🔖Article #5           🔖Article #20
🔖Article #6           🔖Article #21
🔖Article #7           🔖Article #22
🔖Article #8           🔖Article #23
🔖Article #9           🔖Article #24
🔖Article #10         🔖Article #25
🔖Article #11         🔖Article #26
🔖Article #12         🔖Article #27
🔖Article #13         🔖Article #28
🔖Article #14         🔖Article #29
🔖Article #15         🔖Article #30

❗️Articlelarni faqat kanalga obuna bo'lganlar ko'ra oladi!
⭐️A'zo bo'lish uchun "SUBSCRIBE"ni bosing...

🇬🇧 Hazardous [ C2 - adjective ]
🇺🇿 Zararli | Xavfli | Xatarli

🇬🇧 Definition: ​(of substances, materials, activities, or conditions) dangerous.

🇺🇿 Ta'rif: xavfli | zararli ( moddalar, materiallar, faoliyatlar yoki vaziyatlar )

Example: Britain produces almost five million tonnes of hazardous waste each year.


The sun had set, ____ it was still light outside.
  •   or
  •   so
  •   yet
373 ta ovoz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

📹 Muniba Mazari Inspiring Speech.

⏳ English subtitles


4.3k 0 37 12 182

🇬🇧 Sense [ C2 - verb ]
🇺🇿 his qilmoq | payqamoq | sezmoq

🇬🇧 Definition: to feel or experience something without being able to explain exactly how.

🇺🇿 Ta'rif: aniq ifoda etib berolmasdan his qilmoq yoki boshdan kechirmoq.

Example: Although she said nothing, I could sense her anger.


The reason ____ I was angry was that I had been abused.
  •   why
  •   who
  •   which
1089 ta ovoz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

Throbbing headache
🤕-chidab bo'lmas bosh og'rig'i

Painkillers -og'riqni qoldiruvchi dorilar

ned 😔-judayam charchagan.

Yodlab oling ❤️😉


Billie Eilish - Bellyache

Sittin' all alone
Mouth full of gum
In the driveway
My friends aren't far
In the back of my car
Lay their bodies
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
They'll be here pretty soon
Lookin' through my room for the money
I'm bitin' my nails
I'm too young to go to jail
It's kinda funny
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
Maybe it's in the gutter
Where I left my lover
What an expensive fake
My V is for Vendetta
Thought that I'd feel better
But now I got a bellyache
Everything I do
The way I wear my noose
Like a necklace
I wanna make 'em scared
Like I could be anywhere
Like I'm reckless
I lost my mind
I don't mind
Where's my mind?
Where's my mind?
Maybe it's in the gutter
Where I left my lover
What an expensive fake
My V is for Vendetta
Thought that I'd feel better
But now I got a bellyache
(Bellyache, bellyache, bellyache)
(Bellyache, bellyache, bellyache)
Maybe it's in the gutter
Where I left my lover
What an expensive fake
My V is for Vendetta
Thought that I'd feel better
But now I got a bellyache


7.1k 1 181 3 84

🇬🇧 Undeniable [C1-adjective]
🇺🇿 rad etib bo'lmaydigan | aniq

🇬🇧 Definition: true or certain: that cannot be denied.

🇺🇿 Ta'rif: ma'lum bir fakt yoki vaziyatning dalillari yoki haqiqati shunchalik kuchli va ravshanki, uni rad etib bo'lmaydi.

Example: The impact of music on our emotions is undeniable. It has the power to uplift, inspire, and evoke strong feelings.


Your carpet needs ____ .
  •   cleaning
  •   to clean
  •   clean
1440 ta ovoz

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish

📹 Susan David 2min Ted talk

English subtitles


🇬🇧 renowned [C1-adjective]
🇺🇿 mashhur | dongdor

🇬🇧 Definition: A person or place that is renowned for something, usually something good, is well known because of it.

🇺🇿 Ta'rif: Biror narsa bilan mashhur bo'lgan shaxs yoki joy: ijobiy jihatdan.

Example: The city is renowned for its vibrant nightlife and cultural festivals.


Can you give John this DVD? Sure, __ to him when I meet him this afternoon.
  •   I give
  •   I’ll give it
  •   I gave it
1331 ta ovoz

🇺🇸How I motivate myself to study 😄

🇺🇿Qanday qilib men o'zimni o'qishga motivatsiya beraman?!😄


6.5k 0 71 8 226

Video oldindan ko‘rish uchun mavjud emas
Telegram'da ko‘rish
When you are tired of studying 😭

Are you tired of studying?

Yes 😢
No ❤️‍🔥


6.1k 0 44 12 348

Hozirgi ingliz tili darajangiz qanday?
  •   Endi òrganaman
  •   A1 (beginner)
  •   A2 (elementary)
  •   B1 (intermediate)
  •   B2 (upper-intermediate)
  •   C1 (expert)
2201 ta ovoz

6.1k 0 21 30 69
20 ta oxirgi post ko‘rsatilgan.